Quote Of The Day


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 01/30/2007 at 03:43 PM   
  1. Who is this idiot again? OOOooh, he ran a committee in Congress? Big whup. Hoser.

    Want a real growing Conservative viewpoint? Here:

    The only reason we “lost” Johnson’s War (that Democrat President who did the massive escalation, remember?) in Vietnam was that the Democrat run Congress reneged on the treaty. Our guys never lost a battle, and most of them came home on or before Nixon’s “Peace with Honor”. Then the rug got pulled out from under. By the Dems.

    If things are going badly in Iraq, and I can’t say that they are or aren’t (because I can no longer trust the news to even provide honest reporting, real stories or real pictures) then its because we have not allowed our troops to fight the way they were trained to. You don’t do rebuilding and winning-hearts-and-minds while the fighting is still going on. You don’t go to a war and play policeman. You kill everyone who holds a weapon - gun, bomb, or rock - who is not one of yours. Once you take an area you disarm the populace, and if there is a single act of insurgency you burn the town down. Any other ROE is asinine, especially when the culture you’re fighting regards kindness and mercy as signs of weakness.

    On the homefront you do things that let the people know they’re part of it too. Jack the price of gas up to $5/gallon to raise tax money. Triple the size of the military regardless how big it was before. Commandeer several industries for wartime production, even if you don’t really need too. Close the borders, wave the flag 24-7, prosecute the NYT and Ward Churchill for treason and sedition. Keep it in the front of people’s minds that they are involved. Otherwise they’ll forget, and start feeling that the war isn’t real, isn’t justified cuz 9/11 wasn’t such a big deal, and that the only people who join up are those uneducated losers who can’t get a decent job elsewhere.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   01/30/2007  at  04:31 PM  

  2. We call it the War in Iraq but Iraq has been defeated.  The people were fighting in Iraq now are the same ones who attacked this nation throughout the 1990’s, cumulating with 9/11.  Rather than fight them throughout the world and on the streets of America, President Bush has them in one place...Iraq.  If we don’t defeat them in Iraq, you will be fighting them here on our streets because they are already here.

    Posted by BobF    United States   01/30/2007  at  04:32 PM  

  3. My biggest complaint is WHY in the hell do we blow shit up, and then rebuild it? It is costing us more in “reconstruction” than the war itself. Fuck it, they shouldn’t have made us blow them up in the first place. War is about defeating the enemy, not improving their lives.

    Posted by cmblake6    United States   01/30/2007  at  07:14 PM  

  4. I agree completely with Drew and cmblake6, and I don’t understand why many so-called conservatives choose to ignore the facts.

    Posted by lisar915    United States   01/31/2007  at  10:51 AM  

  5. cmblake6 what we are rebuilding in Iraq is not things the US blew up - it is what Saddams Army and thugs destroyed to either keep it from us, to use against us (using schools and hospitals as weapons depots) and to make the populace pissed off to fight against us.

    We are winning the hearts and minds everywhere except the Sunni triangle (4 provinces which include Baghdad) and that is because they have been lording over Iraqis for 35 years as the jackboot thugs of Saddam and oh btw have been feuding with the Shia since the heir to the Muslim faith issue broke them apart (long before there was an Iraq, Saddam or ‘Bush’s War’). And they do know, in islam retribution is a bitch. Read the milblogs and things aren’t as bad in the whole of Iraq, as the anti-war and msm portray it.

    Now with this surge - we are on the verge of cleaning up this mess once and for all. And also look at the enlistment/re-enlistment figures they have exceeded for almost every single period since 9/11. That says that the Armed forces are not weary, against the misson, against ‘Bush’s War’, feel it is failing or unwinnable.

    But the msm, left, anti-war, liberals and dems don’t want it known that things are going fairly well in President Bush’s GWOT. Geez he just might have a legacy without having to construct it out of thin air and lies.

    And this reconstruction ‘money’ - most is coming from Iraq’s own oil wells - but leave it to the msm to ignore something like the facts. And truth.

    As far as anti-war conservatives - they aren’t conservative any more. More concerned about keeping their place at the money trough and not about America, America’s safety, and American values.

    Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   01/31/2007  at  05:56 PM  

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