Quote Of The Day


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 10/17/2006 at 09:06 AM   
  1. As long as the meat isn’t loaded down with hormones and carcinogens there is no way you would ever be able to tell if you’re eating a clone or a “natural”. Cloning actually makes a lot of sense here; you can’t tell if an animal is extra tasty until you’ve eaten it, and its usually too late to breed it at that point. (Insert the old joke here about the 3 legged pig who saves the farm family from the burning building)

    Almost all agribusiness products have been genetically tuned for decades to give high yield, fast growth, and enhanced shippability; why not actually tune some for good taste for once?

    Posted by Drew458    United States   10/17/2006  at  10:00 AM  

  2. The problem is no one is looking to the reality that probably the majority of human cancers, a lot of heart disease and diabetes is caused by the fake food too many people are eating right now, blithly believing that it is better for them, real food and that the FDA has approved what goes in, on and through the food.

    Most ‘additives’ haven’t gotten approval but rather are in a ‘zone’ neither disproved nor approved. To me aspertame is the poster child of what is seriously wrong with US food products and the FDA - failed in the 70s as apertame, renamed and sold to the panel as ‘only going in diet products’ it won approval and ends up in just about everything. And the Co. refused to accept any reports of headaches and other side effects as ‘purely anecdotal’ - uh DUH, isn’t that what was supposed to be ascertained during the testing period?

    And even is there a question that all the antibiodics given to animals is part of the problem with our immune systems failing and these super germs?

    But no, it’s food - can’t be a problem there.

    If you drive out and check out a factory farm or check out a egg ‘factory’- it becomes hard to even want to take another bite of meat. Thank goodness I know people who actually farm the old way - a few head of cows, sheep, a chicken here and there and maybe they hunt down a deer or two. When I can see the animals and how they live - I know I have a better chance of getting a decent cut of meat and certainly it is more natural which has to be more healthy.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   10/17/2006  at  03:01 PM  

  3. BTW, that is so bogus - anyone who has ever been around farm animals or the farm industry knows that particularly beef but most hoof food animals - artifical insemination and sperm collection is the #1 money maker.  Get real, they have farmed generations to come by the time they castrate any male. This is just a ploy to foist cloning for a ‘good cause’ onto the ‘stupid masses’ of the world.

    If the damn factory farms and corporate farms would step out of the picture and let the world get back to just plain growing and raising, this crap wouldn’t be necessary. But no we want to let as little land as possible to go into food production and invent these ‘magical’ ways to up the output. A little grass, a little water and free time to be a cow - makes for a damn good steak.

    Take the weird science into some area that really needs it like weapons or space exploration.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   10/17/2006  at  03:08 PM  

  4. Wow, free time to be a cow. And here I thought I was spending mine smartly by catching up on some reading. I’ve been missing out!  LOL

    Posted by Drew458    United States   10/17/2006  at  05:49 PM  

  5. Interesting.

    For my part, I would prefer that they find some way to clone good chefs.  The best cut of steak in the world cannot survive a converted fast-food burger flipper who is still stuck in the “push-it-out-in-ten-seconds” mode.

    And nothing irritates me more than to encounter such clowns in supposedly “upscale” (and certainly damned expensive) restaurants.  In one recent instance, I sent the steak back because it was totally botched, and the replacement was even worse!

    cool mad

    Posted by Tannenberg    United States   10/17/2006  at  08:03 PM  

  6. Maybe, with a bit of creative genetic engineering, they can just grow the tasty meaty parts, and not the whole animal.

    Visualize the “pigless” leg LOL  Then PETA can STFU… zipper

    Posted by Rat Patrol    United States   10/18/2006  at  11:39 AM  

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