Just … DAMN!


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 06/20/2006 at 07:25 AM   
  1. How is it that our news media does not tell the complete story.

    The CTV News reality version of this story for Canadians:

    The bodies of two American soldiers reported missing in Iraq since Friday have been found south of Baghdad and showed signs of “barbaric torture,” a senior Iraqi military official said Tuesday.

    The CNN cleansed version of the same story for Americans:

    Earlier, military spokesman Maj. William Wilhoite told CNN he did not know whether the bodies showed signs of torture. “I haven’t heard anything through our official channels,” he said.

    Posted by doomswitcher    United States   06/20/2006  at  11:48 AM  

  2. No mention at all of bit of good news as troops in the same area seem to have sent
    an individual one of of my colleagues ( a Marine ) said was AQs #5 Asshat to an
    early rendezvous with his raisins. Figures....

    Posted by ibm    United States   06/20/2006  at  12:16 PM  

  3. No in case you haven’t noticed it - the evildoers at the msm have released the story of 3 101st soldiers being charged in the deaths of detainees (May 9th incident) at the same time that they were reporting the search for these two soldiers (also from the 101st). Also not reporting that the Investigators have determined that there was no coverup in the Haditha incident [can you say ‘I’m Sorry’ Rep Murtha???] There can be no quarter, no sympathy, no concern for American soldiers in the media, ever. It is disgusting to the max.

    I just hope that as shown with the last two elections - Americans are fed up with the lies, misinformation and twisting of the truth and put these lunatics out of power. I know that the media is suffering from their biased positions, it is time for the politcians to suffer too.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   06/20/2006  at  01:19 PM  

  4. I hope whoever did this finds a long, slow and painfull trip to HELL in their future.

    Posted by Archangel    United States   06/20/2006  at  04:27 PM  

  5. Untie our hands, kick every news reporter BBC, CNN, ect ect, soliders with camras out, let our boys get on with the job, and when payback comes the only ones who will know about it will be them on the receiving end. mad  England win groupe beerparty

    Posted by bulldog    United Kingdom   06/20/2006  at  06:09 PM  

  6. I’m surprised that the lunatic from Daily KOS hasn’t come out with another “screw ‘em” comment. Wheres the MSM? Wheres the outrage from the human rights crowd? The Red Cross?, Jimmy Carter?, The Dixie twits? I guess they are all too worried ensuring the “detainees” have a warm bed to sleep in with a nice mooselimb meal !  machinegun

    Posted by Gizmo    United States   06/20/2006  at  06:23 PM  

  7. Just tell me….please…..

    When a US soldier so much as farts in the vicinity of one of these turds, he is charged with a crime.

    After the apparent beheading(that’s what is being reported in Europe) of 2 American soldiers TAKEN PRISONER ON THE BATTLEFIELD, why is there absolutely no outcry from Human Rights Watch, Code Pink, or any other of the “human rights watchdog” groups that spend most of their time condemming us? Where is the UN’s Human Rights Committee? Where is our own left? The hypocracy is stunning.

    Only one American soldier that has been known to be captured has survived(Jessica Lynch) since this war started. But WE are portrayed as the bad guys.

    I’ll bet an awful lot of money that no US soldier is taken prisoner from here on….and I bet it will become more difficult for the commanders in the field to FORCE their troops to take Islamofascist prisoners. I hope like hell that the unit commanders just learned a lesson in tactics…you don’t split your forces if one of the small units split off has a chance of being destroyed in detail.

    And when a video tape surfaces showing these soldier’s deaths, the left will gloat and the MSM and leftist politicians will wring their hands and urge us to withdraw from the “lost cause”. May they all rot in hell.

    Semper Fi

    Posted by MasterGuns    United States   06/20/2006  at  06:23 PM  

  8. There will be no outrage for American soldiers - as those you all have mentioned believe that America is the ‘evil’ one in every instance and that American soldiers are just dumb, poor and greedy mercenaries who are out to rape, maim and kill anyone who is not white - which kind of makes another one of the lefts stupid -Duh!?!- points: if the American military is made of up minorities who are poor, dumb and can’t get jobs, why are they so eager to kill anyone not white?!? Besides they are just soldiers, who cares if they get killed - probably deserved it.

    Notice all the screaming about Haditha (24 killed, 15 civilans)but where was the outrage for 17 sailors just on their ship while it was refueling who were killed? Bet old Clinton was so very happy that the idiots blew themselves up so he wouldn’t even have to fake the ‘this is a criminal matter’ garbage.

    Of course as most of the groups also mentioned are communist/socialist fronts maybe that is why how American soldiers are treated is of no concern for them.

    BTW, as of this date we have not found SGT Matt Maupin alive or dead - so he is still being listed as POW. . .where is the outrage that his parents have not had Red Cross contact, his body or his return?

    I still believe AP and possibly others media give money to or employ a terrorist to keep getting all the ‘tips’ and ‘news’ that they seem to be a head of all the others . . . talk about aiding and abetting the enemy. AP was investigated twice during 2003 for it and actually apologised for the one incident.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   06/20/2006  at  07:21 PM  

  9. Best words I’ve heard about this ... that it’s time for our boys to take the gloves off.

    Posted by Officer Pupp    United States   06/20/2006  at  08:47 PM  

  10. I was sincerely hoping and praying that our troops would be able to find these guys before the AQ (pig f**kers)could harm them!
    If “our” global, liberal jackasses would quit whining about human rights in our troop’s dealings with these backwards sand fleas, we might be able to sweep the sand clean of them!
    May it be harsh and swift for these animals!

    Posted by Melissa in Texas    United States   06/20/2006  at  10:39 PM  

  11. I have followed this gruesome incident with sorrow.  My heart goes out to the family and friends of the dead soldiers.

    Some things are apparent from this incident.

    1) We are dealing with the vilest of animals whose corrupt version of faith encourages them and blocks their humanity.  Our troops must be aware (and I’m sure that they are) that when dealing with AQ insurgents the slightest error on their part will have dire consequences. 

    2) The only thing the insurgents respect is death.  Let’s give it to them.  When the highest ranking Insurgent is afraid to even look at the lowliest American Private, the situation will be about right.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   06/21/2006  at  04:46 AM  

  12. It would be a crying shame if camp Gitmo were to have a flash fire today....who would save these poor pigs? wink

    Posted by Gizmo    United States   06/21/2006  at  06:51 AM  

  13. These cowards are just so pathetic and animalistic - they killed these fine young men when the 8,000 American soldiers surrounded the town and started going door to door. Rather than facing our soldiers, being shown to the world and going on vacation to Club Gitmo (and if the ACLU and ‘human’ rights whinners get their way - set free without even a trial) for a couple of years - these cowards chose to barbarically kill these fine young men and under cover of the dark of night dump their bodies and booby-trap their bodies and skulk away like that cowardly animals that they are. . . Our MSM is just such garbage - USA Today is going to get a note from me - page 8 - while on the front page is a ‘vital’ news piece on mental illness expert witnesses and the FBI crackdown on fake medal wearers. They should be f****** embarressed and apologise to the families.

    Now Durbin from ILL is saying that this atrocity is OUR fault for our failed policy in Iraq - discounting that in the past two weeks we killed the TOP TWO Al-gaida in Iraq and maybe, just maybe that might be the reason these cowards did this - in other words we are winning and this is retaliation for destroying their jihad effectively.

    After I write USA Today, I might go out and hack down the backyard weeds - vent some of this extreme anger at the pansy a** attitude of American press. Man if it was Al-Jazzera I could understand but American press. They should be a shame of themselves.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   06/21/2006  at  09:27 AM  

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