Parents to be fined if they take their children out of sex lessons. It’s de law.


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 11/06/2009 at 01:06 PM   
  1. And exactly why is this the state’s perogative to teach non-academic information like this to students, and where the hell does the state get off fining parents who refuse to give up control over that area of education?

    Meanwhile, if a member of the Religion of Peace were to make a not-so-subtle-threat about what would happen if their children were exposed to information like this, the schools would be falling all OVER themselves to be accommodating, understanding, and “tolerant”.


    Posted by Argentium G. Tiger    Canada   11/06/2009  at  06:53 PM  

  2. How did the human race manage to reproduce without government sex ed?

    Example: I never had ‘sex ed’. At least, not any ‘government sex ed.’ I learned it the normal way; in the back seat of my parents car at the drive-in. Believe me, I’ve fond memories of my ‘teachers’.

    But my younger sisters did have ‘Government sex ed’.

    Result? One lesbian sister who still managed to make a living as a prostitute, and had a bastard child.

    The other sister realized how stupid that was, and got married too young. Fortunately, her marriage has survived, even though he and she are of different faiths. A ‘mixed’ marriage, as Bill Cosby would say. I’ll refrain from commenting on HER children, one of whom is on her second marriage at age 20.

    Personally, I had the better sex education. I’ve managed to keep things ‘buttoned up’ and not produce any bastards. And I’m still on my first, and only, marriage.

    Sex ed only results in more illicit sex. More teen pregnancies, more single mothers, more poor households, and, most importantly, more ‘fatherless’ children.

    Posted by Christopher    United States   11/06/2009  at  07:56 PM  

  3. Most don’t even know, but Federal law prohibits parental-notification of abortions.

    They will take your daughter out of school, give her an abortion, and have her back in time to catch the school-bus ride home.

    “How was school today, Honey?”

    This happened in a town ~30 miles from me, to a family in my Father’s church:

    Girl wasn’t feeling well, and went to bed early.
    Parents - when she didn’t come down as usual in the morning - went to her room and found her in a coma, burning up with a fever over 105.  They called an ambulance, who took her to the hospital.

    After a while, the Doctor came out and asked the parents “when did she have the abortion?”

    The WHAT?!!!

    Yes, really.  The Father called the school, called the “clinic”—noone would talk to him, all cited “Federal Law” as protection—EVEN AS THE CHILD LAY IN A COMA as a result of the massive infection they’d caused.

    The bills nearly bankrupted his family, and he had no legal recourse—they were all protected.

    I looked the “counselor” at my daughter’s school RIGHT IN HIS FACE and told him “JUST so we understand one-another, You’d better make sure everyone understands:  They need not worry about ‘Federal law’ when it comes to my daughters—you’d all better be worried about ME.

    G*d help you if something happens to her - the law be damned.  Some things would be worth the prison-time, this is without question one of them.  Oh, and if you think this is some sort of ‘threat’ - YOU’RE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT.

    Not that it would ever be a problem with my kid, but I wanted those SOBs to know.

    If I was that girl’s father, I’d still be in prison - and the people responsible would beg for the sweet release of death.

    This is your “America” people—your tax-dollars at work!

    God help us…

    Posted by Dedicated_dad    United States   11/10/2009  at  09:52 PM  

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