I found them!


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 05/20/2014 at 04:08 PM   
  1. This astounds me - as my son is on SSI (since he was 15) and for the past 3 years - SSA has harassed him and basically forced us to plunder his funds (it is an ever changing ‘reason’ - none of which I have read in their vaulted ‘rules’) - as he gets too much money. The latest was that he was getting funds from VA. They have taken @$58 each month since Nov. Despite the fact I sent his bank statements showing no VA deposit and a letter from VA that the money isn’t being deposited in his account - SSA has NOT refunded the money that they continue to take.

    He will never grow his leg or fingers back - not to mention that he can not work at any job outside and in a work environment over 70 degrees (he can’t sweat and has grafted skin, sun burns are a real no no) - so in essence he will probably never be able to find a job that will pay the benefits he needs.

    Meanwhile formerly able-bodied ‘workers’ are shirking on disability - and sucking up an ever decreasing tax dollar base. Sad that they just won’t demand some real ‘focused’ (laser like) action from DC.

    It is the ONLY reason I am glad that we’ve been unemployed during this Administration - we aren’t paying tax dollars to fund this insanity.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   05/21/2014  at  08:20 AM  

  2. Gone Galt by accident eh Wardmama?
    Mine is by choice,over 30 years now.


    Posted by Rich K    United States   05/21/2014  at  11:40 AM  

  3. Believe me Rich - if we could just unsaddle ourselves from these idiotic school ‘loans’ - we’d be totally Galt. This crappola has gone on in the Federal Gov for decades - it is just that (I believe) the Internet has allowed all the insider bs, amendments for earmarks, pork, subsidies and other ‘friends of’ payoffs, kickbacks and bribes to be more ‘transparent’. And of course our current Administration is on overdrive of corruption, un-Constitutional ‘laws of the land’ and lies.

    I just wish that we weren’t stuck in this union hell hole - we’d be in better financial straits. I have to drive 20 mins south into another state (chosen over 35 mins north, out of our county) to get the windshield replaced in our old Buick - because the ‘shop’ less than 10 minutes from our house (not to mention NONE of the others in the city) don’t do it - they just do mobile fills. How crappy and liberal control freak (not to mention probably the EPA) is that?

    I came back to be a good daughter in my Moms last years - and we are still paying for that decision - and can’t seem to find a job to get us the heck out of Dodge.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   05/22/2014  at  10:34 AM  

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