Labor Union to Prime Minister …. Turn more to the left or quit!


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 09/12/2009 at 09:50 AM   
  1. Put the union thugs in jail for a year or so.  The Tower of London would be even better.  There they could re think their position in life.

    Posted by grayjohn    United States   09/12/2009  at  02:51 PM  

  2. Reading that list - I now know how thuggish and really stupid they are - simply asked to be paid for nothing - why even bother with pretending to work? Isn’t that their goal in the first place anyway? I know it is with the SEIU here - that and to act as The Won’s Thugs when he needs them.

    It would be a joke - if it weren’t the economy, the job market, the tax money and our future that these lazy, corrupt thugs are jeopardizing - and they are taking down the strongest governments in the World - and you know who will move in right behind them when they do - the Muslimes and their World Caliphate.

    Too bad these lazy idiots - think only of how they can gin the system - not about the future of their country nor that if they push too hard - they will destroy the country. The UK & America might have some problems - but damn it all - there is much, much worse out there.

    We had a local vote by 3 unions (1 cop, 1 something else, & 1 city workers) to accept some concessions or risk job cuts - the cop union & the something else accepted - the city workers didn’t. Somehow I’d think that concessions & a job - would mean that if the future got rosy again - things pay wise in the job would get better - but holding firm and losing a job - means there is not the chance of that happening. Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face. Of course now they will have a reason to march for Obamacare.

    What a bunch of stupid, selfish people.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   09/12/2009  at  04:21 PM  

  3. In the 1970’s in Britain the telephone network was state run. If you wanted a phone installed you had to wait weeks. I worked with a guy who worked for the GPO as it was then. He told me how they used to stack up cardboard boxes and make a wall so they could sit behind it all day and play cards. If anyone from management complained the unions would call for strike action. In 1979 Margaret Thatcher came in and sold off the GPO as British Telecom and all this crap ended. The Post Office in Britain is like the US a state run organisation and actually they do a pretty good job. The problem they have now is the EU doesn’t like the fact that other countries can’t muscle in on their business. You would think in such a situation they would be looking to do away with “Spanish practices” but the unions can’t change their spots.

    On a related topic most public sector workers in the UK are on a very generous final salary pension scheme. Most private sectors can no longer afford such largesse and have closed their pensions schemes. Especially as Gordon Browns decided to tax the profits in the stock market taking £5 billion every year to handout to welfare deadbeats and immigrants. Prior to this British pensions were the envy of the world. One of the big public sector unions is UNISON. It seems whilst they are fighting to maintain public sector pensions for “the workers” they can no longer afford to fund final salary pensions for their own staff. Oh the irony.

    Posted by LyndonB    Canada   09/12/2009  at  05:16 PM  

  4. I worked for the post office in the 1970s overstaffed X3 it was a scam, like all union places. Regarding the Labour party, remember it is paid by the unions, also there is a huge stupid streak in the english, this is the country that stood alone against socialism then voted the national hero out and a socialist government in????

    Posted by Chris Edwards    Canada   09/13/2009  at  05:04 PM  

  5. Chris I quite agree voting Labour for anyone who has to work for a living (public sector excluded obviously) must be some form of mental illness. Why would you want to vote for a party who exist only to steal your money and give it to the idle and feckless?

    Posted by LyndonB    Canada   09/13/2009  at  05:22 PM  

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