Media Labelling


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 11/01/2005 at 06:49 AM   
  1. This has been well documented in the past. Not so much a bias as a fundamental mind-set revealed in how journalists use words: Liberal is the normal default ideology—anything else needs explanation and labeling.

    Posted by Oink    United States   11/01/2005  at  08:23 AM  

  2. Hmmmm. From my review of headlines, “Staunch conservative” is popular with the MSM. Fair enough. Several articles note that he’s low-key, and a solid family man. The writers mostly appear to have learned a lesson. Yes, you can drag out a few glaring exceptions.

    The USA Today editorial calls him “a step backwards”. I have places on my old limestone quarry where a step backwards is a swell idea.

    Posted by Oink    United States   11/01/2005  at  08:38 AM  

  3. The Liberal media are a bunch of pussys.  You get the best labels on blogs.

    Like the Skipper will call a spade a spade and an Arab a Sand Monkey.

    The Liberal media better bone up on more colorful labelling or risk being totally without consumers.  Without consumers they will have to fire all their employees like GM and Delphi. Darn blogs causing a market disruption and profits shrink with their continued growth.  Tripod Economics is the Liberal media’s only hope but they will never listen to reason.  The Liberal media is nothing but a bunch of Socialists.

    NO, No, Senator StabeNOw, we are not going to NATIONALIZE health care, sorry.

    Tripod Economics - Consumers / Employers / Employees

    Free and Open Markets With Maximum Competition. :rulez:

    Posted by Z Woof    United States   11/01/2005  at  01:09 PM  

  4. OCM:  If the farmer up the street is raising apricots in the Colorado high country, he is amazing.

    Colorado boasts of Congressman Tom Tancredo (R-CO), who is a very CONSERVATIVE guy.  He will use the term SOCIALIST, so he tells Z-Truth.  A sample:

    Issues - Health Care

    The United States has the best health care system in the world. This is why people from all over the world travel to the United States for their major health problems. It is why Canadians cross the border when they are unable to get the treatment they wish in the Canadian socialized health care system.

    However, even the best system can be made better. The traditional doctor-patient relationship is the most important aspect of health care and must be protected. Increasing needless government regulation of health care increases costs, pricing many Americans out of the healthcare marketplace.

    More Choices for Consumers
    America’s health care system should be allowed to benefit from every asset of the nation’s free market economy. We need to empower individuals and families with the ability to choose their own health insurance plans and visit the doctor of their choice. America’s health care system should be personal and portable. I support a plan in Congress that would offer a flat annual tax credit of $500 to individuals and $1,000 for families to assist them in purchasing health insurance if their employer does not offer health care coverage. This plan would also allow individuals to decline their employer provided plans and find alternative plans meeting their individual needs. I also support giving similar tax credits to each employer who offers health care coverage to their employees.

    Medical Savings Accounts
    Medical Savings accounts (MSAs) offer Americans the chance to take charge of their own health care and will go a long way to restore the doctor-patient relationship. I support the expanded availability of MSAs for all Americans.

    Health Insurance
    There often is confusion about when the federal government should and should not get involved in a particular issue. Unfortunately, too many politicians feel the need to make empty promises, and make new complicated laws, without ever doing the hard work of market based reform. Keep in mind, every attempt by the federal government to “fix” health insurance through bureaucratic micro-management of the industry has increased consumer cost. Concern about the cost of health care is warranted. However, to date, there has been no federal law or regulation resulting in a reduction in the cost of health care or health insurance.


    I wonder what the name Medical Savings Accounts (MSA) is now?  flag

    U.S. Treasury Secretary Snow talked to the Detroit Economic Club yesterday and he said, “The tax free HSA is like a Super Charged IRA.”

    Tancredo and Zandstra are alike in many ways.  Both are X-Policy guys.


    Prior to being elected to Congress, Tom was a public schoolteacher in north Denver. In 1976, he was elected to the Colorado State House of Representatives where he served until President Ronald Reagan appointed him as the Secretary of Education’s Regional Representative in 1981. After serving both Presidents Reagan and Bush, Tom was named the President of the Independence Institute, a conservative public policy research organization in Golden, Colorado, where he served from 1993 to 1998


    I’ve have been married to my lovely wife, Mary, for nearly 20 years. We have three sons, James and Thomas, who are in high school, and Jacob in middle school. I hold a bachelor’s degree, two master’s degrees and a doctorate, and I’m completing a second doctorate from the Western Michigan University School of Public Affairs. I’ve taught in several colleges and graduate schools, focusing mostly on economics and leadership.

    For the last 5 years, I’ve been Director of Programs at the Acton Institute, a conservative think tank on economics, public policy and ethics. I’ve worked both all over the United States and internationally, talking about how government policies affect economies, families and freedom

    We need thinkers in D.C. not just politicians that will sell their souls for a dollar.

    Posted by Z Woof    United States   11/01/2005  at  08:56 PM  

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