PC Will Be The Death Of US Military


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 09/12/2014 at 11:12 AM   
  1. So I guess Martin Luther King was WRONG. It IS all about the color of our skin. Thanks for correcting our misguided thinking U.S. Army sociologists.
    mad  finger

    Posted by Rich K    United States   09/12/2014  at  03:25 PM  

  2. Obama Administration is turning the military (what’s left of it) into a social experiment - not a good idea considering what dangerous crap is going on in the Middle East.

    Like Carter - he is going to leave a disaster that needs a real adult man to take care of. I (sadly) don’t see one of those currently in the GOP. We know Mrs. Palin has experience in hunting down and killing beasts.

    But the liberals are busy doing their best to continue to destroy her on every level conceivable.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   09/12/2014  at  04:20 PM  

  3. The Armed Forces have been doing the ‘counting’ since the debacle known as Vietnam - everything - and I mean everything is politicized and turned into a social experiment by the Dems/Left/Progressives - whatever it is that they are calling themselves this week.

    The population/proportion of ‘minorities’ is probably falling - since now they can get their housing, food, cell phones and of course their healthcare for free and without working a day.

    BTW, I finally figured out why the big o changed the Lifeline program to cell phones - for a long time I thought it was to up the ‘need’ for increasing taxes (more Spending) - but now the Feds have an easy, peasy way to track people.

    Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.

    The tragedy is that they take all of us innocents with us - or we have to risk our lives to clean up their stupidity.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   09/13/2014  at  08:19 AM  

  4. As stated above, ten percent is pretty darn near the population average of blacks in is this really a problem?

    There are only two ways to correct this.  Make black soldiers want to become officers and appeal to them to show the initiative and know how that is required to become an officer.  Or two, lower or ignore the current standards in place that are required to be met in order to become an officer. 

    If I am missing any other way to achieve this, please let me know.  That being said, what is the proposed solution?  Either blacks work harder or we dumb down the standards.  And again as stated above, lowering the standards does not make a better officer or a better military.  So who do we put pressure on?  Blacks to become officers, or the military to lower their standards?  One makes peoples work hard and strive for a positive outcome, the other destroys a proud history of our American military.  Which one do they want?

    Posted by sdkar    United States   09/15/2014  at  09:54 AM  

  5. Remember when we had an army/militia that believed in America and what it stood for.
    Ya, hard to put these two groups in the same sack but somehow they are,even 200 years later:

    Posted by Rich K    United States   09/16/2014  at  04:49 PM  

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