Minimum Wage Debate


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler    United States   on 10/14/2004 at 12:55 PM   
  1. Dang it Vilmar! Quit stereo-typing! As I mentioned before, I’m a former fast-food cashier. When I left Wendy’s 2 years ago when I got remarried, I was making around $7.50 an hour. It’s the most I’ve ever made.

    I was a terrific cashier-as far as service goes. The guests loved my quirky, opinionated, personality. Unfortunately, because of my autism my cash-drawers were erratic. No, I wasn’t fired. Far from it. They moved me to order-taker so I could do what I did best-charm guests.My job did go VERY part time at that point though.
    I’m not stupid-far from it.  I’ve worked my butt off to get to the point I’m at-with God’s help of course.

    I really get tired of people assuming that if you’re over oh-22- and you work in fast food you’re some kind of dreg on society.

    Until I get my associates degree-whenever/whatever that is-and unless my budding vocal potential takes off soon,, I’m qualified to work in fast food or maybe a bookstore-at almost 34. It’s honest work.

    Now STOP IT!
    Barb*looking really p.o.’d*
    Btw-I’m AGAINST raising the minimum wage!

    Posted by Annoying Little Twerp    United States   10/14/2004  at  10:24 PM  

  2. Sorry, no can do.  So long as the left steroetypes and exagerrates then I will continue to call them as I see them.  And I see LOTS more kids and seniors taking these jobs to supplement incomes than I see people raise families on these wages!! If there is a spouse working min wage it’s usually because the other spouse makes good money already and the cash is a bonus. The left makes it seem as if everyone on min wage is raising families and makes no distinction between a zit-faced 16 year old staying at home with NO EXPENSES, just trying to make some cash or a senior citizen doing same and people who work those jobs to pay the rent. 

    Why should the former(students, spouses, seniors) deserve a raise?  Of course they don’t, right?  So unless people like me point out that the vast MINORITY of people making minimum wage actually DO support families on those wages alone, we will see large increases in minimum wage at the detriment of businesses, those self-same people currently employed, and the consumer at large (poorer service, higher costs) Not to mention how the unions use this as a ploy to then demand increases to their members, and so on and so on.

    And as for that minority, they need to do what you are doing---getting a higher education.  You are the exception to the rule (remember the “bell curve” from statistics?  The majority of us are right in the middle and some of us are 1,2,or 3 standard deviations from the mean) You are one of those.  People who work in the fast food industry are not (a drag on) (dregs of) society.  I do not imply that. 

    I DO STATE that people who work in that field while simultaneously trying to raise families and then crying to mommy government to pay them more because that’s all they can do are IRRESPONSIBLE for putting themselves and their children in that situation.  Adult responsibility dictates you have the means to raise your child.  If you do not, you should not have a child.  It is not the responsibility of government to give you pay raises for your bad decisions. 

    Conclusion?  They don’t deserve a raise either.

    Basically we agree on most of this. You just perceive me of being hypercritical of everyone making minimum wage--I am not.  I do, however, take issue with their “life decision” processes and seeming belief that I, the taxpayer, owe them a living.

    Posted by Vilmar    United States   10/15/2004  at  05:18 AM  

  3. Vilmar, I didn’t mean to go an the attack and I’m as anti-entitlement-or more so as anyone.

    Posted by Annoying Little Twerp    United States   10/15/2004  at  08:09 AM  

  4. Barb, I never took it as an attack.  You didn’t do so. As the Ozzies say, “No worries, mate!”

    Posted by Vilmar    United States   10/15/2004  at  10:35 AM  

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