liberals highly critical and offended by Palin remarks. good. it means she’s done something right.


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 01/13/2011 at 12:16 PM   
  1. Once again we see the left wielding their main weapons of PROJECTION and MISDIRECTION.

    So here you are again, pot calling the kettle black, when the kettle isn’t even a kettle? Shame on you. No, we are far beyond shame. Shame is a state of awareness that is redeemable. You have no shame because you have no conscience. You are sub-human. Please help fight Global Warming by limiting the production of CO2 by holding your breath until you die.

    But this wet-diaper screaming is not at all limited to the English, who collectively cut off their brains and their testicles around 1990 and have embraced the childish Utopian socialist mindset where the uber-state Big Daddy and Big Mommy will cure all the world’s ills and provide everything instantly for all. And so few of them can or will look at the real world and realize that this does not work, and that it is the baby approach to life: if I scream loud enough someone else will come kill the boogie man, and in the meantime I can hide my head under the blankets: if I can’t see him he doesn’t exist.

    Sorry Brits, but y’all have a LONG LONG history of antisemitism. Think hard ... who’s navy was it that was blockading the refugee ships going to Palestine in 1947 to form the state of Israel? Hmmm? Why yes, it was yours! And now you want to point that finger of Jew Hating? How dare you!

    But let’s try and forgive this particular bunch in the UK, not because they deserve it, but because they are foreigners and they just don’t understand. So kindly shut your fucking pie holes, please, you stupid vacuous cunts. You know not of what you prattle on about. Go back to muddling through, driving your shitty little cars, eating your tasteless crappy food, and running about in drag and calling it humor, while your tired little island is overrun with muslim invaders and barbaric criminal youths of whom you have lost the will to resist. We need something to laugh about, and the French aren’t always that entertaining.

    But if I see or hear one more asswipe on this side of the pond foaming at the mouth about evil Sarah Palin having a few words to say in her own defense after being the whipping girl AGAIN, AS USUAL, for nearly a whole week’s worth of uncalled for attacks from the unhinged left ... I just might explode. This is the most colossal level of gall I have ever seen.

    You will not silence her views or her words, or ours, no matter how hard you try. And the real bottom of the barrel truth is that the whole damn bunch of you are vicious evil rapists. Misogynists to the core, who are frightened to death of an intelligent and fearless woman. I can’t even think how far back in history I would have to go to find one woman who has stood up to the level of abuse set against her for so long, to speak up for what is right that millions and millions of people agree with. Joan of Arc perhaps? One voice, one woman, with half a billion rabid enemies worldwide, churning themselves into ecstatic orgasmic paroxysms over whatever bit of vituperative zoo turd their caged monkey minds can pick up and try to fling through the bars, while screeching to all their fellow Pan Troglodytes to watch and join in. Such men you are. Such an admirable bunch. Such humanists. The true Elite of the world. Gak.

    And you do not stop, you do not cease. Ever. You don’t even do her the smallest courtesy of listening to what she says and then thinking a nanosecond about it. Oh no, you do your tiresome old divide and conquer bullshit and crank up the Palin Castigation Machine from it’s standard, permanent setting of 11 to 11.9, and create another shitstorm of phony misdirection over her choice of TWO WORDS. What puerile fools you be. What putrescent pond scum you are in your warped, dark, loathsome, corrupted souls. Having rejected God and morality, you are living evil incarnate, as all the empty claims you make against her, and against the Right, are the poisons festering in your own vacant hearts PROJECTED outwards, because you are such infantile, irresponsible little intestinal tapeworms that you can never, ever face the reality that you yourselves are to blame for most of the ills you shrill so loudly about. “Blood libel”; oh we’re all so offended on behalf of all the Jews who are not offended by this whatsoever. You belong in the padded cell with Jared Loughner. You are Loughner.

    You want to know the one true reason this massacre happened? It happened because the insane are no longer locked up until after they have hurt otheres. The mentally ill roam the streets because the left took away their care facilities and dumped them all on the curb. Go read a history book. If any fingers of blame need to be pointed in this case, they should be pointed squarely back at you and yours.

    There is no peace with you. There is no reasoning with you. There is no useful dialog with you. Adults don’t debate with toddlers, especially toddler too juvenile to be potty trained. There is no middle of the road that can be found with you, because your side of the road is over the edge of the flat earth you so fervently believe in. We need to build a new road and lay down strong, fresh pavement along the original path. Right over all of you. That’s change we can believe in, and we conservative capitalists own the asphalt companies. Don’t expect any more mercy or understanding than you have shown her. Your endless pathetic angry noise has sapped the last of our patience and flexibility.

    Oh, and don’t think you fool a single one of us who has any internet forum or blog experience at all. We know damn well that the rabid comment was left at that blog by a TROLL. One of you who snuck in to cause problems. This is nothing new. Besides, we see you do it in every Republican primary, and in darn near every open blog in the entire Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy. It’s just another iteration of your two childish tactics: misdirection and projection. Directly out of the playbooks of Ayres and Marx, the handbooks of the enemies of America. You can’t pull that bunny out of the hat anymore because we can see up your sleeve. Which is a gentle way of letting you know that the magic is gone, so go away.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   01/13/2011  at  04:04 PM  

  2. Well, the left could do anything it wanted and yet November happened anyway didnt it. And if they go down the same road again I expect the 2012 road to be littered with even more road kill of the liberal bent.Silent Majority my ASS,Shit is finally hittin the fan.

