It’s So Easy, Even A Blogger Can Do It


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 01/16/2007 at 03:24 AM   
  1. <font size="1"><font face="arial black,avant garde">Well then there isHelen Thomas, M Allmostbright, and Shilery Clintoon </font></font>

    Posted by bat crusher    United States   01/16/2007  at  06:27 AM  

  2. This is just another ‘junk’ science study/finding ala homosexual animals to prove that man is nothing much more than an animal who descended from apes so anything goes - God did not create us, we just all crawled out of the ooze zillions of years ago. So brainiacs, where did the ooze come from? And sorry, I do hold that me and mine are just a tad better than, above, and more highly developed and uniquely created than apes.

    Goes to the essence of the msm today, if your basis for investigation/research/testing is a lie - doesn’t that make the results suspect? And if you ‘create’ the ‘methods’ for ‘proving’ your ‘research’ or ‘facts’ doesn’t that also make the results suspect? Especially on issues long out of existance.

    And yes, I can’t prove the Bible version of the creation of life - but since a lot of what is in the Bible, can, has and is certainly capable of happening (i.e. realistic), it does make creation a bit more believable to me.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   01/16/2007  at  10:56 AM  

  3. Wardmama4, could you tell me that 24hrs in G_d’s time couldn’t be billions of years in people time?  Einstein proved that time is relative to the observer and if G_d was moving at the speed of light or faster then time outside of G_d’s movement would go by at a much slower rate.  The Bible also talks about genetic manipulation (Adam having a rib removed so as to create Eve) and bioengineering.

    Posted by Kirk    United States   01/16/2007  at  07:28 PM  

  4. <font face="comic sans ms,sand” size="6" color="#ffcc99">The "Caveman" guy has always seemed a little gay to me...</font>

    Posted by Yellow Dog    United States   01/16/2007  at  08:26 PM  

  5. Yes, I agree Kirk - people lived to advanced ages - so time was immaterial and/or different and I believe that God put dino bones, et al on earth to ‘cause’ brainiacs to question. My God (unlike the current dnc and islamo facists) does not want mindless (surprise atheists) automatoms. He wants his believers to come to him, educated and understanding fully what being a God worshipper truly is and entails. That is why/where organized religions failed me and most seeking God. They twist, distort (surprise islam) and mangle the true God and true believing. And as I said in my post, if your basis is a lie - does not it really, truly make any ‘fact’ resulting from it suspect? And suspicion given what has happened in the recent years, make me worried about the way science, medicine, pharmacology, government and religion (organized) is going. It does not however, nor will it ever, change my belief in God.

    I also support others right not to believe, to go to any church that they want or not. That to me is, exactly what America is about.

    Not forcing anyone to hear, see, read, write or even speak what someone (who?why?and what makes ‘special you’ [the general you here and in the rest of this rant] right to chose?) has decided is ‘right’. The telephone has no constitutional right to be answered and I will die to defend that position and the position that anyone and everyone in America has the right to believe as they do. It does not mean however that their right, trumps, superscedes, is better than, righter than, more acceptable than my right. Nor is it your ‘right’ to say, do, read, write, or even speak your beliefs over mime, in every single place or situation nor on forced/required equal time as mine. Too damn bad, most Americans don’t want to hear, see, read, write or even speak your beliefs - that is what Freedom is about. It also means that you are not in the majority. Especially since you have to lie, cheat, and distort to even get into power, airwaves, print, tv, government and law - your beliefs. And what you also have to realize is that when enough of the majority get hurt, destroyed, impoverished, imprisoned, punished or disenfranchised by your lying, cheating and distortions or America suffers another attack as a result of your actions - you will no longer be in ‘power’ again . . .possibly ever.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   01/17/2007  at  12:22 PM  

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