It Ain’t Worth It


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 01/13/2012 at 04:22 PM   
  1. Damn glad you said it. My first question was why didn’t they cut off their heads and piss down their throats. Motherfuckers think these men are playing some silly soldierboy games. WTF!!! This is a war and people are killing each other. Damn hard to respect the dead when you are surrounded by it and sometimes it is your best friend laying there bleeding to death.

    The Left has gone over the cliff and someday the rough men doing rough things will tire of defending the meek crybabys. I’M PISSED!!

    Posted by RFA    United States   01/13/2012  at  05:54 PM  

  2. The only thing deplorable is the asswad that posted the video.  The soldiers should know better to do anything stupid when they see someone with a camera.  Kinda like when a guy sees a camera at a bachelor party. Behave and tell the jerk with the camera to put it away. 

    The people that are supposedly outraged have to remember one thing.  To all the big wigz that are controlling this war, it is nothing more than a political stunt to them.  They don’t have to kill someone or risk getting killed and they end their day safe in their beds all warm and cozy.  The war is not a 24/7 kill or be killed part of their life.  The war for our politicians is nothing but a chess game to them.

    However, for our soldiers, the war is life and death.  It is their life that is on the line.  They don’t get to see their families and their warm bed is thousands of miles away.  Not only do they have to fight to keep from being killed, there is also the tragedy of them having to do the killing (THIS IS OF KEY IMPORTANCE).  These soldiers have to live with the fact that they are killing human beings (granted scumbag humans).  But that is the point. These soldiers have to think of the enemy as nothing less than a complete scumbag.  They have to disassociate the enemy as being a decent person.  They have to HATE the enemy, they have to believe that the people they are killing are worthless shitbags not worthy of the air they breathe.  It is perfectly normal for our soldiers to want to piss on the dead corpse of the scumbag they just destroyed.  They same scumbag that tried to kill them and would have gladly done so it given the chance.  They have to take our enemy and put them on the level of a piss bucket. 

    The simple fact is that if our soldiers had even an inkling of compassion for the enemy or thought these scumbags they were killing were worhty as living human beings, they would go insane.  No one, and I mean NO ONE, can kill a human being that has worth and is thought of as a decent person and not have it eat away at their soul.  These soldiers are asked to end lives.  The have to disassociate themselves from that of a normal regular person that can see good in all people.  Hate is a key element when someone is asked to kill another person. 

    A soldier will outward give the impression and attitude of “DIE FUCKER DIE” when talking about the enemy, but I guarantee you, that most of them at one time or another had to wonder if the people they were being ORDERED to kill were not maybe decent.  They can not afford to think like that for long.  They have to get rid of all compassion for the enemy if they will be asked to kill them. 

    Society that mourns for the poor terrorist that hase been killed and pissed on can afford to have compassion.  But for the soldier that did the killing, this can’t happen.  The soldier has to believe he killed a complete scumbag.  Our soldiers are trained to think this way on purpose.  A man is not a soldier and is certainly not a killing machine if he has compassion for the enemy.  If our soldiers had compassion for the enemy, then they may hesitate killing him.  This could cause a soldier to end up dead and maybe get other soldiers killed as well.  That is why our soldiers need to chant “KILL KILL KILL” and think of the enemy as less than shit.  They have to.  It is this thinking that keeps him alive and allows him to keep on killing and being able to sleep at night.  Being a killer is not something that can be turned off easily and especially not while the soldier is still over there and still fighting and killing.  This is why when a soldier comes home, he goes through special counseling and training to help rid him of the killer instincts instilled in him.  Even then, many guys that have seen war still have trouble accepting what they did and what they saw.  Think of our guys in WWI, WWII, Korea, and Vietnam.  They lost friends, they saw shit that no one should have to see and when they came home, some of them had trouble coping.  One of the coping mechanisms a soldier has that helps him accept the fact that he killed someone is the fact that he had to learn to hate and despise who he killed.  Anything less and the guilt will eat at him. 

    I am sure our boys in WWII thought about the German soldiers they killed and that maybe those soldiers were just like them.  They were someone’s beloved son and had a family that loved him.  That maybe they were just fighting for God and country, just like him.  That maybe if not for the war, they would have had a lot in common and maybe could have been friends.  (I’m quoting Shifty Powers of Band of Brothers, Easy Co.) Well, this is where the guilt comes from and could really fuck with a mans head after all the bodies have been buried and he is sent back home to try and live a normal life again.  This is why they are called trained killers.  The training is not just their actions, such as shooting skills or combat training, but training in how to think and hate your enemy so that you CAN kill him when the time comes.  Can anyone really kill someone that they believe is a decent person...probably not.  But if you are trained to think that the person that you are ordered (not asked...ordered) to kill are worthy of shit and is nothing but piss and bullet fodder, than maybe you can do your job as a soldier, sleep soundly at night, and do again tomorrow.  To train our soldiers to think anything differently would be cruel to say the least. 

