News Release You Won’t See


Iraqies making a donation to San Diego fire victims

Posted by Drew458    United States   on 10/27/2007 at 10:04 PM   
  1. Just like the average Joe, I’m sure the average Achmed tries to stay out of the way of wars, thugs, cops, and government workers, and just tries to get on with life. And it’s probably like that in most places (except Palestine) with most people. Unfortunately when these people are controlled by crazy governments that we can’t get along with, they sometimes wind up as casualties by us after being victims of them. It can’t be helped, even though we’ve spent zillions trying to deal with situations there with nearly zero overblast.

    That is not to say that Joe and Achmed are the same. Different people, different cultures, and these two cultures can’t mix too well. While this is a nice gesture, expect a rather cynical reaction as to the source of the money (stolen from US, sold the guns, etc) as well as to the meaning of the gesture. Impossible not to be jaded at this point, but glad to see something like this happen and pray that it’s honestly given.

    As time goes and peace flourishes across Iraq I can’t see why we can’t be friends with these people. We used to be best budds with Iran too, once upon a time.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   10/27/2007  at  10:07 PM  

  2. You are absolutely correct, you will never hear this in the mainstream media. Maybe if we can convince them that the moneys on sucess, but not likely. America Must Fail, Shrillary so declares!

    Posted by cmblake6    United States   10/28/2007  at  07:30 AM  

  3. Reminds me of a clip I heard on Rush Limbaugh the other day. Charlie Gibson on World News Tonight, 10/17/07 said this: (transcript courtesy of

    RUSH:  Listen to the whole thing.  You didn’t report the whole thing.  This is Charlie Gibson World News Tonight on ABC.

    GIBSON:  One item from Baghdad today.  The news is… that there is no news.  The police told us that, to their knowledge, there were no major acts of violence.  Attacks are down in Baghdad and today no bombings or roadside explosions were reported.

    RUSH:  And that’s not news?  That is news!  That is huge news, but not to these guys, because it doesn’t fit the narrative.  The narrative is burning cars; IEDs; people in the streets; mangled bodies; smoke wafting up from the streets.  And none of that happened yesterday in Iraq.  There’s no news!  This is just the greatest illustration, I keep saying that.  But they keep outdoing themselves, illustrating to one and all just how they work and how they operate. 

    Then to have good news like this go unreported makes it even worse. My hat’s off to the Iraqis.

    If anyone is interested, I’ll post the audio clip on my website for you to download. Otherwise you have to be a 24/7 member to hear the audio.

    Posted by Christopher    United States   10/28/2007  at  09:37 AM  

  4. You know - and I guess it is because only 2 million Americans are in the Armed Forces right now - that these idiotic perceptions exist. I guess you do have to know someone who is/was over there.

    My son and nephew were part of the initial forces in 2003. My son worked with the CPA for a short time - I have a few pictures of him with the local Iraqis. As I have either had a family member (two additional nephews went over into the Iraq theater and a son-in-law) plus the children of near and dear friends - I have stayed in touch with the ‘boots on the ground’ stories & info.

    I send my old magazines, videos, care packages (admittedly not as much as in 2003) - but more I get notes (usually through support sites or Moms) for special requests - so I have sent medical supplies, school supplies, and even small toys.

    The ideas - to encourage and support our Troops and the Iraqi people are endless - and as Americans (sort of goes to a post I made the other day - we throw out so much) - we can spare and send on some of the things we have. I’d rather the American’s gave the medical supplies - which I can’t donate around here - to Iraqis to use -than watch them expire in my son’s closet. And when my son came home from the hospital in 2002, I went to the local Marine office and asked if they were doing Toys for Tots that year - he said yes and I said good I have a couple of boxes. His eyes (and the young recruit’s too) opened wide when I brought in two moving boxes full of new toys. The generousity of Americans who gave to my son while he was in the hospital got passed on - big time that year.

    And there is the crux - when you have it - pass it on. There have been many years we have not had it or even got to get freebies. Now that we have - we pass it on.

    This story also reminds me at how the usual suspects don’t seem to be all that happy that we freed these wonderful people from a tyrant and they actually got to vote (freely) for the first time in decades.

    But those things never fit their agenda.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   10/28/2007  at  10:43 AM  

  5. SEE! Bu$hitlerburtonco and the Crime Family started this illegal and immoral war on Iraq, personally ordering the genocide of MILLIONS of Iraqi women and children, JUST TO GET MONEY TO FIGHT FIRES THAT WE DIDN’T HAVE BECASUE OF THE EEEEEVIL RETHUGLICAN TAX CUTS FOR THE RICH!

    When will we be delivered of this thug and his eeeevil minions! Now he has his Iraqi blood money for fire fighting, we should pull out NOW!





    Posted by Rickvid in Seattle    United States   10/28/2007  at  01:29 PM  

  6. Bark bark

    Posted by Rickvid in Seattle    United States   10/28/2007  at  01:30 PM  

  7. Bark bark! Slice Dice! Sizzle sizzle! Yum yum!

    Posted by Christopher    United States   10/28/2007  at  01:37 PM  

  8. Anonymous - I have no clue where my nephews were - God bless my brother and sister but neither of them would send me their son(s) addresses.  I am seen (by my 3 oldest siblings) as an evil uber Bushbot who wouldn’t marry any better than the military. Which is a real yuck, yuck to me - as my bro and b-i-l both served during the Vietnam era - all three of the nephews had their degree - as did my son (two had advanced - JD & MD) yet only the stupid and uneducated go into the military - according to them?!? The hypocrisy [since my bro had his JD & my b-i-l his MD when they served] is utterly profound to me. Ever the peacemaker (and welcome mat) I said ok - but don’t expect me to listen to your anti-war mongering. It is so bad for my sister - she leaves - when her two military sons (holidays must be a b**** around their home) enter. She has become my mother - mean, bitter and always angry - but to turn on your own children like that - even she surpasses my mother.

    So if my nephew was in Camp P - I wouldn’t know it at all. My son was in Camp P - I think. According to his dad he was but we have no idea when he left as he moved in a whole different way than the DIV he was supposedly part of - which we didn’t find out until afterward.  I am just the mother - so I didn’t get told much of anything.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   10/28/2007  at  06:24 PM  

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