    Posted by Rich K    United States   01/13/2011  at  06:32 PM  

  3. I couldn’t put it any better, Drew and peiper. So I won’t.

    For the life of me I can’t understands the left’s spittle-spraying hatred of that woman.

    Posted by mojoe    United States   01/13/2011  at  08:31 PM  

  4. Peiper, Im gonna risk you yelling at me for tossing this here but this is OMG stuff:

    Posted by Rich K    United States   01/13/2011  at  11:09 PM  

  5. Howdy everybody. I haven’t been here in awhile. I am disappointed that Kay Bailey Hutchinson decided to retire from the Senate today. I will miss her. I sure don’t understand what anybody sees in Sarah Palin. Why would you want her for President if she quit halfway in her term of Governor?

    Posted by Yellow Dog    United States   01/13/2011  at  11:20 PM  

  6. I understand the concept of Blood Libel very well.  It’s a lie used to slanderously defame an entire people and rouse hatred and violence by repeating an unjust accusation. 

    The classic example is the centuries old accusation that Jews use the blood of Christian children to make matzo for Passover*.  Rarely heard in modern times, it was common in Europe, especially Germany, Poland and Russia for over one thousand years, through the first half of the 20th Century.

    I fully agree with Sarah Palin in her use of the term.  It’s appropriate to the occasion.  Oh yes, I am Jewish.  I understand the term in a very personal way.  Calling Mrs. Palin’s accusers the “Unhinged Left”, treats them too gently.  By their words and deeds, they have tied themselves to a particularly evil mindset.  I won’t use the example we all know should go here, you fill in the blanks.

    *Note on Jewish Dietary Laws:  Blood of any type can never be served or present as an ingredient at a Jewish table.  It is forbidden by G-d, no exceptions.  All Kosher meat has to be specially treated to remove every trace of blood before it is cooked and served.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   01/14/2011  at  12:05 AM  

  7. I just read today’s Day by Day.  I haven’t figured out how to paste the picture here, but here’s the link.  Very subtly done.

    Day by Day

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   01/14/2011  at  12:12 AM  

  8. Your absolutely right Yellow Dog. We should demand our elected officials always serve out their term of office before seeking higher office or handling affairs that impair them doing the work they were elected to do.
    So why is it our present president bailed on the senate after less than 2 years to run for higher office.
    His bad I guess.
    Actually its a habitual theme of the man,running away before finishing anything.
    But he looks damn good on the podium dont he!
    Woohoo,bitchin threads Mr President.

    Posted by Rich K    United States   01/14/2011  at  12:30 AM  

  9. Three things I can add here (Drew & Peiper - good jobs) is:

    1) I am former Gov. Sarah Palin’s facebook friend - the ‘right’ are the ones who say God Bless You Sarah and Run Sarah Run - it is the leftists who tell her to shut her mouth and other hateful things.

    2) The Left (most especially Liberal Women) hate (and yes, it is truly the definition of HATE) former Gov Sarah Palin - as she puts to LIE every single thing that the feminazis have touted and spewed for decades. The founding women of the feminazis - hate everything that is feminine and womanly and have set about to destroy the ONE institution that is both a religious and civil protection (except in islam) to women - Marriage. And thus had to kill (as outlined in The Retreat from Motherhood by Samuel Blumenfeld (1975)) the one obstacle in the way of Woman truly being free - children. Tragically it became a real killing rather than just a symbolic one. And she has had more than the prescribed (i.e. acceptable) 2 children and even worse - opted to bring forth a ‘retarded’ child. And oh yes, has been happily married to the Northern hottie - Todd - for 22 years. And apparently a real relationship with God for most (if not all) of her life.


    3) To someone who can shoot and field strip a caribou in the most inaccessible part of the US - Words (especially when they are lies and distortions) - are puny and useless weapons against her. They and the ‘desire’ to be a media darling - have nothing to do with former Gov Sarah Palin - at all.

    The above are concepts that the Left cannot abide by, tolerate but much more - have no real understanding as to how they sustain a person. Thus they have no real understanding of former Gov Sarah Palin - nor the people who believe in her and support her. At.All. Ever.

    You could put former Gov Sarah Palin - anywhere in the World and by golly - she’d survive and be happy (most especially if her family were with her) - There isn’t a Leftist in the World who could say that - as they aren’t even happy who and where they are. . .

    Former Gov Sarah Palin is a walking, talking - but more than that actually Living Poster Child for the American Dream - and the Left hates that more than anything else - as they know IF she ever gets to DC - they are doomed to their 40 years in the ‘political desert’ that just a mere 3 years they were writing about the Republicans being consigned there forever.

