Rattle, Rattle


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 10/12/2011 at 06:46 AM   
  1. Sorry to me this was all just a bunch of wag the dog smoke and mirrors dog and pony show DC bs at it’s biggest to help cover that Holder is about to be served by Issa’s committee.

    Iran has been exploiting the peace in Iraq since 2003 - no news at all - absolute dead silence as to whether they are ‘assisting’ the tal-i-ban in Afghanistan.

    But somehow on the very day Issa was suppose to send out that subpoena - color me unexpectedly surprised NOT that a - OMG call out DHS - terror plot was uncovered!

    Oh BTW, it’s coming out that Dear Reader was briefed on this terror plot back in JUNE. Convenient timing from a bunch that lives by the ‘never let a crisis go to waste’ crowd.

    And didn’t the rabid left drill into our heads how evil bushitlerburtonco IGNORED a daily briefing from Aug 6, 2001 - that lead to 9-11?!?  And would we ever, ever learn about this briefing - if the Ambassador had been assassinated? I think not.

    So much for most ethical, most transparent, least corrupt bunch in DC - I just wish someone in power had the guts to work to stop this Administration.

    At least the Senate voted down the slush fund called the Jobs bill - even Dems voted against it.

    Meanwhile - that Gilad Shalit is about to be released after 5 years being held by Hamas - doesn’t seem to register that much in the news at all.

    Talk about propaganda, yellow journalism and pathetic JournOlists - as I said during the early days of OEF/OIF - Leni Riefenstahl would be so proud.

    Oh, damn I can’t apply to ESPN to work after comparing this Administration to the Nazis is not allowed. There goes the first Amendment (which specifically addresses FREE POLITICAL SPEECH).

    Completely OT but Cornel West actually said Herman Cain ‘isn’t the color he actually is.’
    And they have the nerve to call conservatives/Republicans stupid.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   10/12/2011  at  07:38 AM  

  2. Meanwhile Iran continues to stockpile enriched uranium. They only have peaceful uses for this naturally.....

    Posted by LyndonB    United Kingdom   10/12/2011  at  08:55 AM  

  3. I’ve heard some ‘news’ outlets call this ‘an act of war’ - Aren’t these the exact same bunch who laughed down GWB’s proven 1993 assassination attempt against Bush 41? (one of the reasons for OIF) - but now an ambassador assassination plot is an act of war?

    It would be funny - if this bunch wasn’t destroying America and destabilizing the World with all their socialist policies.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   10/13/2011  at  06:46 AM  

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