less law, more disorder on planet stupid ….


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 10/19/2010 at 11:43 AM   
  1. I so agree with you - umm, correct me if I am wrong - but don’t these bleeding heart liberals also want to elevate animals to people status - and we euthanize dangerous animals? If and it is a big if - we kicked these creepos off the dole and then when they re-offended put them in jail & threw away the keys - that would be one thing (yes, I know still on the taxpayers dime either way) but any sentence - means that they get out eventually. And either way - out or in - they are on the taxpayers dime. I think it is time for those of us funding the very criminal element stand up and say No More.

    How much violence makes a violent criminal, how many murders make a murderer - and what qualifies as ‘rehabilitation’? And why should we allow them to continue to break the laws and continue to victimize society while being given taxpayer money? Of what benefit are they to society, what contribution do they make? Redemption and compassion - are the realm of religion - which is not a place liberals even deign to visit - so how in the hell do they know a damn thing about it? And forgiveness - does not mean to simply look the other way and ‘hope’ for the best.

    But chaos and anarchy (I love it here in America as the libs are the ones screaming about ‘the rule of law’ - while studiously ignoring it, violating it and working daily to destroy it) - consider the ‘general’ welfare of the majority of society and follow the rule of law - lock them up forever or simply end their suffering - and save the taxpayers a few dimes in the process.

    Seal the borders and don’t allow just anyone in and re-arm the populace - those 3 things will restore dignity, peace and probably drop the crime rate by at least 40%.

    But it entails common sense which it seems almost everyone within the criminal justice system and certainly politics no longer possess at all.

    God Help America
    A Proud American Infidel

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   10/20/2010  at  07:26 AM  

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