Pulling The Plug


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 02/01/2007 at 01:12 AM   
  1. Good on you, Skipper!. Maybe one of those “jackAss” demorats would stick those long ears
    in that socket.  angry


    Posted by memoryleak    United States   02/01/2007  at  03:08 AM  

  2. Same for me. Fry the rat bastards. As for the Democrats, burn them with their own history:

    Use their favorite Vietnam allusion against them, only this time tell the story from the right, starting with democrat Kennedy ordering the assassination of Christian, anti-communist South Vietnamese President Ngo Dinh Diem in 1963 (isn’t it interesting how JFK has been painted as the greatest president ever, true American Royalty, yet this son of a gangster was addicted to painkillers, couldn’t keep his pecker in his pants, allowed the USSR to build the Berlin Wall, sold out the western hemisphere with the Cuban Missile Crisis, ordered the assassination of other country’s leaders, and allowed the Castro regime to flourish by pulling the plug on the Bay of Pigs invasion?), through democrat Johnson’s huge troop build-up (35 times more troops compared to when he came into office) and Westmorland’s moronic war strategies, LBJ’s cronyism to the military industrial complex, to a few years later when the democrat controlled Congress reneged on the treaty which allowed South Vietnam to fall. Emphsasize the millions who were murdered in the aftermath, including the Pol Pot horror.

    Pulling the plug on Iraq very well could make it another Vietnam. Woe to any Republican who takes a ride on this ship of fools.

    There is really only one lesson to learn from the Vietnam War: If you ain’t in it to win it, don’t begin it. This applies to strategy, rules of engagement, funding, national will, and government/media perception.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   02/01/2007  at  11:58 AM  

  3. Me too.  Not for nothing do I refer to the Democrat Party as the Party of Treason.

    Posted by MAJ Mike    United States   02/01/2007  at  02:44 PM  

  4. Drew, you are completely right, pulling the plug on Iraq would most likely turn it into another Viet Nam style debacle.  Forget Republican or Democrat.

    I might debate you on some minor bits of the history that you cite, but that would only detract from the more important part of your message (Westmoreland thru Pol Pot).  As you said, “If you ain’t in it to win it, don’t begin it.” For better or worse, we are in Iraq.  We owe it to ourselves, to our troops, to the Iraqi people and the rest of the world in general to properly finish our job there.  That means shutting down Muqtada al Sadr, the death squads, Al Qaeda in Iraq and all the rest.  Shutting down in this context doesn’t mean catch and release, it means kill or otherwise permanently neutralize.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   02/01/2007  at  05:09 PM  

  5. I agree and we just might want to start with shutting down the ‘no WMD, Bush lied’ crap and remind any and all we talk to that Saddam/Iraq signed a conditions of surrender in 1991 and did not abide by it, threw out weapons inspectors and shot at US air craft in the no-fly zone continually from 1991 through 2003 - any one of which was a valid, legal and moral reason to go to war. Not the mention the 17 UN resolutions passed that he also ignored. Top it off with the ‘WMD’ argument was one of 22 reasons listed - note how the other 21 are rarely mentioned?
    Add that in Oct 2002 - the Senate vote for military action in Iraq was 77 to 23 and the House vote was 296 to 133 (3 not voting). Soooooooooooo that comes to 373 congresscritters FOR action in Iraq against 156 AGAINST action in Iraq and 3 too chicken to even state where they were on the issue. . .
    And finally, unlike the commumists who were content to spread over Vietnam and surrounding countries - the islamic extremists/terrorists have declared that they want to establish an Islamic caliphate the World Over. [And wipe Israel from the face of the earth]
    That is the real danger, that we must not let these liberal, progressive, moonbat, left, democrat, whatever et al win the War of Words. As they have no ideas, platforms, morals or real beliefs - just get elected is their only belief or value. And it will lead to the destruction of the US if we don’t stop it.
    Thank God President Bush has continued (despite the smears, lies and distortions thrown at him hourly) to stand by his convictions. We now need to stand up and make our Representatives stand with him. There are facts, truths and rational discourse out there to stop them and we must insist our political leaders stand up and use them.
    Now before it is too late for America - and the World.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   02/02/2007  at  11:25 AM  

  6. Mama, I fear that facts and rational discourse are last things most of our political leaders and members of the media want to deal with.  Although, a fairly bright guy once told me that:  “If you speak the truth long enough, your word becomes law.” I just hope he’s right.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   02/02/2007  at  05:32 PM  

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