

Posted by Drew458    United States   on 09/09/2009 at 10:55 AM   
  1. You read Misha’s post.

    Posted by cmblake6    United States   09/10/2009  at  09:09 AM  

  2. No, I visit IBD once a week. I really haven’t posted much about the health care nonsense; it’s just too depressing. It won’t work, it can’t work, it’s Hillary Commie-Care II, it’s anti-American, and so on.

    Government needs to be small and light. IF there is a problem, then examine the situation, then set some reasonable rules. Otherwise go away.

    Ok, I just went over and read his post. 2 out of 3. Not a bad concept. But I don’t like it, because it lets the government in anyway. Kick them the hell out. Period.

    Want 3 out of 3? Here’s how: any insurance provider can sell a policy in any state. Now add in some tort reform: the maximum malpractice award is $5 million, and that is for the horrible death of a minor caused by chainsaw level surgery. Anything less than that is capped at $2.5 million. Non-fatal malpractice that does not result in the patient being crippled or nearly brain dead has a reward cap of $1 million. Drug companies market a drug that has been given FDA approval, and if it later turns out that the drug has dangerous side effects, no lawsuits. FDA approval gets the pharms off the hook. There are other ways to solve this mess or at least make it better, but they should all revolve around more freedom of choice and less government. Life is a risk. Insurance mitigates some of the risk, it does not ELIMINATE ALL OF IT.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   09/10/2009  at  11:34 AM  

  3. I agree with your any insurance can sell in any state - add to that - remove the employer provided - I’m sorry but (yeah I know my husband has lifetime - but he paid with his body - some pay permanently with their bodies) - we got it - call it payback for living in projects and moving every three years. But I think that the job benefit - just mucks up the situation as in small businesses get screwed and then the employee gets screwed in a downturn economy (portability is best).
    I agree with the tort reform you mentioned other than No punitive damage - sorry but there is no amount of money to pay for one of my family members - worth more than any one ever can have - and emos don’t belong in our court system - at all. Limits are good.
    On the Pharma and FDA - it won’t work because they (combined with the AMA) have a real good scam cooked up - Dr X reviews the drug in the NEJM - glowing report on this new whiz bang pink pill that will cure stupidity in a week. Problem is that 1) the 5 - 10 year study was cut by waivers from the FDA to 2 years because damn it all - stupidity needs to be cured now, 2) Dr X is actually a paid ‘consultant’ to Fast Track Drugs - which oh btw - makes the new whiz bang pink pill and 3) not until the lawsuits roll in will it come out that all the side effects (that did not kill) were labeled anecdotal and disgarded - so that not until the trial will it be known that 66% of the ‘testers’ had hearing loss in the first six months. Perhaps if the FDA actually did it’s job and the reviewers weren’t ever, ever allowed to be paid by Big Pharma - we might get a bit closer to real scientific research and development once again.

    But in DC - all of the above is not very damn likely - most especially now - with the most ethical Congress ever and The Won (You Lie) in charge.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   09/10/2009  at  09:47 PM  

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