pervert the language and soon the acts of killers become benign


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 09/24/2013 at 12:22 PM   
  1. And I bet you all thought only Pravda was capable of manipulating truth on such a widespread basis.
    Welcome to the 21st century.
    uk_flag  shit  gun

    Posted by Rich K    United States   09/25/2013  at  04:49 AM  

  2. Bullshit.

    They killed people in the name of their religion, and for no other reason. Reports early on said that they let the muslims go, only wanting to kill Christians. So their murders - NOT their “militant violent protest actions”, but pure premeditated MURDERS - were religiously oriented, exclusively. Since pisslam is a belief in a political structure as well as some form of god, that makes killing in is-lame’s name an act of asymmetrical warfare on behalf of a political system WITHOUT recognized government sanction or uniforms. In every way, shape, and form, it is the DEFINITION of terrorism.

    Can I make that plainer? Let me try:

    And anyone who tries to soften or negate this simple truth is a sniveling, dishonest, self-hating, coward. Who ought to be shot, or at least fired from a position at the BBC.

    Fire the whole damn Beeb staff and start over, assuming you can find 6 centrists in all of the UK. I bet you can’t. Not real ones. So try for 6 honest reporters at any rate. It’s time the UK got out their pitchforks and torches and stormed the castles. Media, then government.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   09/25/2013  at  06:33 AM  

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