It’s Because She’s A Stupid Snowbillie


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 03/01/2014 at 01:51 AM   
  1. Yeah, that sounds pretty much like an armed invasion.  I think we’ve seen this before.  Tanks, aircraft, armored cars, lots of troops; did they miss any important items?

    You know, I read an editorial today.  The writer was bemoaning how he’d lost his father to Fox News.  He said that before Fox News, his father had been conservative, but thoughtful and kind as well.

    Since Fox News, he said his father was angry and hateful.  That he was always griping about losing rights and jobs and standing in the world, things like that.

    The writer never really considered that in light of developing national and world events, his father had a right to be angry.

    Fox News be damned!  People here at BMEWS get their news from all over the planet and we’re all pretty pissed!  I think that comes from having a base in reality and some understanding of people and history.

    Why do Liberals have so much trouble seeing a reality that’s staring them in the face?  What’s in the Kool Aide they drink?  I don’t think you could smoke enough weed to lose reality that much.  I hear there’s some pretty strong stuff these days, but you still retain a basic idea of up and down.  Liberals don’t.

    It’s hard to believe, but we’re not only in a political, social and economic fight, we’re in a fight for the basic concept of reality.

    That’s my rant.  If it’s a little illogical here and there, well, that’s a rant.  Not perfect logic, but a good catharsis.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   03/01/2014  at  07:21 AM  

  2. Dr. Jeff -

    Why do Liberals have so much trouble seeing a reality that’s staring them in the face?

    They don’t - read their books (it’s one of the great things about the library - don’t have to pay for them, don’t have to keep them or get rid of them (which I do when I accidentally purchase one that isn’t what it claimed to be).

    They all truly believe in Communism, Socialism and eventually Tyranny - because the all believe - it’s never been done right before - and that they are the ONES who will do it RIGHT.

    I just hope that 51% of the American people wake up and go to the polls in November and get rid of as many of the crapweasels in Congress as possible.

    Saw a thing on FB - it’s time that the libertarians, conservatives and old time liberals join forces - We The People must unite against the DNC machine, the State run Media and their enablers the GOP.

    Not a single person - even among the GOP pundits and ‘faithful’ - will ever apologize for the horrible way Mrs. Palin was treated.

    Yet not a one of them will go after the corrupt, illegal and amoral person in the White House that is shredding the Constitution daily.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   03/01/2014  at  08:42 AM  

  3. Oh joy, another Line in the sand by Captain Jackass. I can hear Putin laughing as I write this.
    Truth be known, I think Puty boy will try the political sway gambit with Kiev before loading up on ammo.If that don’t hunt then maybe he gets messy but even though he holds all the cards I doubt he want to be the Worlds chief Pariah.
    Pass the Popcorn.
    peace  bomb  mickeymouse

    Posted by Rich K    United States   03/01/2014  at  03:50 PM  

  4. And if Palin was Prez, would Puty Poot be doing this crap? No, ‘cause Sarah would have settled with him long ago. You. Me. Pistoles. 20 meters. Last man standing. Pooty would be nice and quiet. But now we have the girly man, boy Obo, piss ant wuss stamping his little feet and mewing like my cats. What a putz. Hopefully the Republicans will put up someone we can all vote for, even if he or she is not 100.1% what we’d like. Someone with balls who will come out swinging, with all due propriety and grace, of course, and slice the dem’s front man/woman/trannie/unknown/whatever to shreds. In a kinder, gentler way, of course.

    Posted by Rickvid in Seattle    United States   03/01/2014  at  11:40 PM  

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