How a bat can drive you to despair.


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 08/06/2009 at 08:20 AM   
  1. And they WONDER why people go postal. We should be able to hold these agencies civilly liable for yhis kind of crap. Even if it is BatCrap!

    Posted by RFA    United States   08/06/2009  at  03:29 PM  

  2. I live on wooded, waterfront property.  Can’t cut trees because they - supposedly - stop erosion.  Canopy so thick nothing will grow under the trees, so… Erosion.

    Neighbor was forced to plant 40-some trees when they wanted to sell.  New owner pulled them all out and basically clear-cut his yard.  I tried to tell him he was going to get in trouble - not being nosy, trying to save him a big hassle - he said “they gave me a permit!”

    I couldn’t understand - how in the hell could he clear-cut when I can’t even cut ANY?

    Then I saw he worked for the sheriff’s dept.

    Soon as I can raise the cash, I’m doing what I want with my property, and they can lock me up if they don’t like it.

    I am THROUGH playing these stupid games.  “Endangered Species?”



    Posted by Dedicated_dad    United States   08/06/2009  at  08:29 PM  

  3. Ah yes - let me go one better. The moron (and I say this with the utmost disrespect) who purchased this land I live on (from my grandfather no less) cleared the land badly (you can walk around anywhere and see the stumps/root system left behind - makes mowing/gardens a real pain. Then the Arbor Day Group (whatever) came along and planted these nice trees about 2 feet too close to the front of the houses. Fast forward these 40 years later and guess what’s happen? These itty bitty little trees that Arbor Day planted - are destroying the underground water/sewer pipes - $3000. for us, $7000 next door, $3500 next door to them, $4000 across the street and two doors down from them - when the remnants of Hurricane Ike went through - their wonderful tree - just fell over - crashing through the edge of the garage (mostly gutter - lucky them) and leaving a big gaping hole in their front lawn.

    And (yes, I’m not finished yet) behind us is a Nature Preserve. They have come through and cleared a bit - but in that same storm and then the ice storm that winter - a lot of trees have come down and those - well they haven’t bothered this year and good luck to get them to come clear the stuff hanging over or (in our case) on your back fences - we are in the process with a neighbor of getting someone to get our most annoying hanger-over out - I just keep hoping it will stop raining two days in a row.

    I love nature - but come-on - even the in the Bible God gives us permission to exert dominion over it - not the reverse.


    Posted by wardmama4    United States   08/07/2009  at  05:58 AM  

  4. If you combined the total cranial content of all the eco/animal rights dorks, you would end up with about a teaspoon full of batshit.  They need to become the next endangered species.

    Posted by grayjohn    United States   08/07/2009  at  06:31 AM  

  5. Dedicated Dad: 

    > Neighbor was forced to plant 40-some trees when they wanted to sell.

    O_o Who forced him to plant the trees, and why?  If I want to sell my property, the offer is:  This is my land, here’s a description with full disclosure.  No, I won’t make alterations to it for you before I sell it.  You want alterations, you do it after you buy it.  The price is the price, pay it and shake hands, or get off my land.

    And I’m with you on doing your own thing. 

    “You weren’t allowed to cut that tree down!”

    ‘I didn’t.  Must have been some disaffected youth that trespassed on my property and vandalized it while I was away at work.  Shame what our society is coming to.  Why don’t you send a police constable over to take a report… I’ll expect him say… the 12th of never, right?’

    As for endangered species in the barn:  Well, the lesson here is much as John offers:  Fumigate, dispose of any animal or bird bodies in a deep hole, and keep quiet about it.  Then powerwash the walls and floor to remove any traces of unwanted animal or bird habitation (droppings, feathers, etc...)

    On any building permit applications, call it a storage building, a garage, ANYTHING but a barn if that’s going to send the inspectors around.

    Posted by Argentium G. Tiger    Canada   08/07/2009  at  06:50 AM  

  6. Er… Not John, Dedicated Dad.  (Sorry you two, I obviously need to get more coffee into me this morning before posting.)

    Posted by Argentium G. Tiger    Canada   08/07/2009  at  06:52 AM  

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