Miracle Cure?


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 10/31/2006 at 01:31 AM   
  1. I’m sure that Red Ted “Fat Boy” Kennedy will be in line for one of those home-grown livers, lord knows that his own has been totally pickled by decades of alcohol (and other controlled substance) abuse…

    Posted by Rat Patrol    United States   10/31/2006  at  09:31 AM  

  2. Kind of OT but not - my younger daughter follows the Royals of the World [did I tell you she switched her major to political science - man we taught her well] and one the younger Royals who just had a baby (Finland, Sweden - somewhere like that) wanted to bank the cord blood (which apparently is the hot new thing to do) but over in pc-socialized medicine eurowhinnie world, if you bank the cord blood, it is open to anyone and everyone. Sooooooo, she banked it in Arizona USA to be able to keep it soley for her child.

    Yes, this garbage about Stem Cell malarky is just so damn frustrating. Adult stem cells work and of course open the option of curing yourself (bank a few, when you are young and healthy), cord blood is bursting wide open and some Dr out in LaLaLand is working on fat cells (gotta dash him an email to volunteer a few pounds of that stuff). And they work and they are viable, renewable (if you will) options.

    And yet the Party of Death still throws out a hypocritical and opportunistic ‘absolute moral authority’ speaker who finally admitted that he never read the amendment he’s pitching, has a foundation that has produced a result with non-ESC research and claims to be non-partisan but is only supporting Dems, even one who voted against his vaulted ESC. I am sorry but it shows either how stupid MJFox is or how partisan he is.

    This is all a scam to get federal funds and to keep abortion (abortion uber alles) alive and well and making money hand over fist in addition to all the federal funds going to PP and ‘Womens’ Clinics. And to force the people of MO and eventually the entire US to fund this (thus far) failure. The greedy bas***** just want even more money going into a dark hole of their and their lackeys pockets.

    And the ‘stupid masses’ of the left/democratic persuasion are still chanting ‘Bush lied’ and ‘quagmire’ . . .At least we have proof that brainwashing and mind control work.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   10/31/2006  at  05:22 PM  

  3. This isn’t really my bailiwick, but I must distinguish between medical (or any other) research per se, which is one thing, and government subsidy of any such research, which is another matter altogether.

    I can approve of the one, while remaining deeply suspicious of the other on principle.

    oh oh

    Posted by Tannenberg    United States   10/31/2006  at  08:13 PM  

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