In The Inbox


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 03/06/2014 at 11:19 AM   
  1. These lawmakers need to have their jobs confiscated ASAP.

    Posted by grayjohn    United States   03/06/2014  at  08:26 PM  

  2. That is the most astute thing I have ever heard Drew say ( Your Welcome).
    Why would they possibly need to reaffirm a list they already have.
    Wow, the insanity of this situation is really beyond me.
    So how many cops will be fired or reprimanded over this?
    Or will the Pols do what Pols do and make the old exception carvout for the boys in blue.
    Im thinking the latter.
    shit  bomb

    Posted by Rich K    United States   03/06/2014  at  11:07 PM  

  3. I am now more convinced than ever that it’s about power and confiscation, not public safety.  My trust in the wisdom of our elected leaders has always been minimal, now, it’s pretty much zero.

    Keep an eye on how they solve this one.  Despite the Liberal successes of the the last six years, they’ve taken some bad hits and people are starting to realize the problems with the Liberal agenda.  That makes the Liberal political machine a wounded animal - dangerous.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   03/07/2014  at  06:43 AM  

  4. Oh come on - they are going to Obamaize the law - pick exactly who they want to intimidate and harass and ‘waiver’ or exempt those who among the ‘chosen’ ones.

    100% of the crap that liberals pass - cause all these problems and hurt the intended recipients and thus - we have a tax code from hell - with deductions, exemptions and credits to attempt to ‘fix’ - i.e. opt out of full taxes - the chosen ones.

    And the same is happening with Obamacare - waivers, subsidies and delays - instead of doing 4 simple things to actually fix the healthcare costs - 1) No illegals get any healthcare at all (as a military er doc told me over the phone once - go to Walmart and buy the damn medicine - I just wanted a diagnosis - as they pointedly tell me, often, I’m not a doctor), 2) cut Insurance back to major medical - stop pretending to pay for office visits and other petty crap that drives up costs, 3) Tort Reform - stop frivolous lawsuits, that were mostly brought about because the AMA/State Boards do NOTHING about terrible doctors/hospitals and 4) get the gov out of healthcare - you want to pay for someones care - do it like they do WIC - solid and firm (not ever changing/blurred) financial limits, a monthly mandatory class - and the vouchers are for very specific items - no ability to cash them out for money at all, ever.

    Of course that would mean that politicians would have to give a damn about the people they represent - and I’m not seeing it on the local level - much less the National level.

    Talk about shooting oneself in the foot - this is becoming too funny.

    Or perhaps they saw the rumblings from America to Stand With Connecticut Gun Owners - and their ‘line in the sand’ and ‘law of the land’ - are much like Obama’s - meaningless.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   03/07/2014  at  08:56 AM  

  5. Let’s also compare that list of those who make up the government of Connecticutt as well.  From the governor all the way down to the librarian and janitor.  I bet that there is a significant number of them who own an evil assault rifle and have not registered as well.

    I can see the police team assigned to go door to door. 

    Swat Leader:  “Okay, that makes 17 doors kicked in, 23 arrests, and 32 weapons seized in the name of child safety.  Who’s next on the list Kowalski?!”

    Ofc. Kowalski:  “Uhh, the next name on the list is name sir.”

    Swat Leader:  “Damn, okay after that?”

    Ofc. Jacobson:  “ sir, can we skip that one too?”

    Swat Leader:  “Damn damn damn"..."Anyone else here NOT on the damn list?”

    Ofc. Kowalski:  “Here’s a name on the list that is not a cop, we can go get him.  It’s a Pedro Segarra...sounds like a spic, you know how them spaniards are...they like a nasty fight, we’ll have to go in hard on this one”

    Swat Leader:  “Uhh...Kowalski, cross that name off too, we can’t go after that one.  Uhh, he doesn’t have a gun, yeah that’s it”

    Kowalski:  “But boss, why not.  You know we can’t have mexicans with guns in our town.  Even if he doesn’t have a gun, we can still find one in his home, (Wink Wink), if you know what I mean.”

    Swat Leader: (Hitting Kowalski with his police hat over and over) “Kowalski, you imbecile...that’s the mayor.  He gave me order to take his name off the list.  I thought I told Swanson to remove that name, damn him.”

    Swanson:  Boss, I tried to do like you said and all.  I started crossin off all dem names like you told me last night, but there wuz just too many of our own people on that list, and I got tired and all and fell asleep. Sorry boss.”

    Swat Leader:  “Damn” (Shrugs sholder, purses his lips in a funny manner, trumpet noise in background as picture fades to black) TRUMPET:  WAA WAA WAANT WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

    Posted by sdkar    United States   03/07/2014  at  09:53 AM  

  6. So if people made a citizens arrest on all of the officers 68% of the police force would be in jail? How many politicians would be on that list? And their bodyguards?

    We need to round up a posse and go after those criminals if only to show them the consequences of their actions.

    Posted by harleycowboy58    United States   03/07/2014  at  02:00 PM  

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