Our Political Trajectory


A broad look at current, domestic, U.S. Political Trajectory Ideas?

Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   on 09/17/2014 at 04:37 PM   
  1. Welcome aboard Doc. I knew you’d put something up eventually.

    You’re on top of most of the big news stories most of the time, so you’re the kind of guy who probably has good insights.

    Personally, assuming the Tea Party doesn’t start a civil war, highly unlikely, I don’t think the heavy hand of government is going to back off here until islam has shot its bolt.

    Unfortunately, that’s a 20-30 year window, at least according to Steyn’s demographic/population growth thesis. IIRC, he said that if they don’t take over the world in the next 20-30 years, they’ll wither and go “back burner” for another 1000. One can only hope, but that’s most of the rest of my life.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   09/18/2014  at  07:35 AM  

  2. I agree with - that this has been going on for a long time - which means both parties have been complicit for a very long time.

    I remember (the light bulb moment) while living in CA and exposing myself to people I’d never ever even seen before, much less conversed with - it was much more than eating granola and recycling. It opened my mind to reality. It was when I found out that the taxpayers were paying for a wool factory (WWI) and a helium factory (WWII) - and this was the 70s.

    And that is part of the reason we are 17 trillion in debt - there is no sunset, there is no check and balance on redundancy and these call it what you will - pork, earmark, donor reward - continue forever. Probably most of the money is funneled between the politicians wallets and their prime donors/corps bank accounts.

    And now the Congresscritters and DC insiders are just pointing fingers and pulling out the most egregious (and usually disingenuous) examples of their opponents in the run up to elections to gin up the radical fringe element in an attempt to win the election.

    Meanwhile the Election Fraud, mindless and completely unnecessary spending, and hiking of taxation goes on and on and on. Nothing of merit is done. Unless it is to take more and more Rights and Freedom from the sheeple.

    And the real trick is that they pass these Freedom and Rights destructive legislation - in a specific and limited position - and 10 or 20 years down the road - a more radical version of themselves - escalate it beyond belief. My current fav example is Lifeline program passed in the Reagan years (please don’t ever forget - the Dems controlled the House and the Senate during these years - which begs the question - would a Presidential Veto stand) - which was intended to give the poor elderly a landline phone for access to the outside world/assistance. In 2012 - the Obama Administration expanded it to our now infamous Obamaphones.

    And the ‘opposition’ party has become complicit simply in their continued acts of omission - not even verbally fighting back - much less actually doing a damn thing.

    Drew - one of the problems the ME islamics have is the inbreeding. Even Saudi Arabia has a serious problem with the effects of continued inbreeding. It’s what took the Royalty out of staying away from commoners that forced intra family marriages all those centuries ago. It is one of the weaknesses of inclusive societies (see current China for a bad example of gov butting into the breeding of it’s people and unintended consequences)

    Dr. Jeff - nice to see you posting.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   09/18/2014  at  11:30 AM  

  3. Do you not know that Holder was hired Specifically to make sure NO ONE would ever get anything on Captain Fail and any of his sycophants?
    Same thing Clinton did when he hired Janet Reno,,,COVER.

    Posted by Rich K    United States   09/18/2014  at  12:12 PM  

  4. I don’t have a solution, but I do share your fears for what is going on. In Britain we have had the scandal of 1400 children in Rotherham raped by thousands of turd world savages. The whole sickening scandal was swept under the carpet by the same kind of scum that allowed your President a free pass on allowing a US ambassador to be murdered in cold blood by followers of the same “peaceful” religion.

    We now have numerous examples of these people hijacking elections in such places as Tower Hamlets. Google Lutfer Rahman if you want to read about how Britain is being Balkanised. The part that really troubles me though is that countries like Sweden and Norway who had no history of empire now have their own no go areas where muslims run the show. Who asked the people of Norway and Sweden if they wanted this foisted on them?

    In Britain we have a fake “charity” called Commom Purpose. They have infiltrated the judiciary, the teaching profession, the police and all levels of government. These self same goons are the ones that swept Rotherham (and there are several more like that) under the carpet.

    In the 1980’s when we had Maggie Thatcher in charge we used to laugh at the “loony left” They hijacked local authorities and came out with all kinds of nonsense. You can easily spot an ex loony left council by the number of Che Guevara streets and Nelson Mandela community centres. They got a kicking under Thatcher and seemed to disappear, but these dirtbags didn’t go away. They cleaned up their act and in Britain came back as Tony Blair and his followers and brought in such outrages as the Human Rights Act, they also allowed hundreds of thousands of immigrants in in order as they now freely admit “to rub the rights nose in diversity”. We are now experiencing what this really means in Rotherham et al.

    In the US you had Bill Clinton and now Obama. As the numbers of immigrants and welfare junkies escalates you get to the point where you will never be able to elect a government who will turn off the welfare spigot. Having read Mark Steyn’s “After America” I remain deeply pessimistic about the future.

    Glad you are posting Doc you always make excellent points in your posts.

    Posted by LyndonB    United Kingdom   09/18/2014  at  12:29 PM  

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