Discriminattion against Britain’s middle class a top government priority says minister


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 09/09/2009 at 08:27 AM   
  1. I am writing this from the luxury of no longer living in England. What did the dumb, brainless idiots expect when they vote for socialism???? Labour were a disaster in 1945 (except for stalin) they bankrupted the place in the 1960s and 70s and this time they are worse and the cons are little better.I hope the self intrested fools who voted for them are the ones who really suffer. I love the part of Canada where I now live, I love Cornwall and oh boy do I resent being a refugee, even a solvent one, I want to kill socialists, or to call a spade a spade communists as that is what they are really. There is a link on free marker fairy tales it could happen in the USA, it badly needs to happen in England.

    Posted by Chris Edwards    Canada   09/09/2009  at  07:02 PM  

  2. Harriet Hatesmen will possibly be the next Liebour leader when Gordon Brown loses next year or if he is carried out in a straight jacket before then. Rumour has it he is on industrial strength anti-depressants to treat his OCD and has a list of foods he can’t touch. Hopefully someone will offer the fool a big marmite sarnie.

    Labour are on course for annihilation at the next election and Hattie will undoubtedly put her name forward. I really hope so as it would guarantee the end of the socialist trash that has bedevilled Britain for far too long. She is beyond parody. There used to be a number of standing jokes about the lunatic London councils run by clowns like Red Ken Livingstone. The sort of idiots who wanted to ban blackboards and the singing of baa baa black sheep because it offends our ethnic communities. No one took them seriously as they were obviously barking mad. Then Britain voted Bliar into office and people like Hatesmen got their hands on the levers of power. The rest is history. Fortunately time is running out for these bastards and there will be great rejoicing when they are kicked into touch.

    Posted by LyndonB    Canada   09/09/2009  at  09:18 PM  

  3. It’s past time to start some killing. If someone starts, it will continue.

    Posted by cmblake6    United States   09/10/2009  at  09:10 AM  

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