No wonder the economy sux


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 07/31/2013 at 11:23 AM   
  1. The stock market has become a private club where million and billion dollar fund managers swap truckloads of cash back and forth from week to week with no real growth from investing in production anymore.And the proof is in the GDP report.
    pig  shit

    Posted by Rich K    United States   07/31/2013  at  10:59 PM  

  2. I read somewhere - sorry I forgot - that the left (I assume, since it is this Administration’s people) are ‘adjusting’ the ‘growth’ stats back to like 1929 - another bit of revisionist history - along the lines of Obama inserting himself into every Presidents bio.

    Juvenile, petty and pretty much illegal - whatever it takes to keep the boy king in power.

    Read somewhere (also forgot) that a ‘whistleblower’ from NY is giving Orly Taitz ‘proof’ that the big lie registered as a foreign student on an Indonesian citizenship. Makes for an ugly mess considering he was born a British citizen - there was no ‘anchor’ baby lie in 1961 and at 18 Ms Dunham (btw - where is the paperwork of her parents giving permission to marry or an emancipated minor document) - was not legally old enough to confer citizenship (this was 1961 - again age of LEGAL majority - most especially for a womin’ folk was 21). So American, British, Indonesian - where is his paperwork to prove he is an American citizen? - Sorry I have to rant on this once in a while - this would be the easiest and fastest way to undo the past 5 years - all a big giant fraud - he goes away, Bite Me goes away (and sadly) Boehner becomes Prez until the Dems push for an immediate election! But every single piece of legislation & EO signed by the big lie - is null and void. Works for me.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   08/01/2013  at  07:25 AM  

  3. Rant away Wardmom; some of us have been on board the “birther” bus since before the 2008 election. There is extraordinary evidence for it, and extraordinarily odd things about his past, all sealed up with no access. He truly is the Manchurian Candidate.

    Multiple SSNs, forged BCs, forged Draft Card, sealed school records, trips to “Pok-istan” when it was off limits to Americans, no one in the whole nation who could remember him from college either as a student or a lecturer, wonder who paid for those Ivy League colleges, no one from his time as a lawyer who ever saw him do any work, all the dirty deals in his past (Ayers, Rezko, etc), his early election shenanigans, his admitted heavy drug use as a teen, questions over who his real father actually was, his empty record as a state and federal Senator who only voted “present”, and on and on and on. Plus his outright admission in his books (that terrorist Bill Ayers ghost wrote!!) that he’s a radical commie anarchist, and the whole Black Liberation Theology (ie everything is YT’s fault) thing he got weekly doses of from Rev Hate for 20 years and somehow never heard, even though there is at least one video of young BHO introducing the father of that movement at some rally as his close personal pal. And the Mooch is in it up to her neck as well. And all that was before he got to DC.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   08/01/2013  at  07:58 AM  

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