i don’t think i’d be very happy in school in these times. wasn’t thrilled in my time either tho


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 02/02/2015 at 08:30 AM   
  1. It is all about control - silence the people, dumb them down and then control what they say, what they do and how they do it.

    I just can not believe that more people don’t see the danger that these scams are doing to civilized culture.

    The homosexual activists distorted gay to give their activism and abomination a more pleasant and pop culture/cult of personality acceptable label. And since the left/media are only about agenda driven ‘beliefs’ - it is the new meaning of a word that simply meant cheerfulness - now has as it’s number one meaning (even online at Merriam-Webster, gasp even Oxford online dictionary) same sex attraction.

    Cowards and slaves are simply what the sheeple are becoming - and it’s going to get millions killed.

    The World went through this in early 1900s and now it appears we are going to go through it again.

    Stupid, stupid people - God must weep at the evil let loose upon this earth by greedy, sick, depraved and corrupt people whose only desires are money and power.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   02/02/2015  at  09:53 AM  

  2. I think there is something built into the human psyche that equates “abnormality” with homosexuality, at least at the slang term level, that fires off in children’s minds about the same time as they hit puberty.

    When I was 11-12, everything and everyone was a “fag”. Fag this, fag that, bunch of fags, faggoty so and so. And we absolutely meant homosexual, not “a bundle of sticks or a cigarette”. HOWEVER we mainly used the term because it was emphatic; it was about the strongest swearing we knew how to do.

    Some years later we’d acquire the word “fuck”, and for some of us that ... universality of the word ... was the end of their vocabulary development. Because “Fuck! That fuckin fucker fucking fucked me!”; you can get by with a 50 word lexicon.

    My meandering point being that just because we were using an anti-homo pejorative term constantly, did not necessarily mean that we were actually anti-homosexual in our outlooks. Actually, honest to goodness homosexuality was pretty much outside our purview, whether we were accepting of its inevitable normality or not. For the most part we simply weren’t aware it existed. PLEASE, I am not kidding; in those days people really did think Liberace was just a stage act. Nobody thought further about it. 

    I quit Scouts about this time, because it was so gay. Not that there was any homosexual behavior at all, or any kind of pedophilia going on - there wasn’t. No, Scouts changed, they went over to swish berets, they dumbed down merit badges and came up with these klutzy clanky belt bling skill awards you’d thread around your waist like charms on a wrist bracelet. Ok, our troop was also going through a leadership vacuum, and I couldn’t get any help or sign offs with merit badges, and the committee wasn’t going to accept the signatures of leaders from the big Lutheran troop on the other side of town. red face but it was fag-o-rama to me, so I left them.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   02/03/2015  at  12:33 AM  

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