In Harm’s Way


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 09/19/2006 at 08:35 AM   
  1. Actually the Pope didn’t say it was a religion of the sword but merely quoted an ancient ruler who perceived Islam that way. It was all part of a speech whose overall point was to call for an end of violence. The Muzzies didn’t get it. What else is new?

    Posted by The Skipper    United States   09/19/2006  at  09:08 AM  

  2. What do you expect from the purest form of devil worship the world has ever known? There is no religion that at its core more exemplifies the nature of the devil than Islam. The Pope called them out, speaking about the fruit they have born for so many centuries and they revealed their true natures.

    Posted by CodeMonkeyMike    United States   09/19/2006  at  09:28 AM  

  3. We all should recall what happened when there was an “encounter” between a Mad Turk and a Pope, the last time around; John Paul II and Ali Agca.

    So, the 14th century Byzantine emperor said, 700 years ago, that Muslims were “evil and inhuman”. And the 21st century Muslims respond in a most “evil and inhuman” way. Go figure.... 

    Mooselimbs can dish it out generously, they just can’t take it…

    Happy Ramalamadingdong, y’all, have some nice tasty pig pork bar-b-q in celebration LOL

    Posted by Rat Patrol    United States   09/19/2006  at  09:38 AM  

  4. Used to be that the Vatican had a navy that fought the Muslims in the Med and patrolled to keep things safe. They rescued lots of European sailors who’d been kidnapped and forced into slavery. As I recall, one of the fleet’s greatest admirals was an American navy veteran.

    If the Pope is attacked, who will do anything about it? The Italians? The UN? It will be a horrible mess.

    Posted by Rickvid    United States   09/19/2006  at  09:44 AM  

  5. But theres the french Rickivid with their big powerfull tanks...................horrible mess.

    Posted by bulldog    United Kingdom   09/19/2006  at  10:28 AM  

  6. Once we turn off the money machine that these shit-throwing monkeys are living on top of, this entire Muslim rage BS will quickly quiet down.  I think its time we sent Big Oil (with Navy cover) into the Persian Gulf and have them slant drill all of the Saudi’s and Kuwati oil reserves.  Then we can GPS bomb Iran’s oil production (for our use later) The Egyptians, Syrians, Turks and all the rest can then fall into line OR ELSE! 

    If the UN or France or China bitches, fuck ‘em.  They know we can kick their asses.

    Posted by rudebadger    United States   09/19/2006  at  12:58 PM  

  7. Hmmmmmmmm, a German Pope who may be a bit Machiavelian (or just scholarly and dense)....
    I seem to recollect that several previous Popes have declared war on Islam.  At the rate the Moslems are pissing off people, it can’t be much longer before the world says enough and starts pushing back.  It’s sort of ironic that C.A.I.R. is blaming conservative talk radio for the anti Islamic sentiment that’s building up.  Don’t they ever consider what their fellow Moslems are doing and saying?  Don’t they realize how their own violence against innocents and violent rhetoric against the non Islamic world are inciting the rest of us to hate and fear them?

    I just can’t imagine any other group in the world, not Jews, Hindus, Christians, Buddhists, conservatives, even (almost)liberals acting with such violent rage over any preceived slight.

    How much longer will it be before the gloves come off?

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   09/19/2006  at  06:12 PM  

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