On This Day In History


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 08/06/2005 at 08:02 AM   
  1. There was nothing “innocent” about Hitler or the Japs in WW2.  They got what they deserved.  That’s why we’re writing this in English, you included… bonehead!

    Posted by toast    United States   08/06/2005  at  09:10 AM  

  2. “THEY should be the leaders of all waring[sic] countries and not innocent civilians… bonehead.”

    Oh, I get it. Hitler was the only Nazi in Germany, and Hirohito the only Jap in Japan.  Everybody else was innocent, and gets a pass.  And so, WW2 was unnecessary.  Kumbayaaa…
    You sound like the ex-Presidunce himself, Jimmy Carter, when he said,"In some ways, the Revolutionary War could have been avoided.  It was an unnecessary war.
    Had the British been a little more sensitive to the colonials’ really legitimate complaints and requests, the war could have been avoided completely, and of course, now we would have been a free country now, as is Canada and India and Australia--- having gotten independence in a non-violent way.”
    Tell it to George Washington.

    Posted by toast    United States   08/06/2005  at  09:54 AM  

  3. Yes, but how many people would have died had they NOT dropped the bombs and the war dragged on for a few more years? One estimate I read projected up to 2 million.

    My grandfather was serving in the European theater during WWII. He was about to be sent to the Pacific when it was put to an abrupt end by the bombs.

    At least his life was spared and I’m here today.  smile

    Posted by CharmingBarracuda    United States   08/06/2005  at  12:09 PM  

  4. Whew… OLDCATMAN--- what’s with all the question marks and exclamations?  Calm down.  I can almost hear you screaming at me through my screen.
    Okay, I apologize for calling you bonehead.  It was not warranted.  And yes, war sucks. But sometimes it has to be fought.
    That said, the Nazi and Japanese populations were not innocent.  They were not victims.  They propped up their governments.  We were attacked at Pearl Harbor.  There were rumors, near the end of the war, that 10,000 suicide bombers were ready to go just before Hiroshima.  And nobody can convince me that the German people didn’t smell the smoke coming from 6 million Jews being exterminated in the concentration camps.

    Posted by toast    United States   08/06/2005  at  06:28 PM  

  5. and the six million non-Jews who also died in the concentration camps, toast. They killed twelve million people in those camps. Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, unionists, communists, political enemies, “mentally unfit”, resisters, those who helped others evade the camps and anybody in the occupied countries who didn’t have a job. The late Pope would have ended up in one of the death camps had he not had a job in a quarry. “Never Forget” seems to have already forgotten half the people who died.

    As to Japan: “Many more Japanese died in the hell-hole of Okinawa than in the nuclear blast of Hiroshima. More were killed in the battle of Leyte Gulf than in the explosion at Nagasaki.” Quote from NoPasaran

    They also point out that we only had two bombs and that after the first one the Japanese just kept fighting harder, it took the 2nd drop on Nagasaki to convince them that we were serious or gave them reason to believe that we could keep dropping them. This negates the suggestion that we should have dropped one on an offshore deserted island as a demonstration.

    Harry Truman did the right thing. He also did the right thing when he refused McArthur’s request to drop A-bombs in Korea when the Chinese got into the act. At least, I think it was the right thing.

    Posted by StinKerr    United States   08/07/2005  at  04:01 AM  

  6. I know that those “innocent Germans” were bombing my family in Scotland.

    The bleeding hearts beat their breasts about the Dresden raids but never mention Coventry. They moan about Hamburg but don’t even know where Clydebank is. Yeah, nobody here ever head of it either, right? How about some mention of the innocent Brits who were the targets of nightly bombing raids or the Londoners who spent their nights in the underground stations?

    They forget who started the whole thing and who started bombing cities in the first place. The Germans even bombed a Dutch city after Holland had surrendered just to show ‘em what would have happened if they hadn’t surrendered. Save your sympathy for the deserving.

    Here’s someone who ‘gets it’.

    We won’t mention that the unmanned weapons were built and deployed with the liberal (pardon the term) use of slave labor. Oops, I guess I just did.  cheese

    Posted by StinKerr    United States   08/07/2005  at  01:05 PM  

  7. Stinkerr,
    That was a great link.  BTW, I never knew about the Dutch city being bombed. 
    Gotta go out now and pick up my ‘wee-wee’kly Viagra supply…
    cool smile

    Posted by toast    United States   08/07/2005  at  01:27 PM  

  8. On review, I find that I have mis-stated the facts. It turns out that Rotterdam was bombed after the city itself had surrendered. This led to the subsequent surrender of the Dutch army. Apologies for mis-stating the facts. I hate when I do that. Link

    Posted by StinKerr    United States   08/07/2005  at  01:49 PM  

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