Media does Colorblind Reporting (by claiming KKK supporters back Trump because of two Blacks)


Posted by Turtler    United States   on 03/04/2016 at 03:37 AM   
  1. You know - Jake Tapper used to be an ok guy - but Trump disavowed this ‘claim’ (as I’ve read since, that Duke never did say he supported Trump) right after this happened. His tete-a-tete with Tapper going after him again and again and again about this was Trump just proving how biased journOlists are now.

    I am so sick of this entire morass that has become America.

    The politicians screw up the family (welfare), the education system, housing et al and for some unknown reason - decided to go the full monty (ok, I know, it was because the historic first black POTUS was NEVER, EVER going to be attacked) into taking over the healthcare system.  [Please see John Q et al, for the reminder of the fight against insurance company, non-medical hacks getting in between a patient and medical care]. Now, at the cost of billions, this Obamacare is forcing unaccountable ‘bone-headed’ federal bureaucrats and the IRS into controlling healthcare in America. The POTUS, Congress and the Supreme Court are going against the People. Even at it’s lowest against (O’care - 51% right before the vote) America is not only NOT a Constitutional Republic anymore, it’s not a Democracy (mob rule).

    The Cult of personality/Pop culture destruction of morals and a real suspension of reality (look to any of the so-called reality shows) - has destroyed the cultural fiber of America more than anything else.

    And that Big Pharma, Big Food and Wall Street get more/pay more to control the medical, physical and economic issues in America - should make everyone disgusted.

    And that a criminal and pathological liar and a bum who didn’t work until he was 40 (but somehow has become a millionaire - like I really believe that he is only $200,000. in assets from it) - on a $174,000/yr (or less in the early years) salary - not to mention that they are both old, white people - are the best that the DNC can come up with.

    All explains why The Donald is succeeding. I just read it - as Trump is coalescing what the Tea Party started. No wonder the GOP is in such a snit. While the DNC and GOP are screaming - Anybody But Trump - We The People are screaming Anybody but DC Politicians

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   03/04/2016  at  10:01 AM  

  2. I think I saw this somewhere before. ohh

    Posted by Col. Bat Guano    United States   03/04/2016  at  06:57 PM  

  3. Remember how many Smart people were sure that some redneck racist honky was sure to “Kill the Nigger” if he got elected?
    Now think back to the last seven years and explain how we all missed all those assasination attempts on Captain FAIL in the news.
    MSM where are you?
    By Golly there wasn’t even ONE time some angry Honky or any other ethnic tried to knock him off,Yet we are constantly bombarded with all this “hate Blacky/Hate Whitey Crap.
    So color me blind and fuck all the above bullshit because everyone here knows that it’a all just “Theater for the Masses”.

    crazy  finger  monkey  angel  banghead  mickeymouse

    Posted by Rich K    United States   03/04/2016  at  09:44 PM  

  4. Isn’t that Dave Chapell?

    Posted by grayjohn    United States   03/05/2016  at  09:42 AM  

  5. They are attacking Trump Because AMERICAN CITIZENS are supporting him.  So what if they are from a group that the MSM or the blm assholes don’t like.  Trump should point out this fact, thank the group for its support and tell the MSM to get is head out of its asshole and do some real reporting like on the broken laws by the clintoons.

    Posted by StephanA    Unknown   03/05/2016  at  10:58 AM  

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