‘Muslims have ‘victim mentality’ (so says a muslim member of parliament)


Posted by Drew458    United Kingdom   on 09/20/2008 at 12:41 PM   
  1. Shafiq just plain doesn’t “get it”.  Why the Islamaphobia?  Well, what else can they expect when protesters carry signs saying “Yes, Yes to Islam”, “Democracy go to Hell”, and their holy book and wild-eyed fellow believers scream for the death of all non-muhammadans?  If someone doesn’t look askance at a quackran carrier they’re just asking to be removed from the gene pool given the number of suicide bombers doing their ‘splodeydope act.

    I have to agree with the muhammadan MP.  It’s way past time they learn how to speak English, stop their BS of misogynism, stop the “honor killings” and forced “marriages”, and start counting the kuffar as having just as much worth as any mohammedan.  But, it’s BS that the government should have to pay for the muhammadans to learn English.  Quite frankly, that’s something that their mosques and the saudis should be paying for.  After all, it is a charity to help your brother be able to speak the language of the country they reside in.

    Now if the presiding Law Justice over in Britain will learn that it’s cultural suicide to have sharia law be a whole distinct but recognized law of the land Britain just might have half a chance of surviving.  But, I’m not about to hold my breath waiting for this to happen.

    Posted by Valgerd Gydhja    United States   09/20/2008  at  03:54 PM  

  2. Is discrimination part of the problem? Sure it is. But once again, it’s a factor they have brought upon themselves. The whole political purpose of casting yourself as victim is to cast your opponents (in this case native British Christians and Jews) as oppressors. Fine and good if that’s what you want out of life. But when a group of people have been raked over the coals for a generation for being “heartless oppressors” at every turn, regardless of how they treated you.... well if now they don’t give a shit what your opinion is, can’t be bothered even attempting to win your respect and cooperation anymore (since you’ve spent decades making it impossible short of utter submission to the oppressive society YOU FLED)… well you have only yourself to blame, haven’t you?

    Posted by GrumpyOldFart    United States   09/21/2008  at  08:56 AM  

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