Not So Fast, Tonto


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 10/06/2006 at 01:43 AM   
  1. Let’s see Ms ‘culture of coruption’ Pelosi is upset that Repubs might have ‘kept this quiet’ and we need to ‘protect’ the children - but, but, but.
    1) The parents asked that Foley be told to stop and NOT to release this ‘incident’ to protect their minor son.
    2) Believing any or all stories about Foley : pages, the page program staff, other Congresscritters, media, a gay activist blogger, Repubs all knew about this from variously from 2003 to the present - yet is revealed just a scant 4 weeks before the election (i.e. too late to have a Repub replacement on the ballot)
    3) Pelosi is part of a party that allowed Gerry Studds to keep on keeping on (i.e. if it’s a Dem, it’s private and no one’s business) and he actually had physical contact (i.e. sex) with his page victim.

    Foley was wrong and has problems - he did however, immediately step down. Hasert did more than enough (btw, Delay, Cunningham and Noe were sent packing by the Repubs - how many Dems?!?), but I agree with Rush -

    If this was a timing ‘stunt’ to steal a seat, then once again I hope that every registered voter - no matter where they are vote for the Repub, Indy or whatever else and NOT a Dem to make a statement to the DNC that elections must be fair, clean and honest. If this is a twist of fate, that is a shame but given the voices (which the Dems think are giving credence to their ‘version’ of the story) actually gives more credence to the question of why now - and the election seems to be the biggest motive.

    Remember in crimes it is - motive, means, opportunity - and here it all points more to dirty tricks, not a fortuitous journalist exposure of a coverup. . .
    I’m surprized that the lunatic gay fringe is not howling ‘gay bashing’ - oh right this was a closet gay - he’s getting what he deserves.

    And they talk about conservatives being intolerent and mean spirited and corupt. It would be too funny if it wasn’t about our election, our politicians, our country and our future.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   10/06/2006  at  06:38 AM  

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