    What the Left fails to realize is that the reason former Gov Sarah Palin is so popular is that the majority of Americans see themselves and the solution to our current problems in her - and as a few others on the rising political scene show - She isn’t the only one out there.

    I AM SARAH PALIN - and that is going to be the final blow to this out-of-control bloated government and elitist ruling class mentality.

    President Dwight D Eisenhower in his farewell speech warned of the Military-Industrial Complex (which amazingly the Left only uses this warning when a R is in office - even though The Won is proving to be just as ‘beholding’ to The Big ‘Corporations’ over the citizens) - and I think that the Left is going to truly implode that it was a Warrior who warned Americans of what was coming and dangerous and it will be a Mama Grizzly who will blow it up and out of American government - hopefully forever!

    RUN SARAH RUN - the heads that will implode and explode alone will be worth it just for the humor value.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   01/14/2011  at  09:05 AM  

  10. I, for one, would be PROUD to call Sarah Palin “Madame President!”

    Posted by Macker    United States   01/14/2011  at  09:29 AM  

  11. Before we apply the stick-on label of “quitter” to the former Governor, it would be smart to look at the situation. Alaska has, or had, a poorly written law that allowed anyone to bring ethics violation charges against elected officials, and a rule that all of those charges would have to be investigated and defended against at the personal expense of the accused. There was no rule that any punishment would be handed out for false accusations. This was originally done to “keep government honest”, but the Law of Unforeseen Consequences always rules supreme.

    During and after the 2008 election Palin was flooded with dozens, perhaps hundreds, of these complaints. They were all spurious, and many of them were filed by people who had never even been to Alaska, much less suffered at all from the acts of Governor or Government. Bloggers filed charges. Charges were filed under false names. Palin was going broke responding to the charges, and they were keeping her from doing anything as Governor. This was her punishment from the Left for standing up to The Anointed One. Remember what happened to “Joe the Plumber”? Multiply that by 1000. It was yet another gang rape.

    The bottom line is that she was hassled into penury by vengeful freaks, and the amount of time necessary to defend herself against the charges left her little time to devote to being Governor. Faced with that reality, she left the office. At which point the dunghill rats gleefully labeled her a quitter, and their minions in the media went on a drunken bender replicating that meme. Hardly one of them even bothered to look at the reason she had actually stepped down from the office; all they could talk about was how this would hurt her chances for a 2012 bid for President.

    You tell me YellowDog, what was she supposed to do? I mean, other than pull a time machine out of her, um, purse, jump back a year or so, and have the Alaskan ethics law rewritten to make it a firing squad offense to file false charges? Even if she had stayed in Juneau she would have spent the rest of her term in court, because the charges continued to be created out of whole cloth. Even the legal defense fund that supporters funded for her would have gone broke. That would have left the state leaderless and her family destitute. It was a lose-lose situation. I think she made the right choice. And I recognize that she is a better person than I am, because in her position I would have been transformed into a hate filled vengeful harridan, who would have spent the rest of my life hunting those bastards down and flaying them all alive. And I’d include the useless and now far left leaning N.O.W. in that group, who was part of the general dog-pile instead of the loudest voice speaking up in defense of a woman being abused. May they burn in Hell forever.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   01/14/2011  at  09:42 AM  

  12. Drew - Great explanation of why former Gov Sarah Palin stepped down - Alaska is a whole nother country (my sincere apologies to Texas and whomever came up with that motto) - She did exactly what she should have done - THE BEST THING POSSIBLE FOR THE CITIZENS OF THE STATE OF ALASKA. Isn’t that what we desire for every Governor? Isn’t that what we should at least aspire to for every Governor to be?

    As for turning into a hate-filled vengeful harridan - Sarah displays the real calmness and turn the other cheek characteristic of a true Christian and besides - she knows deep down in her heart lies are meaningless and don’t hurt her at all.


    President Palin - by golly gee - that does sound nice cool smile

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   01/14/2011  at  10:11 AM  

  13. GEE, I hope you folks didnt scare off our new commmenter with all that “HOSTILE VITRIOL”
    LOL  grin cheese  wink tongue rolleye tongue laugh

    Posted by Rich K    United States   01/14/2011  at  11:29 AM  

  14. "That which does not kill us makes us stronger.”

    So either they’ll get used to it, or conclude that it’s perfectly Ok to make strong well thought out comments here. Which it is, although it isn’t always necessary to do so.

    You want hostile? You just wait until I get cranky over your thread jacking. Then we’ll see hostile. [only kidding][not] big surprise machinegun

    Posted by Drew458    United States   01/14/2011  at  01:42 PM  

  15. loveyou  good_one  loveyou

    Posted by Rich K    United States   01/14/2011  at  01:52 PM  

  16. I just realized that I couldn’t care less what offends a liberal.  The word “liberal” and everything and everyone associated with it offends me.  I am developing a bone deep hatred of the left.  Now I am not violent, nor do I advocate violence, but I’ll work against liberals and their agenda in every other way possible.  In the mean time, screw them all into the sub sub basement of hell.

    Posted by grayjohn    United States   01/15/2011  at  10:50 AM  

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