Obama begs donors for more as Mitt Romney rakes it in


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 07/03/2012 at 09:03 AM   
  1. When he needs to beg for money, he always goes to the wealthy.  Why doesn’t he reach out to his Occupy friends who he embraced and supports?

    Posted by BobF    United States   07/03/2012  at  11:18 AM  

  2. It’s the media - that is all that is important to know. Their depth of comprehension and reporting is no more deep than the puddle on my deck. This story is meant to rabble rouse the Obamabots to get out the check book because for them it is (and always will be) about THE MONEY.

    They can’t comprehend that people understand the Constitution, the Federal Government, the difference between debt, deficit and most importantly between a lie (It’s not a tax (the only way it is NOT a tax is if they are meaning that it is 21 new taxes)) and between political lies (Obama 2006 - it is a failure of leadership to raise the debt ceiling, under him, it is a crisis in the making of extreme proportions if it ISN’T passed).

    The REPEAL Obamacare/DEFUND Obamacare bills at - are in the majority - SUPPORT (as are all the legitimate polls) to not have it, get rid of it and much like Amnesty and Gay Marriage - never had the support of the people.

    Isn’t ruling against the people a tyrannical dictatorship?

    May they all rot in hell.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   07/03/2012  at  11:21 AM  

  3. "Are any of you who read all this and follow the elections, bothered at all with regard to the huge amount of monies it takes to run for office?  And stay there as well.”

    Hell yes I’m bothered. It’s like the nuclear arms race of cold war days. One candidate raises $200 million, and the other candidate has to raise more. Repeat this several times and pretty soon you’re getting close to the $1 billion mentioned in the article. The problem is (well, one of the problems) is that when people give that much money to a political entity, they want something back in return.

    Another quote from the article that caught my eye: obama said “ turns out change is hard”.

    Especially when most people don’t want the change you’re talking about.

    Posted by CenTexTim    United States   07/03/2012  at  12:14 PM  

  4. It’s something that’s bothered me for a long time as well. I keep thinking okay, so what happens if an empty suit can raise a trillion bucks. In the case of Huffington, who really was an empty suit, the voters rejected him. But money does talk and the idea that once elected a politician then has to spend time raising funds for the next run if qualified, is unsettling. Maybe there should be a cap on spending?

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   07/03/2012  at  12:32 PM  

  5. What a crock of shiite. Obama has been rolling in the dough. He’s done more fundraisers than the last 5 presidents combined. It’s said he has a BILLION bucks in his campaign chest, and a news item a few weeks back said how he ain’t sharing a dime of it with any other Dems.

    But yeah, poor poor Obama. The bastidge even has a “donate your wedding gifts to my campaign” campaign going.

    And what is money going to do anyway, if the people don’t like the message? Oh, wait. Silly Drew. Money can do everything, even buy off the Supreme Court.

    We should change the election system. Have all the state primaries on one day, and no surviving candidate can spend more than 25¢ per registered voter. Since the government owns everything these days, establish a couple of government TV channels - all cable companies required to carry them for no charge or the FCC takes their license away as a “penalty” - and each of the top 4 presidential candidates gets 3 hours per day: 1 hour in the morning, 1 hour in the evening, 1 hour after midnight. The other 12 hours are given over to the folks running for Congress and Senator. And maybe local and state guys. This way the campaign cost becomes negligible, and just perhaps some third party players could get in the game. Television ads eat up most of the money; provide one for free (or some minimal cost, say $25,000/hr) and host the previous day’s shows online. Let the newsies get in on the deal a bit, and poll for and then provide the top 200 questions the people want answered. At an hour per answer, that should give each candidate a lot of exposure, and the whole thing would be done in just over 2 months. And we the people could go online and run the Question 104 video from candidate 1, 2, 3, 4 ... to see which one responds in the way that makes us happiest. Then we could have just 1 or 2 debates, hitting the top 20 questions, and be done with the whole damn thing.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   07/03/2012  at  01:06 PM  

  6. What most confuses me is that rich people give so much money to obama despite the fact that he hates rich people and has pledged to destroy them.  Do they do this because he has promised to kill them last?

    To me, it’s the same as jews giving money to Hitler for his election don’t make no sense.

    Posted by sdkar    United States   07/03/2012  at  02:17 PM  

  7. Well of course they are going to plead poverty, its the community organizer way after all.Who do you think is going to pay for the oil change on the Rolls,Michelle?

    Posted by Rich K    United States   07/04/2012  at  02:29 PM  

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