Inspector General’s Report on Hillary Clinton: Uncooperative Liar.


Spread this post around. People have to understand.

Posted by Turtler    United States   on 07/01/2016 at 08:04 PM   
  1. As the old saying goes, “ignorance is not excuse”.  Whether she really didn’t know or was willfully blind, she is guilty and should be punished.  You are right, if you or I did ANYTHING like, we would be hauled into court, made to explain ourselves, and if our excuse was “I didn’t know” we would be behind bars.  Just think of a world where you can break any law, and if you didn’t know you were breaking it, they do nothing to you. 

    But officer, I didn’t know the speed limit had dropped to 30mph.  I thought it was still 55mph.  I believed I was complying with the speed limit.  Why are you still writing?

    The biggest issue is that the government has truly forgotten that they work for us.  That we are the boss.  And worst of all, the govt is NOT afraid of us anymore.  And can you imagine their arrogance and feelings of immunity if they ever succeed if doing away with the 2d Amendment. 

    Jefferson was correct in that Tree of Liberty, and it needing to be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.  The federal govt has overreached to way way beyond their limitations.  The states and local govt’s have been reduced to nothing, and We The People are the last thing of concern.  In fact, the govt more than likely feels that theirs jobs would be so much easier if not for us and that pesky Constitution and Bill of Rights.  They have forgotten that we are not the problem, but the very reason for their being.  And that is why there needs to be a reminder. 

    Bill and hiLIARy should have been in jail, and their reputations destroyed years ago.  But somehow, they are demigods to the liberal left.  They have gotten a pass on so much, that they feels quite confident in doing what they want, including openly colluding with Lynch in order to make hiLIARy’s trouble disappear.

    It saddens me to see out govt and our voting system, that is supposed to be the best and beyond reproach, of the entire world, to be no better than your typical tyrant run third world country. 

    Our hope is in Trump.  And if he fails, there are only two things that can happen.  We sink into a tyrannical communist hellhole, or another Revolution.  I want to see neither.  I hope that Trump is what he promises to be.  I hope he does not meet some unexplainable demise. I hope the left loses gracefully, and without destroying this country. 

    I hope a lot.

    Posted by sdkar    United States   07/02/2016  at  09:44 AM  

  2. I suspect and fully believe that after she is elected all these folks who have said Anything about her in a negative light will be heading for the exits of our fair country with the express intent of ending up out of it’s jurisdiction.
    Welcome to “America the Gulag” circa 1/21/2017.
    titanic  toilet_monster  crash

    Posted by Rich K    United States   07/02/2016  at  01:25 PM  

  3. Allow me to prefix my statement with: I Hate the Clintons, I hate the Liberal Democrat America destroyers and I’m only mildly less hating the Republican politicians.

    Having made that clear I hate being the purveyor of bad news


    Hillary’s not going to be indicted, she has a good chance of being elected president, Bill is going to keep banging young bimbos, Chelsea will be groomed for her turn at the bat and to add insult to injury The Clinton “crime family” Global Initiative Fund” will continue to generate millions to the Clinton’s personal wealth. This is all Okie-dokie with all the members of the Washington D.C. Beltway Political Club which the Clintons are members in-good-standing of.

    How can this be, you ask?

    85% of Americans are welfare dependent, instant gratification addicted, low intelligence (thank the education system that rather than teach the ABC’s, discipline and good moral behavior are merely programming tools for Liberal socialist destroy America agenda) and even lower morale ASSHOLES!

    Posted by New Jersey Yankee    Unknown   07/02/2016  at  02:05 PM  

  4. Look on the bright side. If hillary walks after committing a major felony, the rule of law will be gone.  Consider it like a mulligan in golf. Commit a crime then use a Clinton as the defense. 

    Got to go, today is the wedding anniversary and I have to hit the range real quick to check out the new M4forgery before the festivities start.  I have to pick up some tables and chairs and the place is about 1/2 a mile from the range. The wife probably won’t even know.

    Posted by StephanA    Unknown   07/03/2016  at  09:47 AM  

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