Nuke Iran!


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 02/20/2007 at 01:23 AM   
  1. BBC security correspondent Frank Gardner says the trigger for such an attack reportedly includes any confirmation that Iran was developing a nuclear weapon - which it denies.

    That would be Frank “don’t shoot me I’m a muslim” Gardner, who was shot by muslim terrorists. Or should I say religion of peace supporters? In Saudi Arabia a few years back.

    I’m not too concerned about the BBC blabbing. After all I expect the Pentagon has hundreds of different scenarios planned out. So long as they do the job right and blow Iran back to the stone age. Better to do the job right the first time than to have to keep coming back. The liberals keep on blustering about how tough a nut they would be to crack, but they said the same thing about Saddam and where is he now? Six feet under that’s where. I don’t see the need for forces of occupation just wipe them out as a military force using air power and let their own people sort out the mess. There are plenty of people in Iran that want to join the 21st Century. If the US doesn’t do it I’m sure the Israelis will. If that happens then the mad mullahs will all rally together to defeat the evil joooos. So this is probably the best way to prevent that.

    Posted by LyndonB    United Kingdom   02/20/2007  at  04:54 AM  

  2. Stupid Fools!  The US has contingency plans to strike any potential enemy we may have.  Why do they think we have all those war planners at the Pentagon?  Do people think they just sit around and drink coffee until a war happens and then start planning?  As Skipper will remember, we planned for them all the time, it was called an Operational Readiness Inspection (ORI).  Iran and North Korea best realize that right now their are missiles sitting in silo’s targeted at their cities.

    Posted by BobF    United States   02/20/2007  at  07:26 AM  

  3. Here is something really neat, a video of capabilities of the B-2 Spirit.

    Posted by BobF    United States   02/20/2007  at  07:29 AM  

  4. Yeah I think that the BBC and DNC should only become concerned when they see the plans for the US Armed forces to take out them. I bet there are contingency plans for all the major hot spots and a few unknowns around the World. Learned that long ago as an Army wife. The only way to get anything done is to plan for the future and push it through, hope that someone 5-10 years behind you was a visionary or in desperate cases - smooze up to the person in control of what you want (it’s how my ex, got his office painted, found out the guy was an old nazi grunt - but he also learned all about the area from the other side’s reality). . .

    Just because liberals won’t learn or study history and therefore only speak in talking points - does not mean that the rest of the World lives such a shallow, vaccuous, and meaningless life. It does explain one (of many) the reasons these fools are attempting a Vietnam redo. Won’t learn the real lessons of history.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   02/20/2007  at  08:11 AM  

  5. Ok, the criminal-liberal news media (a redundant phrase) released secret material.

    Now, why isn’t the leaker tracked down and hanged from a lamp post as a lesson to others?

    Just wondered.

    Meanwhile, continue to stockpile amunition of military caliber.

    Posted by MAJ Mike    United States   02/20/2007  at  08:20 AM  

  6. *Opens the video BobF provides.
    DIES laughing at recognition of the music from the Conan soundtrack* SWEET! LOVE IT!

    Posted by Severa    United States   02/20/2007  at  07:12 PM  

  7. Dumb question time folks.  Hasn’t Iran needed a good ass kicking ever since the Carter administration?

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   02/20/2007  at  10:15 PM  

  8. Time to get those “tommy-hawk” missiles, B-1s and B-2s (and anything else that we don’t yet know about) ready for action…

    tune  bomb, bomb, bomb Iran, let’s take a stand, and bomb Iran… tune
    A good ass-kicking in order to knock the radical shiite out of them is about 28 years overdue.

    Posted by Rat Patrol    United States   02/21/2007  at  10:27 AM  

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