Motivational Poster Of The Day


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 03/13/2007 at 01:44 PM   
  1. <font size="3"><font face="trebuchet ms,geneva">If the Arabs put down their weapons today, there would be no more violence.

    If the Jews put down their weapons today, there would be no more Jews.

    </font></font><font face="trebuchet ms,geneva">

    Posted by accal    United States   03/13/2007  at  01:54 PM  

  2. Disagreement is good. I posted this to start a dialog on the subject. There has to be a solution somewhere, somehow.

    The Arabs want all of Israel for themselves and no Jews allowed. The Jews want to split the area up and isolate themselves from the Arabs.

    I think both are wrong - and yes, I think the Arabs are wronger than the Jews.

    The optimal, wished-for solution would be to tear down all the walls and fences and let the Arabs and Jews blend in together in one country - without conflict or violence.

    The only thing stopping it is the xenophobic, racist attitude of the Arabs. Most Jews would probably go along with a mixture of the population. At the same time you could not find a single Arab who would agree to such an idea.

    Therein lies the problem that Jimmy Carter and others fail to recognize. Or else they see it and refuse to acknowledge it.

    Posted by The Skipper    United States   03/13/2007  at  02:42 PM  

  3. -Blood Feud-
    A Long Conflict means one party is too soft.

    Go Zionists!

    Posted by Fine Old Cannibal    United States   03/13/2007  at  02:58 PM  

  4. Like a kick in the teeth, Skipper - I have really only lurked here, but I have enjoyed a lot of what you have posted, and have had no trouble with the differences in our viewpoints (which are far from constant). . . but this was really weak.

    Cowardly, fact-denying relativism like this - which, honestly, is one step sideways from apologism - is not something I expected to find here. I hope you will have some time to do a little research on the history of the conflict.

    In the course of this conflict, Israel has been led by people, and, yes, those people have made some errors at certain junctures.

    Most of those errors had to do with ideology like that expressed by the poster; failing to identify a false culture, built on a false premise, promoting a false history (as well as clearly calling for the extinction of Jews). From the Grand Mufti during WW2 to the cowardly liar Abu Mazen (false names for false people), the PLOArabs have NEVER kept an agreement or budged an inch from their position of empty, Jew-hating fury. The story of PLOArab society is a litany of hatred, destruction, and failure.

    Suggesting that there is some equivalence between the murdering, perfidious, cowardly arabs - whose “brave fighters” cannot even put on a uniform and come out from behind their women and children to fight, whose leaders simply cannot stop themselves from lying, cheating, and killing even their own people - is simply below you, Sir.

    This is the sort of thinking I expect to see at Moonbat sites (and it was HERE that I first learned the term Moonbat!). It honestly hurt me to see this here, and greatly diminishes my desire to surf here.

    Enjoy your vacation, and, when you can, please try to help me understand why you think this comparison is sensible. I doubt I will be back for a while, but I will be back, FWIW. I can’t believe that someone as respectable as yourself could have posted something so shallow and ugly.

    Am Yisrael Chai!

    Posted by 6PointsOut    United States   03/13/2007  at  04:42 PM  

  5. Thank you FOC, you said it for me. The Israeli’s could have done some housekeepping in 1948, 1967, 1972, ... and in 2006 that would have solved the problem once and fer all. Making nice-nice with murderous lunatics is pretty stupid.

    They could do it today. Who’s gonna stop them, fwance? Do you really think the US is going to send in troops to intervene if another fight goes too well for them? Ya think the UK will do anything? Somebody still has a beef with them from 1948 ...

    One more rocket. One more slopey dope with a dynamite belt. That’s all. They still don’t have those two young soldiers back from the last go round. Making peace by giving up land has proven to only give your enemies more places to shoot at you from.

