Maggots Return


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 02/20/2007 at 01:01 AM   
  1. Where is Phelps getting his money to travel the US and protest these funerals?  Reading the itinerary on his website, him and his followers will sometimes hit two or three states in one day.  That takes airplane flights and big bucks.  Maybe him being former Democrat candidate for Governor of Kansas and a big supporter of Al Gore might have something to do with it?

    Posted by BobF    United States   02/20/2007  at  07:37 AM  

  2. No tar and feathers. But, a few months ago they tried to show up at a funeral here in Huntsville and a bunch of good ol’ boys, politely, let them know they weren’t wanted around here. No problems and hardly any news coverage. Of course, if they’d started anything they’d of been beaten like the egg sucking dogs they are.

    Posted by Punkins    United States   02/20/2007  at  07:38 AM  

  3. BobF - Father Fred (and many of his spawn are lawyers) and they have spent decades suing anyone and everyone for all sorts of trash. Not too mention that he ran the elder Gore’s dem office once upon a time.

    I do not feel that God punishes all - especially those who are willing to stand up for the oppressed and downtrodden. If God struck for ‘embracing’ a bad moral issue - we’d have no ACLU, atheists, liberals and most dems in America. So much for stupid moral equations. And therein lies the problem with those who only see a one issue stand (be it abortion, homosexuality, anti-war - whatever). There are two sides to every issue, even religion. And America can not be run on black and white, for or against, pro or anti on any issue, but most especially moral issues. Because we then venture into the hot bed of problems we are seeing now (federal funding of abortion/stem cell, marriage for gays, stopping a war in midstream) that have repercussions to all the citizens, not just those who are for it or those who are against it.

    What has gotten me most about this is where is the Baptist Church - Phelps and Co are making them look insanely stupid - call Westboro under control. Where are the ‘stalking’ laws - this is interstate pursuit of a single ‘group’ of people (doesn’t it qualify for stalking) and where is the Bar to disbar these people, thus cutting their major source of funds?

    PC police have worked their magic - anyone can do anything and get away with it (as long as you hold one of the ‘victim’ cards securely at all times). Get ready for Amerizatan - we aren’t that far away. At least ole Phelps and Co will be cut down with the rest of the chaff - I can’t see that old goat proclaiming islam to be his religion.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   02/20/2007  at  08:31 AM  

  4. The courts have decided everything from naked dancing to flag burning is protected speech. I think walloping these morons with 2x4s or the traditional axe handles should also be considered free speech. wink

    Posted by JimS    United States   02/20/2007  at  01:47 PM  

  5. There is a difference from being anti-war and offering opinions on that venue, just as there are about religion and well any subject or issue than the stuff that Phelps ‘church’ group and Sheehan (et al anti-war) are doing. They have escalated it to personal, vindictive, fraught with lies and distortions and much is legally wrong - if anyone had the backbone to stop them.

    First I think if you are anti-war, you MUST be against all Wars. And since I didn’t see Mother Sheehan protesting Afghanistan (although she does remember to mention it now and then) nor did I hear or see her protesting Bosnia - I take her (and a lot of groups like Win Without War, that only mentions Iraq) with a big grain of salt and see it as an anti-Bush stand. And thus is my problem with Phelps ‘church’ if he is so darn anti-gay - why aren’t he and his at the MA state legislature house which has passed so many (and aren’t they the first) gay laws? Why isn’t he is the gay capital of America - San Francisco? And why the military? Their ‘acceptance’ of gays was forced on them by Clinton (another way to destroy the military he hated so much).

    I agree with both sides - I think that the military does defend the right to free speech - which is what Phelps is hiding behind, but believe me, I’ve had dreams of facing those nasty, evil people who do such a horrible and dispicable acts to the grieving families and a disservice to Christianity and the Baptist name - I’m just shocked that the gay activist haven’t taken them on - isn’t this hate speech to them?  And yet they mysteriously get left alone by all but military supporters. Curiouser and curiouser.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   02/20/2007  at  05:30 PM  

  6. 1) Phelps and company, like Flag burners are enjoying their right of free speech.  However, since both the object of burning the Flag and showing up at veteran’s funerals with a bunch of nasty B.S. is to provoke a reaction, why is it illegal when the action they provoke is a good ass thumping?  I don’t think killing them is terribly great, but a nice assortment of broken bones ought to make them keep their distance from civilized people.

    2) Mama, you’ve got to remember that the gay activists, like all liberals, prefer unarmed victims (hence the liberal interest in gun control).  Phelps fights, therefore, the liberals won’t attack him no matter how much nasty bigotry he tries to spread.  Now the question remains, why do mainstream Christians and Baptists not go after him?

    3) My personal belief is that there is a special circle of Hell reserved for such as Fred Phelps.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   02/20/2007  at  10:32 PM  

  7. Baptist churches aren’t centralized or controlled by the denomination like most mainstream Protestant churches and Catholic churches.  Phelps church is an independent Baptist church and is under the control of the pastor (Phelps) and the congregation.  Some Baptist churches unite in conventions such as the Southern Baptist Convention but each church joins willingly and can withdraw from the convention at any time the congregation chooses. 

    I’ve been attending Baptist churches for 25 years and ever pastor I’ve had is either former military or a very staunch military supporter and they all own firearms.  I don’t know any man who attends a Baptist church that wouldn’t love to demonstrate the truth of Proverbs 30:33 on Phelps.

    Proverbs 30:33 - Surely the churning of milk bringeth forth butter, and the wringing of the nose bringeth forth blood…

    Posted by BobF    United States   02/21/2007  at  07:46 AM  

  8. Time to round those putrid murtha-fuggers up and give them three choices:  Gitmo, North Korea or firing squad.

    I mean it.  pig  monkey  pig  monkey  pig  machinegun  laughing_tv

    Posted by Rat Patrol    United States   02/21/2007  at  10:31 AM  

  9. You know I just figured out another reason Phelps and Co are being given a pass - what better example to denigrate, show how crazy, extreme and intolerant - ‘Christian’ religions are then letting this group have constant media exposure.

    The msm can’t figure out that when they screed that the freak in a pink tutu skipping down the street in a gay ‘pride’ parade is not indicative of all ‘gay’ people that the inverse is true - Phelps is not indicative of all Christian religions.

    Thanks BobF on the Baptist - I’ve gone to a few over the years (military - if you can’t go to the church you are a member of go to a good church where you are). But am woefully unaware of most religions ‘administrative’ aspects.

    Sad that hate, perversion, lies and deceptions are so allowed today while those who honor those who went before in America, those who served and are serving America and those who believe in the Constitution to the point of laying down their lives are seen as the ‘problem.’ How have things gone so wrong.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   02/21/2007  at  11:08 AM  

  10. Thanks for the extra insight Wardmama.  That’s an angle on the MSM that I should have thought of, but didn’t. 

    You know, I think we just might have the makings of an interesting think tank here.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   02/21/2007  at  03:37 PM  

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