Pusher Man


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 06/20/2005 at 09:32 AM   
  1. Pure Popaganda by the Socialists. They want your tax money.  This fight is lead by Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY) and diagnosed mentally ill Tipper Gore.  These two lunatic women go way back.  They suggest that there is a so-called discrimination against depression in the states.  Their battle cry is “mental health parrotty” for all.  Their goal is to make health insurance cost so much that the public will have no option but to Socialize American health care.

    Currently, your private insurance may pay to $8 million dollars for cancer yet only pay for $1,000 for depression, or maybe nothing.  Hillary and Tipper say that this is discrimination.  They suggest that health insurance premiums won’t go up if your private health insurance was mandated to pay as much for depression as they will for cancer, the full $8 million.  This is mathmatically impossible.

    I say there are better options.  I suggest that if your 16 year old daughter is dumped by her boyfriend, yes that is depressing.  However, let’s limit, or cap, mandated depression coverage and medications to $100,000 or maybe $250,000.  If we mandate the full $8 million, you may never get your daughter out of the hospital for years.  If we do limit to $250,000, all depression charges, you daughter will be cured the day the doctors hit the maximum and they will scream: NEXT!  excaim  excaim

    There is no right - Not To Be Depressed. If you are married to Al Gore the odds will be 100% you will be diagnosed with depression, exactly like what has happened to Tipper.  We should reach in and limit Mediaid, Medicare and Federal Employees’ Health insurance programs coverage for depression too.  How much have tax payers spent after all these years on Tipper Gore’s depression medication?  question

    Tipper has a long history of trying to take away the right of free speech.  A great American said, “Tipper Gore is the most dangerous woman in America.” Hillary has a long documented history of trying to Socialize American health care.  These 2 women used to be nothing more than bored Washington house-wifes but now Hillary is a Senator from New York.  Combine that with Screaming Howard Dean, an admitted Socialist who wants Socialized Medicine, and we have a dangerous and unholy alliance.

    Basically, anything Hillary, Dean and Tipper support, you should vote against.

    Posted by Z Woof    United States   06/21/2005  at  08:35 AM  

  2. Fox NewsFlash: Senator Hillary Clinton popularity surges and negatives decline. finger

    Posted by Z Woof    United States   06/21/2005  at  04:30 PM  

  3. Z,

    >If you are married to Al Gore the odds will be 100% you will be diagnosed with depression, <

    You are too funny.  You talk all this straight-laced stuff all the time and slip in the most hilarious one-liners.  Yay!! :}

    Posted by Phoenix    United States   06/21/2005  at  08:39 PM  

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