Here We Go Again


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 03/21/2011 at 10:20 PM   
  1. Ever been in a slaughterhouse? The boys assigned to the kill room are rotated often so they hopefully dont develope a psychosis from the act of killing.
    Unfortunatly That option does not seem to have been avaliable here and it is sad.
    In a perfect world,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    Posted by Rich K    United States   03/22/2011  at  01:39 AM  

  2. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    Posted by Rich K    United States   03/22/2011  at  03:49 AM  

    I need skillz.

    Posted by Rich K    United States   03/22/2011  at  03:51 AM  

  4. I thought (after FNC issued a graphic warning) that these were going to be horrid pictures - NOT. Looked staged and what shot through my mind was the men hung from the bridge at Fallujah - now that was horrific. Ever notice when it is something that the msm, liberals et al want to depict as evil done by the ‘baby killer’ US Armed Forces - it is ‘graphic’ and needs a warning, but when it is an American soldier carrying the wounded baby in his arms to safety - it is overlooked and dismissed? And we won’t even go into how the death and destruction and horror that these radical terrorists who happen to be islamic have purpetrated upon thousands of people - even fellow muslims.

    These are the Afghan - Abu Grahib photos - staged, stupid young out-of-control (or simply no meaningful chain of command)soldiers committing a stupid and criminal act - which also what was involved in the rape/murder in Mahmudiyah(Iraq, 2006) are more about missing the warning signs and not acting than anything else. Those of us who spent decades in the Military have to ask - where is the chain of command - why did no one notice the acts that these people had to have committed before crossing the line? Now we see in regard to the FT Hood shooting that no less than 9 superior Officers failed to act on ‘questionable’ behavior/actions. Could this also be the case in all these ‘horrid’ events - too? These are more about a few (what are we talking about here 12 - 15) criminals in an organization that has 2 million members - American culture much less the World should be so lucky.

    Wow, when the GWOT collapses and our Troops are brought home to being spit upon and the US Armed Forces are cut to shred - and the World explodes - what will happen then will make this bs look like a Sunday picnic.

    I hate the media.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   03/22/2011  at  08:23 AM  

  5. Check the Army Times

    for a story on this which is a bit better on the facts part of it. Still have to ask WHERE IS THE CHAIN OF COMMAND???? 3rd Platoon 2 Battalion 1st Inf Regiment - out of Ft Lewis WA. There you go - some ID of a single PLATOON.

    My son just got back from the ‘Stan - as a Major telling about a IED and the young soldier (PVT) that was killed in the incident - Still makes me wonder - where was the, PLT SGT, the LT and CPT in this mess?

    Supposed lush fields of marijuana? Like NO ONE expected sh*t to happen when you leave a 30 man platoon out there?

    Never forget this is 12 men - the SSG came up with the ‘idea’ (well there is one member of the chain of command) and it was all PVTs and SPC - that now face article 32 hearings. BTW, just for facts sake - those 3 civilians are the only civilians killed.

    Facts people - I would for one just want the msm to try to throw a fact or two into the the mess.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   03/22/2011  at  09:05 AM  

  6. Oh I hate the media as well. And I hate that “somehow” the German media got it’s hands on thousands and thousands of digital photographs taken by US soldiers that are now being used as evidence in a US trial. How the heck did that happen? Wikileaks?

    My first thought also was to the chain of command, or at least to it’s absence. WTH??

    Ace also covers this story and wonders if the repercussions won’t go “straight to the top” as the media INSISTED that they do over the Abu Graib fiasco. He also found a news link from September 2010 that says that all this happened in the early months of 2010, which shows that it went down under Obama’s watch.

    The details are highly perturbing:

    The dozen soldiers have been charged with a total of 76 crimes, including the murders of three Afghan civilans, and the beating of at least one of their fellow soldiers. Six have been accused of taking body parts from Afghan corpses as “trophies,” including a skull and fingers. Other charges include assault, drug abuse, stealing mortars for personal use, and attempting to impede the investigation.

    The investigation was launched after a soldier from the 5th Stryker Brigade informed his superiors that some of the accused were smoking marijuana. The informant was allegedly attacked and threatened with death as a result. Staff Sgt Gibbs reportedly showed the fingers collected from Afghan corpses to the whistle-blower to stop him talking.

    So I guess my bitter sarcasm about a collection of ears wasn’t sarcastic really at all. Oh, but one of the accused says he’s not guilty because he was taking allergy medicine at the time.


