Media Morons, Parts I And II


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 07/28/2006 at 10:29 AM   
  1. Caterpiller!
    That’ll kill ‘er.
    Leaving Rachel
    Flat as spaetzel

    ‘Dozer ‘dozer squat and yellow
    Metal blade and diesel’s bellow
    When the protest got too much
    Buried Rachel in the dust.

    I think the poem the Slimes refers to is the one that Iowahawk dealt with so well.

    And yeah, perhaps it can be said that Israel is losing. First because they aren’t really fighting all that hard, and second because the only way they can actually “win” is to totally destroy hezbullshit and all those who support it. That means near total destruction of Lebanon, and while the IDF likely has the ability to do that, I don’t think their country has the real desire to do so. Anything less than that just buys them some more time until the next round.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   07/28/2006  at  12:48 PM  

  2. Drew I am both scared and happy that I think you are wrong - I think that this is the pivot point in WWIII or whatever. You can always tell what side the Good Guys are on or if they are winning - by the way the NYT slants their reporting.

    What garbage - I wouldn’t even use it for my kitty box - I love my cat more than that.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   07/28/2006  at  01:14 PM  

  3. I didn’t say I agreed with their assessment, Wardmama, I just thought about it and saw that there could just barely be some slight bit of reason there. I think the IDF is going to win this one IF the rest of the world stays the hell out of it and IF they tough it out. That whiner Englend from the UN was on TV going on about a 72 hour truce so the UN guys could get in humanitarian supplies and get out the wounded. Horse droppings. Everyone in Lebanon had days and days to get out ahead of time. Give HezB 72 hours and they will resupply and rearm, probably via ambulance, just like the palis do. And the UN crew will help them. I have come to seriously believe that the UN is actively working against Israel and the US. They have become an enemy.

    While the UN sat gleefully by, the Hezzies turned the border area into an armed camp. I bet the place has more tunnels than the DMZ in Korea. Cleaning that out is going to be a long, harsh, and bloody job for the IDF. Lebanon will do nothing, because that’s what they want to do. I feel they fully support Hezbullah, only right now they’re afraid to say so cuz it would earn them some major air strikes.

    I think the real problem with the whole WoT is that western nations don’t want to admit what real war is, don’t want to get involved in one, and don’t want to stay the course. No need to mention that we’re actually in a crusade; can’t admit that EVER, even if our enemy is a religious movement. But everything else in our lives is instant gratification these days; we know nothing of sticking to it, trying hard against heavy odds, and slugging it out, so wars should be over in about 2 weeks with less than 50 casualties.

    I hope this is the pivot point too. I have this dream that one of those moderate arab states will join in and take up arms against the terrorists, in the name of their religion. Masses of moslems will rally in the streets, stone these creeps, and throw them out. I don’t expect that to happen until most of the fighting is over worldwide, if then.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   07/28/2006  at  05:56 PM  

  4. Of course not Drew - the PC police have turned so much of the world into spinless, ignorant, gel images of real humans. It is why people can get away with calling President a ‘terrorist’ and not be held accountable for ignoring the maggot that hacked off Nick Bergs head on al-jeezera tv (live at 11). . .

    Tragically, the msm and morons in academia/politics have insidiously weaken most of the major societies of the world, and while screeding about the ‘evil’ multinational corps - have secretly stashed millions away in off shore accounts - while making the rest of working class America poorer and poorer trying to ‘support’ the entitlement leeches. . . and now the world is exploding into chaos, not because of the poverty and occupation unleashed onto the world by Bush (although how he dragged the world so far down in 5 years is beside my understanding) - but it is rather a clash of radical islamists who want to wipe the Jews from the face of the earth and take most Western Infidels along for the ride. . .

    Hopefully, sense and sensibility will rule and the world can remain safe - otherwise grab a gun and head for the hills - it ain’t going to be pretty.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   07/29/2006  at  08:04 AM  

  5. need to go with the trade vs the proper name. If you use “Cat” it opens a hundred doors like splat, flat, bat, mat, rat, brat, ....

    It was my cat
    you didn’t see
    you were being you
    you rat
    like a brat
    now you are gone
    splat you went
    into the cold
    dark night

    Posted by Gizmo    United States   07/30/2006  at  01:54 PM  

  6. Good advice, Gizmo!

    Bwah-hah-hah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha ....

    I laughed so hard,
    all over myself
    I shat.


    Posted by The Skipper    United States   07/30/2006  at  02:08 PM  

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