Can We Just Lay This To Rest Now Please?


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 01/14/2011 at 11:06 AM   
  1. How about this instead. I mean, we all distrust the russians still dont we??

    Posted by Rich K    United States   01/14/2011  at  12:16 PM  

  2. You’re tired?  OK, I can see that. But talk about pissed off and tired. Again today in ALL the freekin papers. Same shit and read Martin Samuel in the Mail. Never mind. I’m either going to ignore it or post it. Palin is apparently the second coming. Of Hitler.
    Samuel I believe might be Jewish as well and I want to write the shit even if it will do no good. He was primarily a football writer. Wish he’d stick to that and stay the ‘F’ out of our politics. I can’t hide from it and we don’t even have a TV. If I had hair to pull out ,
    I would.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   01/14/2011  at  12:58 PM  

  3. As a retired auto mechanic I can tell you from first hand experience that fixing a ‘blown head gasket’ is messy and expensive .Try to find your mellow on this Peiper.The whole concept of the ‘Palin Magnet’ is to cause liberal moonbats heads to explode,Not ours.

    Posted by Rich K    United States   01/14/2011  at  01:12 PM  

  4. Oh Look, Epic Fail on parade;
    NARRATIVE FAIL (CONT’D): Quinnipiac Poll: More Americans Say Left Contributes to Heated Rhetoric Than Right.

    Posted by Rich K    United States   01/14/2011  at  01:15 PM  

  5. Neat trick - the Left can say anything they want (truth, lie, distortion or completely fabricated out of thin air) and IF/WHEN the attacked person responds - THEY are contributing to the ‘heated discourse’ and part of the problem. What bs.

    Of course they are beating the dead horse that is RIGHT WING HATE SPEECH - the economy is failing, the ‘revised’ unemployment figures suck big time, foreclosures (in certain places) are at an all time high, oil is rising faster (than it ever did under the evil bushitlerburtonco ‘regime’) than a bullet (oops, my bad) and gas is over $3 and headed to $4 - when most people cannot afford it, and the Fearless Reader (love that one Drew) kicked off his re-election campaign on the backs of 6 dead people and a wounded party switching Congresswoman - Who ever on the Left would want the tackiness, the utter incompetence of the entire 111th Congress and Obama Administration being discussed - WE MUST BEAT INTO THE STUPID MASSES THAT THE RIGHT IS EVIL AND DANGEROUS. OH DON’T YOU JUST LOVE THE T-SHIRTS?!!!!

    Meanwhile 25 states (that’s half for those in Rio Linda) have filed suit against Obamacare. Meanwhile over 200 Companies and Unions have filed waivers to avoid participation in Obamacare. Meanwhile 71% (higher than the 60% of pre-Nov election polling) of the polled citizens want Obamacare REPEALED.

    The FDA and Monsanto have been playing revolving door of directors/researchers with GMO seeds and chemicals in food and of course using illegals - to do the jobs Americans won’t do - and so the Government has to ‘step in and do something to fix the resulting problems’ and pass the Food Safety Act - so that GMO and chemical laden food can be done without any Congressional approval or oversight but Joe & Jane Citizen’s backyard garden (and of course the staple that fed a Nation for more than 2 centuries - the Family Farm) are going to be controlled and regulated out of existence.

    And meanwhile - the masses are distracted by mindless tv - how did a city councilman go Undercover? How do they pick the seasons contestants for American Idol? And most importantly - Why did Sarah Palin feel the need to insert herself into the discussion on the Arizona shooting on the very day our Dear Reader was attempting to heal the Nation?

    In my deepest and darkest conspiracy nightmare moments (usually when I realize we no longer can afford having junk food in the house) I even imagine for a second that there is the possibility that these amoral, base, agenda driven foaming at the mouth leftist moonbats were behind the Arizona shooting to prevent the 112th Congress from Overturning Obama’s HISTORIC OBAMACARE as their first legislative act - then I wake up and realize that even the American Liberal Left can’t be that evil.

    Can they?

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   01/15/2011  at  08:53 AM  

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Previous entry: liberals highly critical and offended by Palin remarks. good. it means she's done something right.

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