    And Rich, I’m not sure that I see your point. You link to a Donny Darko video, an odd little pocket film about a young man seen by most people as mentally ill, who is lead on minor criminal adventures by an evil rabbit he dreams about that makes him believe the end of the world is at hand. In the end his dream state attains magical power and he is able to bend time to avoid a catastrophe for others. And he kills the rabbit. Or maybe he just died in his sleep. The ending was a bit confusing to me. So you’re saying what exactly with that? That these 12 are only circumstantially crazy, and that sacrificing their leaders (killing the rabbit) will make it all go away?

    Posted by Drew458    United States   03/22/2011  at  09:32 AM  

  7. Wardmama’s link is required reading on this story to get a more reasoned perspective. As is the official charge list linked to at Ace’s blog.

    And just to make the old tar brush even wider, the main accused solder, this guy appropriately named Morlock, hails from the tiny little town of Wasilla Alaska.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   03/22/2011  at  09:52 AM  

  8. I was about to say wardmama has the right view. What she said.

    Wasilla, huh? Don’t even ask what I’m thinking, but it for damn sure isn’t as regards positive relations with Sarah. It does have to do with being set up to look as if it might.

    Posted by cmblake6    United States   03/22/2011  at  10:10 AM  

  9. Im bent Drew and I think in weird ways.I was just waxing the whole Mad World thing.

    Posted by Rich K    United States   03/22/2011  at  07:10 PM  

  10. Frak ‘em all! They SHOULD show the Mohammedan corpses! Of course, each corpse is already being disemboweled with 72 Virgin DEMONS with anvil-shaped genitalia!

    Posted by Macker    United States   03/23/2011  at  05:50 AM  

  11. Drew brought up an interesting point on this which I think that a couple of other sources are now touching upon - Just how did Der Spiegel get those pictures? I think it was one of the defendants attorneys who asked (or maybe a Judge) - since the first 5 people have already been charged, adjudicated and confined how did they get these pictures? Thus the pictures (the next Article 32 starts TODAY) are and have been for a while sealed as EVIDENCE.

    Umm and as Drew pointed out - under Abu Grahib - wasn’t it the Dead Kennedy who claimed that the ‘torture chamber’ was open under ‘new management’ and the Left insisted, nay demanded that this went ‘all the way to the top’ - and of course just added to their War Criminal charges? Where is their out cry on this?

    I guess the Left assumes since these are all dope smokers that they are Ds and thus given a pass as they were misunderstood, misspoke and/or had bad childhoods. Or some such nonsense - and I can’t wait to hear their justification for The Big O not being a war criminal here.

    Wait for it. . . wait for it. . .ah, yes the dead silence tells the bias louder than any words ever could.

    btw - talking about horrific - just gird your loins and take a tour of a Shriners Burn hospital (there are 4 - Galveston, Cincinnati, Boston and Sacramento) to see what horror really is (be sure to ask to see the ICU, if you can stomach it - but even a brief snack at the cafeteria will stop you cold) - and on that note, I could post a picture here (my son one month into his burn treatment) that would make you puke and have nightmares. These vapid losers in the media don’t have a clue - or maybe take a tour of TIRR (where Rep Giffords is right now) and see teenagers confined to wheelchairs for the rest of their lives and mothers clinging to the fact that their son just moved his fingers so maybe, just maybe he won’t be on the 3rd floor until he dies.

    Cry me a river on horror - been there and done that - this was a crime and the criminals are being adjudicated - Talk about innocents - I could run a long list of people who suffered a lot more horror on the streets of TN, TX or any other damn state here in America - who weren’t living in a valley lush with marijuana - in a war zone.

    I hate the media - a whole lot.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   03/23/2011  at  07:08 AM  

  12. On the other hand, perhaps this is what we need much more of. And not confined, but medalled. GASP! WHAT?!?!

    If the enemy thinks we’ve finally had enough of their crap to go stone cold free fire, perhaps they’ll think twice about screwing with us any more.

    Posted by cmblake6    United States   03/23/2011  at  09:44 AM  

  13. I’m kinda with cmblake6.

    Note the contortions we (West, USA) go through when our guys kill a few ‘civilians’.

    (BTW, is there any proof they were ‘civilians’? I believe Al Queda is nothing but ‘civilians’. They are not a uniformed national military. But I digress.)

    We investigate and prosecute our own. Over a few ‘innocent civilians’. 19 Muslim civilians slaughter almost 3000 Americans on 9/11. Have the Muslims done any investigations for possible wrong doing? Have Muslims investigate the ‘shoe bomber’? The Fort Hood assassin? Or any of the numerous other instances of Islamic terrorism that the Obama regime tries categorize as ‘law enforcement’ issues?

    NO. Muslims celebrate terrorism.

    Sadly, we prosecute it.

    Islam is the aggressor. They set the rules of engagement.

    I think cmblake6 is onto something.

    Posted by Christopher    United States   03/24/2011  at  07:32 PM  

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