“Peace” Imam Calls for Extermination of Jews.  Right, a moderate muslim of peace.


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 04/20/2009 at 12:21 PM   
  1. Usually, I have a pretty live and let live attitude about most things and people.  There is one exception.  In the time I’ve been making comments here, I have said positive things about exactly 2 Moslems.  Two Moslems who because of their specific personal acts showed themselves to be decent human beings.

    For the rest of the Islamic world, I have been somewhat less kind.  This is why.

    I will live in peace with anyone who will live in peace with me.  These guys won’t live in peace with me, they want to kill me because I’m a Jew. 

    Trust me, no one understands the meaning of the words “Never Again” in the bottom of their gut the way a Jew can.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   04/20/2009  at  04:32 PM  

  2. What. Did. You. Fucking. EXPECT?!?! It is within their own “holy book”. Anyone, ANYONE, who proclaims pisslam as their religion holds within them the seed of their own destruction. Reject that “religion”, that satanic cult, or expect to die. This is beyond insanity.

    Posted by cmblake6    United States   04/20/2009  at  10:21 PM  

  3. Not only is this in their holy book, but a critical difference between Islam and Christianity is that Muslims view the words in the Qu’ran as being the direct word of God; marching orders, if you will.  They’re not open to interpretation. 

    Oh the other hand, Christians view the Bible as the inspired word of God - passed down by God through men which means through their interpretation, knowledge, wisdom, and experiences.  Because it is interpreted, it is also interpretable.  This gives the religion room to grow and mature.

    Islam can’t grow past the warring tribal 7th century mindset.  It can’t have its renaissance to lay down the swords of the past, and become something better like Christianity did, and anything different than Islam must be subjugated or destroyed.  The Qu’ran can’t even be translated out of the original Arabic according to its followers.

    The further along in progress the rest of the world gets, the more out of step its reality is with the 7th century, and the more the followers of Islam have to try to warp the reality around them to try to emulate what the “direct words of God” want.  Is it any wonder a bunch of them have gone effectively insane?  Short of complete dominance over the entire world, reality will never match what they want.

    Posted by Argentium G. Tiger    Canada   04/21/2009  at  06:20 AM  

  4. Ok - for a laugh (God must love the current insanity raining down (or is that around) on the US) read about a muslim attempting to make a movie about Lincoln being a muslim - yepper you read that right. Seems according to this guy, according to the Koran (Qu’ran) that everyone is born muslim thus must ‘chose’ to walk away from it. . .hmm, wonder why he is not getting any funding for this hidden gem of wisdom and enlightenment. [for your reading enjoyment - ] Anyway, to me, the real ROTFLMYAO line is

    In that Abraham Lincoln was not only a born Muslim but he chose to live by Islamic edicts like abolishing organized slavery

    Yuckers abound (as in aren’t the muslims the biggest slavers currently in Africa? which is why Africa is still to this day the biggest problem with/of slavery? Or do I read the facts and statistics wrong?

    However, I come here with a grin about what happened - as you all know that very ‘Peace’conference (UN) that Ahmadinejad insulted (and apparently ruined) with his anti-Israel rants made the news yesterday. Meanwhile, in sunny (I hope) San Francisco my daughter and other college age students are gathered for a Mock UN. Alas - she was assigned Iran. So headscarf in place, she stood up to speak and went off on the creators of the Mock UN for requiring the students (who are told to do research to ‘be’ and ‘act’ like the very representatives of the countries they are portraying) to abide by certain rules (in this case the guys are to wear ties at all times and the girls are ‘discouraged’ from wearing headscarfs) - she then proceeded to walk out (as did her delegation) of the Mock UN meeting. I did not know she had it in her. Typical though - lets ‘pretend’ but not quite enough to show the truth - our No Child Left Behind Educational System at work.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   04/21/2009  at  08:12 AM  

  5. Wardmama4:  Buddy’s displaying such an obvious failure of logic that it’s amazing anyone can respect these clowns’ arguments.

    A has property X (Lincoln was anti-slavery)
    B has property X (Muslims are anti-slavery)

    Therefor, A must be equal to B!  (Lincoln was a Muslim)

    What complete and utter horse-shit.

    As for your daughter:  A good start. Perhaps next time she’ll pull a “MEMRI” on them and launch off with the actual views of the country she represents, shocking them all into silence.  smile Oh, you didn’t want to hear what the country I represent actually believes?  Well then, you shouldn’t have set this up.  *bwahaha*

    Posted by Argentium G. Tiger    Canada   04/21/2009  at  09:19 AM  

  6. "buy the kebab, i have free sauce, i will not be out done by mc D we have freash salad,
    no wind after, ime trying to think of a catchy tune fuck you “ LOL

    Posted by bulldog    United Kingdom   04/21/2009  at  02:27 PM  

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