    I think is silly to train a soldier to kill and give him the killer mentality and then punish him for acting on his training.  It’s like someone getting upset at their right hand for getting shit on it after using it to wipe their ass.  It doesn’t make sense.

    Incidents like this happen all the time, and not just this war, every war.  I bet that at one time, a few Roman soldiers pissed on the bodies of the Gauls they had just killed.  Who wants to bet that maybe the Roman soldiers that killed Jesus played puppet mouth after taking him down from the cross to bury him.  It’s what soldiers do.  It’s a coping mechanism.  By belittling these shitheads by pissing on them, it made it okay that they killed them.  Again, this has always gone on, only they didn’t have video cameras and the internet to get them in trouble. 

    Also, am I the only one that sees the stupidity in this.  We are perfectly A-OK with our boys filling these terrorist scumbags full of lead,, but put a drop of urine on them, and it’s horrible and someone’s head needs to roll.  Really?  I mean Really?  Don’t show our enemies any respect and blow their brains out and send them to hell.  But after you get done killing them, show them the respect they deserve and treat them humanely.  OMG.  It given the choice of killing me or pissing on me...guess which one I would rather have. 

    Also, as far as the muslim idiots over there getting pissed.  Before they say a damn word, remember our soldiers that were killed and hung up on poles and bridges and drug through the streets and beheaded, etc.  What they did to our soldiers makes being pissed on seem like a holiday.  Yet I have never heard a peep of outrage or demands that something be done about it from any of the chief mullahs over there.  But our boys whiz on some dead bad guys and they get their turbans wound up way too tight.  FY. 

    Hopefully, the military will put on the show that needs to be put on for the liberal hand wringing panzies and give these boys a slap on the hand and tell them to not do it again (and by again, I mean film it and put it on the internet).  Remember, war and bachelor parties have something in common.  No damn cameras.

    Posted by sdkar    United States   01/13/2012  at  08:30 PM  

  3. I don’t disagree with the emotional responses. Visceral reactions towards assholes who are trying to kill you - and who have likely killed and/or maimed your buddies - is noble and understandable.


    Our Marines (and all members of our armed forces) are supposed to be professionals. That means dispatching your enemies quickly and efficiently, without giving them or their potential supporters further motivation to continue the struggle against you.

    What they did is pretty mild compared to what our troops did in the WWII Pacific Theater, Korea, and Viet Nam. The sad thing is that someone was foolish enough to record and post it.

    Don’t get me wrong. I 100% understand and support why they did it. I would be honored to have the opportunity to piss on the bodies of our country’s enemies. But I’m no longer a member of our armed forces.

    What they did was wrong. Not for the reasons espoused by the liberals and talking heads, but because their actions will make things tougher for their fellow warriors.

    Posted by CenTexTim    United States   01/13/2012  at  11:32 PM  

  4. Drew,

    Your post hit the nail right on the head.

    CTT is correct when he says the pissin incident was mild compared to certain things that happened in past wars. I could cite dozens of cases, but that would be just rambling.

    The real difference is today what happens in the hills of Afghanistan happens on computers almost instantaneously. People react to something (especially the Liberal stooges) with passion when they realize that incident just took place.

    It’s like a car wreck. If you’ve ever been in one you probably lost it just after it happened. Especially, if you weren’t at fault and your brandy new Mustang GT was totalled. but a year later it’s just a flash memory.........Like my first wife!

    Posted by New Jersey Yankee    Ireland   01/14/2012  at  02:53 AM  

  5. The common tie between Hasan Akbar, Lynndie England & the others at Abu Graib, Nidal Hasan and these Marines is one thing and one thing only - A dysfunctional chain of command that ignored the warning signs that the above were less than ideal disciplined soldiers/Marines. And let it go until the worst happened.

    But for people who send children out as human shields or with bombs attached, who let their ‘religious’ leaders stone women to death, whose primary ‘export’ is poppies, who live in 3rd world conditions where the majority of women are not educated in the least and are forced to wear burkas - not to mention who kill, torture, behead and blow up - not only their enemies but also their own people who won’t go along with them to criticize this disgusting and dis-respecable event is like all things islam and liberal - the utmost example of hypocrisy. Ever.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   01/14/2012  at  09:02 AM  

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