Pink Slip


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 04/12/2006 at 04:11 AM   
  1. Too bad, so sad. NOT!

    When you’re an illegal you have few ‘rights’ with the US government.  When your employer knows that you’re an illegal he can get rid of you whenever he wants to.  You’re expendable and replaceable.

    Posted by Kirk    United States   04/12/2006  at  06:02 AM  

  2. Round ‘em up, send ‘em back… As the old saying goes “You don’t have to go home, you just can’t stay here.
    Adios, pendejos, adalante.

    Of course, Teddy “Fatboy” Kennedy, John “Swiftboat” Kerry, G.W (Guest Worker)Bush and John McCain are all in full support of these so-called “temporary guest workers”.
    They’re “temporary”, just like those so-called “temporary taxes”.  Then never go away, they only increase.

    Posted by Rat Patrol    United States   04/12/2006  at  06:53 AM  

  3. If they want to have a job where they can skip work to protest and not be fired, these folks should immigrate to France.  That’s how it’s done there.

    If some are admitted illegals, why are they still out free and not on their way back to the nearest deportation facility?

    Posted by MAJ Mike    United States   04/12/2006  at  07:16 AM  

  4. Well, you know that it’ll come out that these (sarcasm--->) poor ladies weren’t given the letter from the supervisor, en Espanol, so therefore they weren’t properly informed about the possibility of being fired for attending the protest.

    Just wait for it.  rolleyes

    Posted by shinjinrui    United States   04/12/2006  at  08:39 AM  

  5. I guess that means they’ll go back to their old “job” of making more babies.

    Posted by Macker    United States   04/12/2006  at  08:44 AM  

  6. Future Dumbocrat voters; well… actually maybe current Dumbocrat voters.

    Posted by dick    United States   04/12/2006  at  08:57 AM  

  7. >hey were fired “for standing up for their rights,"<

    Excuse me - they are committing a CRIME for being in America illegally and they are not US Citizens



    Posted by wardmama4    United States   04/12/2006  at  09:31 AM  

  8. Okay, so pretend that I am a poor worker living in Mexico.  My children are starving and I cannot feed them.  I either have to turn to a life of crime in Mexico or cross the border (also a crime) and work to support them.  (I am just trying to get my head around this.  Is it really as bad as the MSM would have you believe that they have to cross the border or watch their children starve?)

    I would choose to cross the border and if any of you were in that scenario (crackpot a scenario as it might be) we would all choose the same thing.

    The deal is though, I would NEVER NEVER NEVER EVER attend a rally like this.  I would keep my head down, STFU and do my @#$%#$% job!  And I would be thankful for it.  I would never flaunt the fact that I had broken the law and had some divine right to do so.  I think most of us (possibly quite a few less since 9/11) would be much more content to look the other way if I were the illegal just doing my job and collecting my check.  I could be wrong.  But, I think we are a compassionate people.  It doesn’t make it right, but it at least makes it understandable under those circumstances.  But, seriously, they need TO BE TOLD that if they miss work they lose their job?  Ugh.  Go back home and shame on us for not sending you there yet.

    Also, if they were to put these kinds of protests on in Mexico, methinks maybe they could affect a really GOOOOOD social change and I would support them.  Protest IN MEXICO about the corruption and the piss poor economy IN MEXICO and really change the world for millions for the better.  Quit cheapening what a real immigrant (you know the legal ones that invested their lives and their honor and their time to do it the right way - the ones I am proud to have in with me in American) means.

    Posted by Beccayinn    United States   04/12/2006  at  11:19 AM  

  9. Does this give anyone an idea of what a Wetbgacks Union would look like in American politics? Boot these assholes out of the country NOW!

    Posted by markmc    United States   04/12/2006  at  11:43 AM  

  10. I’m all for that MMc, but how are we gonna do it? 12 million or more are currently illegal, another 15 million are post-illegal from Reagan’s bill yet many are still not citizens, and that’s just the ones from Mexico ... notice how everyone is ignoring the illegal Chinese situation? Bet on it: 4 out of 5 Chinese immigrants are not here legally. And they are here in their millions. Lots of illegal Russians here too, and Brazilians, etc.

