I need a bigger tarbrush


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 01/30/2012 at 02:26 PM   
  1. Absolute insanity. Can’t think of anything else to say. It isn’t surprising of course. You see similar on this side of the world as well.  It even goes so far as to suggest, as someone has done here, that even in fairy tales, dark haired girls like Cinderella’s step sisters in Disney movie are portrayed as evil while blondes are seen as pure and good.
    It’s the same sort of leftist self guilt and hate. The woman who wrote the column re. Cinderella was ranting about equality and women’s rights etc. Usual crap. Cindy being blonde was good, evil stepsisters were dark haired.Evil.  The left can find all sorts of subjects to apply their twisted logic to.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   01/30/2012  at  02:51 PM  

  2. Funny you should mention the Cinderella bit, as I’ve seen exactly the same thing, nearly word for word, in books by Terry Pratchett. The blue eyed blonde girl is genetically predisposed to marry the prince, even though what she really wants is to be the evil witch. And the brown haired girl is subject to a life of servitude as the village mid-wife, banned from princely romance by her hair color, and even cut out from adventure and heroine-ship by not being a ginge or a brunette.

    At least Star Wars was equal opportunity evil; Vader wore black while the Storm Troopers wore white.

    I wrote DTC a letter. WTH, if it’s Ok for their mayor to generalize like this, and since representative democracy is a two way street, then his statements/actions must therefore reflect that company’s beliefs. So I see no need to further their ambitions with my cash.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   01/30/2012  at  03:22 PM  

  3. Wow!  So Duluth has so much money in their coffers they can afford all these billboards?

    And can this asshole mayor provide proof that “racism” is a problem there?  I guess whites must be pulling blacks out of cars and beating them up left and right.

    Oh, wait!  That’s Philadelphia. And blacks are pulling whites out of cars.  But surely THAT’S not racism, is it?  Or a hate crime.  Just a bunch o deserving honkeys who need to get their asses kicked.

    Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler    United States   01/30/2012  at  03:43 PM  

  4. I’m wondering how long it took the reporter to find 3 blacks together to interview. Come on folks, it’s NORTHERN MINNESOTA. Ain’t no damn black folks way the heck up there in that godawful frozen place.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   01/30/2012  at  06:57 PM  

  5. It’s even harder to see racism when there isn’t any.

    Posted by grayjohn    United States   01/30/2012  at  08:01 PM  

  6. GrayJohn, that’s exactly the point. The only racism here is White = Racist, always and forever. Which is such a pile of poo.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   01/31/2012  at  06:15 AM  

  7. After taking one look at the mayor you’d thing he’d be more interested in promoting an “Anti-homophobic” campaign.

    Having said that I wonder what percent the total Duluth population “African-Americans” are?..............betcha it’s close to 50%............

    Ergo, pandering to the majority race = VOTES!

    Nice job mayor Twinkie!

    Posted by New Jersey Yankee    Ireland   01/31/2012  at  08:23 AM  

  8. Bet this comes down from on high from the Great Unifier - The Won. Until we get back to all government forms in English, until no forms what-so-ever ask for race and until all identify themselves as Americans without a damn hyphen (and probably 90% of those ‘African’-Americans could tell you where in Africa their ancestors came from at all. Ever. Stupid people who always want to put their personal, individual failures unto the backs of others. What a bunch of pathetic and hateful people. And they dare call me racist.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   01/31/2012  at  09:24 AM  

  9. NJY - the statistics are easy to find. Duluth is 90.5% white folks, 2.5% blacks, about 2% hispanic, 2.5% mixed race, and the rest is Native American. Population is 86,265, so that means there are 2157 blacks living there.

    Wardmama - as usual, you are 100% on the money. Getting beyond skin color means ignoring it forevermore. No more statistics, no more tracking it, no more boxes to check on any forms anywhere. And FWIW, Roots was a made up fairy tale:

    What’s truly amazing, however, is that “Roots” is receiving a reverential tribute at all. For while the miniseries was a remarkable - and important - piece of television,
    the book on which it was based has now been widely exposed as a historical

    Unfortunately, the general public is largely unaware of how Haley’s monumental family autobiography, stretching back to 18th-century Africa, has been discredited.

    Indeed, a 1997 BBC documentary expose of Haley’s work has been banned by U.S. television networks - especially PBS, which would normally welcome such a program.

    Coincidentally, the “Roots” anniversary comes amid the growing scandal over disclosures of historian Stephen Ambrose’s multiple incidents of plagiarism. Because as Haley himself was forced to acknowledge, a large section of his book -
    including the plot, main character and scores of whole passages - was
    lifted from “The African,” a 1967 novel by white author Hal Courlander.

    The judge who presided over Haley’s plagiarism case admitted that “I did not want to destroy him” and so allowed him to settle quietly - even though, he acknowledged, Haley had repeatedly perjured himself in court.

    The Pulitzer Prize board has refused to reconsider Haley’s prize, awarded in 1977 - in what former Columbia President William McGill, then a board member, has acknowledged was an example of “inverse racism” by a bunch of white liberals
    “embarrassed by our makeup.”

    read the rest:

    So yes, you are most likely right. There was a lot of BS “tribal discovery” shortly after that film came out. For the most part, slaves could not read nor write, and quite often they could barely communicate with each other ... at least the ones fresh off the boats, because they came from different tribes ... which were always at war with each other, so you’d figure that they didn’t always get along over here either. By the time the 2nd and 3rd generations mastered a common language, the tales of Africa (often strongly repressed by Massa and later on by a sense of shame I think) would be long lost. The detailed oral history is pretty much nonsense.

    It would take genetic testing and analysis to figure out what particular tribe any American black actually came from. That may be possible; a lot of gene work has been done on the tribes over there. But such effort would also show their various white, hispanic, indian, and oriental ancestors as well, which makes up a significant part of every black American. 20-50% possibly.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   01/31/2012  at  11:09 PM  

  10. First in my post it should read

    (and probably 90% of those ‘African’-Americans could NOT tell you where in Africa their ancestors came from at all).

    [Man, I’ve got to preview before I hit send]. And the other part of their ‘ethnic’ problem is that marriage has been limited in their general population for so long now - that there are very few documents to help trace them backward to slave times when the documentation would actually be very good.

    I did not know that Haley’s epic Roots was made up - leave it to liberals to cover-up the truth. Especially when it is about bashing white people over the head with a centuries old, at the time (and historically and still) accepted practice. Notice how those self-same people are so damn silent on the slavery that goes on today in this world - mostly practiced by the sex industry and muslims?

    Well, I guess I will toss the 4 Roots vhs tapes I have in the garbage.

    And your last part on DNA - like most blacks would ever, ever want to submit to ‘The Man’ and freely give DNA - to 1) have the gov have that, 2) to be used by the states to ‘collect’/prove paternity and 3) to find out that 99.9% of them have white blood in them. Oh the horror. Funny that they don’t realize (much like entitlements are a new age form of slavery) - that the very party/candidates they cling to - will (if not stopped) enact a form of Federal ID program in the very near future.

    Ignorance is the most expensive failure in America.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   02/01/2012  at  08:50 AM  

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