Police allowed to take Hallowe’en and summer solstice off work. This doesn’t surprise you, does it ?


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 07/17/2009 at 08:44 AM   
  1. Parents should always be able to pull their kids out of school when they find their kids being taught material they object to, so long as they’re willing to realize the kid may get a lower mark, or fail a subject as a result, and may have to look at alternatives to fill in the gaps.

    On the subject of alternate holidays for different religions:

    Alternate religious holiday days can be a benefit to an employer if handled intelligently:  So long as the fixed number of holidays is adhered to across the board, you end up with a better spread of people off vs. people working.  When religion “A” has a holiday, those of religions “B” though “E” can be expected to cover it without overtime.  Obviously payroll systems have to be modified to allow for different sets of holidays for different employees, but that’s doable. 

    You also end up with higher morale in the staff when there’s no conflict about getting an alternate set of holidays.  It’s a change from how things were done when we were growing up, yes, but handled correctly, this can be a win all around.

    As to the suggested scenario about neo-nazis wanting April 20th off:  Give it to them.  The workplace doesn’t need that disruptive crap anyway.  I’m sure more than a few people might want to take April 30th off as well, in response to those who might want to take the 20th off. 

    For those who don’t remember, April 30:  Bunker + crying 2 + gun = skull


    Posted by Argentium G. Tiger    Canada   07/18/2009  at  07:09 AM  

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