I Guess They Didn’t Listen


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 10/12/2011 at 07:08 AM   
  1. "What, you mean the same Senator Reid who blocked this wonder bill from being voted on just last week? Yeah, I’m sure he’ll support it like his life depended on it.”

    I guess Reid hasn’t been given the asking price of his vote, yet.

    Posted by Argentium G. Tiger    Canada   10/13/2011  at  06:54 AM  

  2. It isn’t about the slush fund oops Jobs bill - It is about 14 months of painting the Republicans as the destroyers, obstructionists and haters in America. Problem is that they aren’t aware - the very people they are dissing are the ones keeping this pathetic economy going and aren’t buying it.

    Just like OWS - it’s all about the optics - and follow the money.

    And they talk about Republicans being about the money - compared to today’s Liberals/DNC - Republicans are pikers.

    How’s that $340 million doing for your ‘struggle’ against The Man - Mr. Simmons (Who just went down to ‘mingle’ and ‘show support’ to OWS)? And why aren’t the OWS protesting that you pay more taxes and start redistributing some of that wealth around?

    Lying liars telling lies.

    Go back to posting on Huff Po (another wealthy worthless LIBERAL selling out for the big bucks).

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   10/13/2011  at  06:55 AM  

  3. the guys in the picture all look close to retirement age. That could be one reason they’re hanging out at the pub in the afternoon.

    Here where it’s a huge Union (most dead) area - that is the norm - I am shocked at how many middle age men are out during the day grocery shopping, taking care of grandchildren (to include picking them up from school), standing around b*tching to each other - and of course stopping off at the local taverns for a drink.

    One of my local relatives - they are nice people but dumb as a bunch of rocks - all followed Dad into the Union - the oldest is just divorced from his 3rd wife and no big surprise - out of his 3rd Union job - wondering what he’s suppose to do. I had to bite my tongue to feign the proper amount of emo-ness and to keep from saying - hey maybe if he had bothered to study and not go directly from a worthless hs diploma to a Union job - maybe he’d be better off. Maybe.

    ‘Cuz then I see us - college hasn’t done a damn bit of good - but as I said - this area - Union or nothing - and nothing is hiring at all. Hubby just got a $9/hr phone consult job offer - that’s less than he made slinging baggage at the airport 5 years ago. The last military hire fair (other than pilots - it’s an AFB) was almost all fast food!

    I just hope that enough Americans have gotten their fill of how damn useless ‘hope’ and ‘change’ are - and vote for ABO.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   10/13/2011  at  11:26 AM  

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