No Kidding


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 02/18/2010 at 05:12 PM   
  1. GO ANN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Posted by cmblake6    United States   02/18/2010  at  10:30 PM  

  2. Is this where Turtler comes back and scoulds(sic)us about “Going Rome” and losing our Humanity and standing as a nation again?
    If so then please save your breath Mr T as we sometimes just have to let our inner Satan out for a walk so he doesnt blow up all over our friends and family.

    Posted by Rich K    United States   02/18/2010  at  11:51 PM  

  3. Is this where Turtler comes back and scoulds(sic)us about “Going Rome” and losing our Humanity and standing as a nation again?
    If so then please save your breath Mr T as we sometimes just have to let our inner Satan out for a walk so he doesnt blow up all over our friends and family.

    Um, actually, that wasn’t what I was going to say. I will save THAT for whenever anyone starts talking about shooting Barry and the other bunch of idiots on Capitol Hill, or about forcing all Muslims period to go on separate airlines (and YES, I have seen both examples being seriously proposed).

    What I was going to say NOW was how F***ing pathetic it is that a second line blog with the audience of a VERY small town newspaper can out-predict- using ELEMENTAL historical knowledge and no independent research capacity- massive national and international organizations with budgets larger than those of a few Third World Nations PUT TOGETHER that are supposedly FOUNDED, ORGANIZED, AND COMMISSIONED to do this sort of thing.

    That is more than just incompetence there, that is just willful blindness, going ABSOLUTELY out of one’s way to not see much of anything. I would say that we could only beat Austro-Hungarian intelligence under ALFRED EFFING REDL (google) today, except that would be a damnable insult to Alfred Redl, who provided remarkably dynamic leadership and vastly modernized the Dual Monarchy’s intelligence infrastructure (to the point where his protege managed to use to tools he brought in to catch him), only he wasn’t using them for Vienna. That, and Redl occasionally WAS allowed to ‘catch’ small-fry Russian spies to keep his cover.

    These idiots just don’t CARE. They probably could do more for us if they were actively working for the OTHER side (where, at least theoretically, they would be obliged to do something beneficial if only to prevent people digging around and uncovering them).

    The facts that Western is going to have to accept eventually are twofold:

    A. Anything, and I mean ANYTHING coming from the much ballyhooed international bodies except those we more or less control (and even then we need to double check) must be considered at least partially false. If tomorrow the IAEA issues a report stating that the Earth revolves around the Sun and Humanity requires water to survive, YOU MUST DOUBLE CHECK IT.

    B. Our own intelligence services have become inexcusably muddled. We have leaks coming out of absolutely everything, we have political hacks who directly acted against the interests of the nation and will again (Re Iran), and we have every single action we take being put under the spotlight of a hostile media whose role in (at LEAST) indirectly supporting the enemy would have gained them a date with a firing squad in any nation or organization that actually KNEW what it was doing. At this point in time, I do not feel out of place in believing that Joseph Fouche, Wilhelm Stieber, hell, even AFLRED EFFING REDL AFTER WE HAD BRIBED HIM could have infiltrated us inside and out- using ONLY the tools they historically had- easily.

    I am sorry, but we need to clean house. And doing that requires a rather hard nose and more than a little willingness to get our hands (and some other things) messy.

    Simply put, anybody caught leaking to the enemy, a neutral party, or a press (same difference really) is to be executed. Without trial or public announcement if need be. Those caught leaking to our ALLIES might get off a bit nicer (we might even relegate them to some exceedingly stiff jail time or an offer to turncoat), but in the end, nobody leaks. PERIOD.

    Any outlet caught accepting leaked info or -god help and have mercy on them- trying to CULTIVATE a leak gets subjected to exceedingly harsh measures. At BEST the leadership- if they genuinely didn’t know anything- gets sacked with a bronze parachute, the offending party(ies) gets executed, and we shut down the place temporarily to check for any other issues. At worst… well, they won’t live to regret doing something that would warrant bring out “the worst.”

    Total silence regarding anything worth knowing about. In short, we should be operating so ruthlessly, discreetly, and effectively that absolutely nobody ALIVE or At Liberty who isn’t on our team should know things like Gitmo or Rendition even EXIST. And it only gets more stringent as we climb the ladder of secrets.

