New Coulter


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 06/11/2009 at 10:05 AM   
  1. But back to Iran, what precisely do Iranians need nuclear power for, again? They’re not exactly a manufacturing powerhouse. Iran is a primitive nation in the middle of a desert that happens to sit on top of a large percentage of the world’s oil and gas reserves. That’s not enough oil and gas to run household fans?

    She is on the money with this. What possible reason does Iran have for nuclear power plants other than building weapons? North Korea has demonstrated their intent and does anyone honestly think they are not selling nuclear weapons to anyone with the cash? Obama is going to make Jimmah look good and that is a disturbing thought. It is going to get ugly.

    Posted by LyndonB    Canada   06/11/2009  at  12:01 PM  

  2. Meanwhile back at the insane asylum - Teleprompter Precedent is pushing and shoving the Kennedy Free(wink, wink) Healthcare for All, Illegals First bill.

    I think we should email Peiper’s missives on his cough to The One (tm), it would be a start. Not to mention thinking American Government (i.e. Congress - the Klownposse in DC) in charge of Healthcare - think DMV, think Frannie & Freddie, think Medicare & Medicaid and now one has to wonder if the VA/Military system was so horrid under the Bush Administration - exactly how is all of it going to be improved or better under these losers?

    Back to Ann - Great article - and yes of course he pandered, kissed a** and should have embarrassed himself but in the end it was embarrassed America with his complete and utter lack of knowledge on the Middle East and America’s position therein.

    Oh well - the good thing is if we get nuked - we don’t have to worry about the Generational Theft Act of 2009, the C(r)ap And Trade(off) bill of 2009 and of course the Kennedy Free (wink, wink) Healthcare for All, Illegals First bill of 2009. Those will all be moot while we wither, die a horrible death or mutate into awful creatures.

    Or not.

    The alternative of being taken over by the muslims and them installing their Islamic caliphate and sharia law makes me almost wish for the nukes. Oh, yes just a trivial tidbit here - the hijab which the muslims claim is from the Koran isn’t - it is from the 1970s - sort of like Kwanzaa - gosh are these people gullible or what?!?

    BTW, it takes 33 minutes for a nuke to land on American soil from North Korea - I just wonder how Homeland Security is going to get a commercial on the air in that short of time.

    Indeed The One (tm) is beginning to make Carter look actually Presidential.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   06/11/2009  at  03:55 PM  

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