oh look. the sky is falling again. muslim family offended. again.


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 09/16/2013 at 11:09 AM   
  1. There’s another point to be made here, on top of Mr. Kahn seemingly assuming that everyone in the country knows that muslims are prohibited from drinking alcohol. Kahn is also assuming that the store manager would somehow know (over the phone, no less) that Kahn and his family were muslims, which would require (shock, horror, & dismay) RACIAL PROFILING!!1!111!!one! OH NOES! Imagine this happening in the US:

    Arab-sounding man, on phone: Your cheese counter gave me something with meat in it! This is not halal!
    Store manager: Normally, I would give champagne in response to such a complaint, but you sound muslim, so how about some fresh felafel?
    A-S-M: Infidel! Now I sue for racial profiling and discrimination!

    ...time passes…

    PC Police droid, in store, leading government SWAT team: Mr. store manager, you are under arrest for racial profiling and discrimination, because you didn’t offer champagne to a muslim customer. Your store will be shut down and all employees terminated. Oh, and because we found a legal gun in your desk drawer, you will have an additional “gun crimes” charge on you. You’ll spend decades in a federal “pound you in the ass” prison.

    We can’t win.

    Posted by Red Five    United States   09/16/2013  at  12:27 PM  

  2. > Mr Khan and his wife Nadia, 29, of Canton, Cardiff, said he will never shop at Morrisons again after the humiliating blunder.

    Best news from the story, I’m sure Morrisons won’t miss this guy’s business at all.  Give him a refund and send him on his way, with no reaction or response to the rest of it…

    Well, maybe a big special on pork and alcohol next week, that’d send the proper message.

    Posted by Argentium G. Tiger    Canada   09/16/2013  at  12:28 PM  

  3. Most Saudies I knew were very good about consuming little to none but the Al-Thani clan from Qatar,Hooboy do those guys throw down scotch.I could have bathed in Johnny Walker back in the day with the cases they had in the apartment.Not really a fan of that shit though. Oh Well, here’s to ya.

    Posted by Rich K    United States   09/16/2013  at  07:17 PM  

  4. Interesting thing Mr. Kahn (aka Rug Head Dip Shit) had to say:

    It is ridiculous and ignorant....

    As a recent (I assume) arrival to England, I wonder if he was so ignorant of the customs of his host country that he didn’t realize that the shop was making him a very decent offer of apology by THE ENGLISH CULTURE OF THE COMPANY.

    Obviously Mr. Kahn is ignorant of English customs and has no respect for them, otherwise his first reaction wouldn’t be righteous indignation over a non existent insult.

    In the spirit of reciprocity, I really think Mr. Kahn should be offered the opportunity to become a Christian for his apology. 

    Otherwise.....doesn’t England have an assortment of laws pertaining to anti social and religiously biased acts.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   09/16/2013  at  10:09 PM  

  5. Well said all of you.
    I really believe this country is compromising its culture away.  I doubt anyone would argue with that based on the sort of posts I’ve done here over the years.  Good grief. It has been years, and sorry to say I haven’t seen thing improve much. And the muslims always seem to be offended over something. It never takes a lot. Of course, I also believe much of it is feigned.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   09/17/2013  at  06:08 AM  

  6. Put a drop of lard and a drop of alcohol in every food item in the UK and advertise the fact.  Make it a law even.  Have some fun.

    Posted by grayjohn    United States   09/17/2013  at  07:11 AM  

  7. Whoa - you have two muslims - does not say when (or if) they immigrated to the UK - complaining about the contents of a product that the (obviously) cheap slime bought without really reading the ingredients. Big news folks - what happened is Mrs. POROP’s fault. And I speak from personal experience - my daughter is deathly (anaphylatic reaction - Epi-Pen in hand type) allergic to carrageenan - which is touted as ‘natural’ and used to stabilize drinks, puddings and such - explain to me why gelatin which has been around forever and doesn’t cause problems [Seafood and shellfish are the most serious allergic reactions going - right up there with peanuts - so something made of seaweed - isn’t the least bit suspect] was put out to pasture for this ‘natural’ product that is causing much more than allergic reactions. I can’t eat sucralose or Nutrasweet - so my shopping is confined to a list of ‘acceptable’ products. When something (usually new) sneaks by - I have no compunction to return it. I don’t know how it is in the UK - but I don’t look at the front - I read the small print Ingredients list. Which gets to my next thought - Mr POROP is a garage worker - so exactly how literate - umm, where are they from, Mrs. POROP might not even be literate in her OWN language much less English - is Mrs. POROP? Which again puts it squarely back on them - not the store.

    I like the first comment - If they worry about what is in the food - don’t buy processed food. Easy, peasy.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   09/17/2013  at  07:20 AM  

  8. I agree.... if you have some weird dietary superstitions, it’s up to you to know what you’re shoveling down your pie hole. An actual allergy is another matter… that’s why we have the fine print.

    Yah know, a Jew would have just politely declined if offered a ham sandwich by way of apology. These muzzies get their turbans in a knot over anything.

    Posted by JimS    Australia   09/17/2013  at  08:34 AM  

  9. Bacon! BACON!!

    Posted by grayjohn    United States   09/19/2013  at  05:49 AM  

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