    We are overrun. This is our very last chance to fight back. But we need a plan that can work - and the government is NOT capable of making such a plan.

    So, can BMEWS readers do it? It should be all common sense, and we’re about as common as it gets!

    I’ll start, and toss out the obvious ones:
    - Build a wall along the Mexican border, and probably 100 or so miles east of it.
    - Use the Army, the National Guard, and the INS to guard the border.
    - Immigration law reform NOW. No more than 100,000 legal immigrants from all of Central and South America per year.
    - All police and citizens are enabled to enforce these laws. (actually, we’ve always been enabled, it’s just that most of us don’t make the effort)
    - SCOTUS needs to reinterpert that clause in the Constitution that says that if you’re born here you are a citizen to mean that it applies only to people whose parents are citizens or are ALREADY involved in the legal process of becoming citizens.
    - Significant fines levied against any and every business that employees illegals past some given date (ie today). This will require a really large and secure database of the citizens. Don’t go all Big Brother Stealing Freedom!! about it because several already exist, eg Social Security. Time to get coding.
    - Major amounts of infastructure will be needed to transport these people. Buses, trains, ships and planes. They will need feeding, cleaning, and health care along the way. It is not impossible to round up and remove 20 million people. The Nazis did it on a smaller scale 60 years ago with less technology. NOBODY is allowed to use that example, EVER. Surely we can do it better?

    Ok, that’s all I have time for. Oh, will it need a name, like “War on Drugs”, “War on Terror”? I don’t think so. Just do it. Last thought: I’d cancel the H1-B visa plan too, and send those folks home, even if they’re brought back a few years from now. Sorry, but its time to clean house.

    Plans people. And honest debate. You can’t leave this all up to John McCain.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   04/12/2006  at  01:14 PM  

  11. Finding them - heck this week just go to the rallies. According to all these ‘humane’ politicos - they pay taxes, which would have there SSN and address (Yeah, right).
    Try schools, prisons. We can start there and then keep going. Take it a bite at a time. But keep going forward.

    Yes I agree, recently I saw a figure that 85% of illegals are Mexican, so the numbers add up. As I said, a bite at a time. My issue is ILLEGALS not immigration (nor the particular race and/or color of the immigrant).

    I agree with being born here - which since pregnancy is not a life or death medical issue - you can justify refusing admission to a hospital to help rectify the ‘automatic’ citizen status. But I agree that it does need at least modification, if not complete reversal.

    Come on people - where is the ACLU, Unions, Welfare, SS receivers ALL whose program of choice is being demeaned, diminished and drained by Illegals? [I know, I know, Uncle Sugar has the biggest pocketbook in the World, they will just up the taxes of the real Americans to fund it - can’t wait for their surprise when the real Americans stop the flowing $$$$$$$$$]

    Just disgusting that our ‘Do Nothing’ Congress has once again done nothing.  And of course they see us as so darn stupid that we will forget this problem by the time they come back from Easter break.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   04/12/2006  at  02:53 PM  

  12. I just find this whole situation nauseating.
    Back in 2004, Austin was noted as the most hispanic friendly city in Texas.
    Someone forgot to close the gate behind them.
    These people are criminals that are screaming about their rights!
    Kinda sounds like our prisons a while back.
    You know, the issues that gave our prisoners the right to sit on their asses and watch cable television, the right to weight rooms, access to the law libraries so they could file repetetive bogus lawsuits, just to clog up the legal system?
    In my job, I regularly have to deal with illegal immigrants.
    I could be relieved of my position for voicing these opinions.
    In this PC world, the average citizen is a crminal for standing up and recognizing what is really going on.
    I have no beef with the immigrants that have gone through the process of actually becoming legal citizens.
    For those that have followed the letter of the law:

    Welcome new friends and fellow countrymen!

    For those that are a part of the creeping brown wave that is threatening our country, by demanding equal treatment and equal rights as American Citizens - GO HOME!

    Thank you BMEWS for giving me a place to vent.


    Posted by Melissa in Texas    United States   04/12/2006  at  07:04 PM  

  13. My yard has been well maintained in spite of all the protests.

    Posted by Yellow Dog    United States   04/12/2006  at  07:04 PM  

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