    Also, it’s time to dust off the Espionage Act, the Emergency Laws of WWII/Early Cold War, and certainly a few of Civil War vintage. Wilson, FDR, and TR would NEVER have allowed the press to be as hostile and probing as they are now, and Lincoln.... WELL, I don’t even WANT to get into what Lincoln would do to them....

    Oh yes, and being sworn to silence MEANS being sworn to Silence. As in: one way or another, you WILL be silent on the matter, whether you WANT IT OR NOT.

    And finally, publicity should be no protection. If the Mr and Missus Plame were to have an unfortunate accident involving a few pounds of Nitroglycerin, the issue will be closed. Period. Nothing can be allowed to follow it. THe case file gets sealed for about a century. End of the Line.

    Direct censorship (reading all mail, forbidding the publication of movies like Avatar, etc) shouldn’t be used when it does not concern national security in a very direct manner, and should only be used in times of exceedingly great crisis.

    Naturally, many of these laws must be relaxed in clear peacetime to avoid a permanent turn into a police state and/or dictatorship, but few if any should be completely revoked.

    This naturally will lead to massive amounts of crying foul, but that is just too DAMN bad. Because that is what is needed if the West is to survive. It is cruel, but it WORKS.

    Posted by Turtler    United States   02/19/2010  at  04:12 AM  

  4. T.
    I think you mean to say, It is cruel but it WOULD work. If given the chance but then, what chance is there of that?

    Having read your take on things for awhile it isn’t rocket science for us to understand how enmeshed you are in your subjects whether history or politics. The reason I am mentioning that here now, is because feeling about things as you do, were you here in the UK at the moment you might go screaming bonkers over the idiocy practiced by the pols, the hand wringers, the bleeding hearts and do-gooders and the msm. The left goes without saying.
    Which is why I sometimes go completely off the rails and need cooler heads to reign me in.

    Nothing of what you correctly suggest will come about here in Britain and it’s much doubtful the USA will do it either. For the same reasons. Also, and here I go again boring ppl with this same old same old, the 5th column in both countries.

    btw ... as regards the msm, all in the “publics right to be informed” they tell us, why oh why do they insist on printing things that do nothing but help the enemy? Not just the left. Papers we think of as consv. or at least with many very consv. writers on staff, they do the same thing.

    The west I greatly fear has become very wishy-washy in the response needed to defend itself.
    I may be wrong and after all, what do I know not being privy to the kind of documents and info that govts have?  It all just gets pretty frustrating.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   02/19/2010  at  08:49 AM  

  5. I guess in a sense this is the proper place - although the topic is Iran, bombs and the awfulness of US Intell -

    The 5 Ft Jackson poison people are - wait for it - MUSLIM. Like we did not see that one coming. Obama, JNap and the rest of the pc, bend over and kiss a** while looking the other way (only with a chosen few ‘special interest groups’) are going to get us killed. Two terrorist acts by infiltrators (whether home ‘grown’ or not) - and not a word (they were arrested before Christmas, mind you) from 1600 Penn. Ave - not to memtion of course the Fruit of Kaboom bomber.

    Oh btw, it has been ‘leaked’ that The Won is going to release the new, improved garun’damnteed to pass Obamacare (with public option firmly ensconced) healthcare ‘reform’ bill - 3 days before the ‘bi-partisan’ meeting - so much for ‘working with and listening to’ the otherside.

    GWOT and Obama agenda - this is War and they must be fought now.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   02/19/2010  at  09:19 AM  

  6. Here’s the next one for ya, Drew:

    BMEWS in 201x: Iran shoulda been bombed the short distance (for them) back to the stone age years ago - before they committed this crime against humanity by bombing _____________ (fill in country).

    Posted by ooGcM taobmaetS    United States   02/19/2010  at  10:14 AM  

  7. Back when I was in boot camp (summer of 1980) the song Bomb, Bomb, Iran was a big hit.

    But Carter was a pussy and didn’t do it, and Reagan was such a man that they released the hostages upon his inauguration. So Reagan didn’t have to bomb them into the 20th century.

    Reagan should have bombed them on general principles. (you f*ck with USA, USA f*cks you) A principle that he did observe when he bombed Libya.

    Posted by Christopher    United States   02/20/2010  at  10:51 PM  

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