    Israel ... from the Suez canal north to the Turkish border, from the Mediaterranian east to Iraq. Sure, leave some arabs there, but make Wahabbism a capital offense. We’ll let them become peaceful Sufis, thus there won’t be any Shiite/Sunni conflict any more.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   03/13/2007  at  04:42 PM  

  6. 6PointsOut, as I said above the post was intended to start a discussion about a violent subject. It must have succeeded because this is the first comment you’ve posted in over six months.

    No one is forced to come here and no one is forced to stay here. Surf where you please. Stay away if you want. Your absence will not bother me if you can’t discuss something without getting angry at me.

    The problem I have with the situation is nothing is working. Everything we have tried has failed. It’s past time to try something new.

    Lest you think I’ve gone ‘round the bend, let me make this clear ... my personal preference would be to carpet bomb the Gaza Strip and issue a warning of more to come if the Arabs persist.

    The problem with that is no one in Washington has the balls to do it. Even though it’s probably the only way to convince the Arabs to stop. All they understand is violence and the only way to change their mind is with violence.

    With no one in Washington capable of understanding that or actually smacking the Arabs in the head, we have to think of alternative plans or the killing will just go on and on and on and on and on and on ...

    There was NO attempt at making a comparison - just an attempt to get people thinking and talking. That’s how solutions are found. Now go on your merry way and don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

    Posted by The Skipper    United States   03/13/2007  at  05:06 PM  

  7. Call me a zealot, but you can’t give an inch to people whose religion compels them drive you into the sea.  HEY - THERE"S A JEW PIG BEHIND ME, COME KILL HIM! - How are you supposed to reason with that?  Mo’s hordes are a bunch of barbarians that need to be liquidated.  I feel no sorrow for the ‘innocent muslims’ who standby idly and do nothing while their brothers terrorize the Israelis - knowing full well that IF the mo’s are successful, they will be perfectly safe, and if not, they can get along just fine too.  Pick a side or get caught in the crossfire.

    The Israelis need to do a better job of showing how barbaric the Mo’s are and then they need a man like Sharon to take a big stick and beat the snot out of them.

    Posted by Fine Old Cannibal    United States   03/13/2007  at  07:22 PM  

  8. <font face="trebuchet ms,geneva"><font size="4">Thanks Skipper now you tell us you want a solution!</font></font><font face="trebuchet ms,geneva"><font size="4">Well if its a solution you want, try the book of Revelation. </font></font>

    Posted by accal    United States   03/13/2007  at  07:46 PM  

  9. Fine! If Revolutions is the answer, find me a politician who will implement it! 

    Posted by The Skipper    United States   03/13/2007  at  08:06 PM  

  10. Islam delenda est.

    Posted by Macker    United States   03/13/2007  at  08:35 PM  

  11. If I can jump in here as well, I think the the problem is that Israel is too concerned with world opinion.  Like Skipper, I’m all for carpet bombing Gaza and all those terrorist cesspools. 

    Also, America and the West needs to become completely independent of Arab oil.  Now you’ll probably say it won’t do any good as oil is a fungible commodity.  In that case we need to find an alternative source of fuel and tell the mo’s to go pound sand.

    Posted by lisar915    United States   03/13/2007  at  09:23 PM  

  12. I have raved about this Blog to all of my friends, family, and coworkers since I
    discovered it.  I use the daily motivational posters at work in a union shop filled
    with lifelong Democrats, though not necessarily liberals.  I am finally winning converts
    by giving them a daily dose of common sense.  And then you post this?

    This is the kind of blatant moral relativism that gives us idiotic phrases like “the
    cycle of violence,” that seek to equate Israel as morally equal to the animals who seek
    their destruction.  I will accept the premise of this poster under the following

    1.  That Israel embark on a program of systematic genocide that calls for the slaughter
    of every last Arab man, woman, child, and baby.

    2.  When Israeli parents encourage their children to don suicide bomb vests, and send them out to kill innocent Arabs.

    3.  When Israeli propaganda videos start airing that depict Arabs as monkeys and pigs.
    When their kindergarten children start reciting poetry that praises suicide bombers.  When Israel erases Arab states from their maps. 

    4.  When Israel develops offensive nuclear weapons with the intent of obliterating Arab states.  (Here is a hint, Israel is already nuclear) But the Israeli’s reserve these weapons for defensive purposes only.  Forget the Iraqi and Libyan programs for the moment, Iran has declared the destruction if Israel as Job One.  And what is worse, they may be close to achieving that end.

    5.  When security at Arab airports have to crawl up the rear-ends of Israeli passengers with microscopes to prevent their citizens from being hijacked or blown up in flight.

    I could go on and on.  Rest assured that Voltaire never met these modern barbarians!
    I can only hope that the Skipper’s vacation is a very short one if this is an example of what we will have to endure in his absence.

    Posted by Leonard Jones    United States   03/14/2007  at  08:02 PM  

  13. I could not contain this rant within the confines of one post.  For more than a hundred years,
    the area that is now called Israel, was called “Jewish Palestine.” It comprised an area that
    now includes a large part of the surrounding Arab nations.  There never has been, and there
    never will be an Arab Palestine.  When the U.N. recognized the state of Israel in 1948, the
    combined armies of 5 Arab nations attacked the fledgling state.  Israel won this war, as it did
    the next 4 wars for one simple reason:

    The enemies of Israel made the threat existential.  When the Arab armies overran a city or
    town, they killed every last Jew in sight, down to babies in their cribs.  The reason Israel
    survived these onslaughts is that they had to win or be exterminated.  Golda Meir, the
    former P.M. of Israel issued two quotes that resonate in my mind to this day:

    “There will be peace in the Middle East when they love their children more than they hate
    us,” and “I can forgive them for waging war on us, but I cannot forgive them for making us
    do what we had to do to win.” The first quote was about strapping explosives on children,
    the second, about Israel being forced to “Go Roman” to prevent their extinction.  A clearer
    moral distinction cannot be made!

    When the Arab armies invaded in 1948, they urged Arab citizens of Jewish Palestine to
    evacuate the battlefield.  They were told that they could return after the massacre of all of
    the Jews.  These people numbered in the few hundreds of thousands. Israel prevailed, so
    these people became refugees in various Arab nations.

    Now, half of the generic Arabs in Jordan, Syria, Egypt, and Lebanon are claiming to be
    “Displaced Palestinians.” Their numbers are now in the millions.  The idea is simple, to
    claim a “Right of return” for millions of people who were never citizens of Jewish Palestine.
    In other words, “If we cannot defeat them on the battlefield, we will breed them out of
    existence.” Either way Israel ceases to exist, down to the last man, woman, child, and baby.

    That any sentient human being can fail to see this clear moral distinction is evidence
    that humanity has not progress beyond the stone age.  I am a friend of Israel, not because
    I am a Jew, I am not Jewish.  I am not a Friend of Israel because I am a Christian, because
    I am not a Christian.  No, I am a friend of Israel because I am a conservative atheist. I am
    a friend of Israel because she is right!

    Most religions teach good principals.  The one that does not, preaches that one should
    hack-off the heads of non-believers.  Our first Amendment says that “Congress shall make
    no law.” etc.  That does not mean that teachers cannot have prayer in school, or that a city
    hall cannot have a nativity scene, or a cross dedicated to WWI veterans.

    The enemies of Israel are our enemies.  “We have met the enemy, and they is us.”

    Posted by Leonard Jones    United States   03/14/2007  at  10:36 PM  

  14. I’d say it’s pretty clear that everyone here understands the problem. 

    I said in a previous post that if the Palestinians (for want of a better word) were dogs, they would be mercifully euthanized.  Since they are technically human beings, the problem is a bit different.  The main problem I have is that I cannot conceive of a permanent solution to the problem that does not include exterminating virtually all of the Palestinians.  Skipper, when you said carpet bomb the Gaza Strip, I smiled.  Unfortunately, much of the world wouldn’t smile. 

    The only possible alternative to extermination of the Palestinians would be to find a way to restore their humanity and that just doesn’t seem possible.  Between their Islamic faith (I really wonder how the few Christian Palestinians cope) and the propaganda they have been fed since 1948, I’m not sure they have any humanity left to restore.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   03/15/2007  at  08:02 AM  

  15. At first I was in TOTAl disagreement with the poster, but after reading the comments, and a lot of thinking, I now agree. I won’t waste much time on the palistidiots, they are like cockroaches. That brings me to Israel. They are wrong for handling the cockroaches with kid gloves. Palistidiots reproduce faster than liberals with out an abortion clinic. Jihad is their only means of population control, and allows them to maintain their poligamist life style by having their sons don bomb vests. Carpet bombing Gaza is only a start. Every time an Israeli dies at the hands of an arab terrorist, a few MOABs should be dropped. One each on Damascus, Tehran, Rhiada, and Baghdad.
    Eventually Israel WILL say enough and start counter genocide. Face it folks, that portion of the gene pool needs a LOT of chlorine.

    Posted by Jeremy    United States   03/15/2007  at  08:06 AM  

  16. Leonard Jones, I don’t think Skipper is a moral relativist at all.  I have been reading this blog for a while, and I can tell that he’s no fan of the palistidiots.  In fact, I think he would be quite happy if the Israelis took off their kid gloves and killed all these barbarians.  I think the only reason he put up this poster was to get a comment thread going and to get us all interacting.

    Posted by lisar915    United States   03/15/2007  at  09:56 AM  

  17. lisar915:

    The Skipper is on vacation.  His replacement is the moral relativist.  I object to having
    a Jew hating Buchaninite take his place.  One cannot equate a cold blooded mass murderer
    with an innocent who takes up the gun in self defense.

    If we cannot make this clear moral distinction, Audie L. Murphy was no different than
    Adolph Hitler. They both killed people, the only difference is that of scale.

    If we cannot see the difference, then we should let child molesters go because there is
    no such thing as an innocent child.  Besides, the child was simply a part of the “Cycle of violence.” Just ask Jessica Lunsford, Polly Klaas, or Amber Hagerman.  The problem with this “Cycle of violence,” is that it is one sided, just like the Arab Israeli conflict.

    If we fail to understand the difference between good and evil, what is the difference
    between Mother Theresa and Joseph Stalin?  Jonas Salk and Pol Pot?  Albert Schweitzer
    and Mao Tse-Tung?  Collectivists and liberals have been so successful at framing the
    debate, that abortionists are heroes and pro-lifers villians.  Rembrandt was a finger-
    painter, but an “artist” is one who could depict the Virgin Mary in elephant dung.  Or
    what of the elevation of ganster rappers above Mozart, or Tchaikovsky?

    Having read this Blog nearly since it’s inception, I cannot believe that the Skipper
    would allow this kind of filth to infect his great work.

    Posted by Leonard Jones    United States   03/15/2007  at  11:54 PM  

  18. Whoa Leonard!

    Speaking as one of the resident Hebs here (and a proud one at that), I’ve never had a significant disagreement with either the Skipper or Mr. Christian on any of their statements about Israel, the Palestinians, Judaism or Jews.  Like you, my first reaction was disgust at the apparent moral relativism (actually I’d call it B.S. propaganda).  However, I held my comments to reflect before answering and I’m glad I did.  When I then read the Skipper’s comments, I appreciated that he had not changed his positions, but basically wanted to stir some sh*t.  He might have succeeded a little too well.  Read all of the stuff carefully.  That said, how did you decide to drag Mr. Christian into it, or was that just a blond moment?  I have them too sometimes, that’s why I try to think for a bit before shooting someone.

    Last note:  Accal, your brief comment actually was the best summation of the true situation.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   03/16/2007  at  06:54 PM  

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