Health Care


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler    United States   on 01/13/2005 at 07:01 AM   
  1. Sorry Vilmar you Shmuck, Walter is BambooSOLD
    1.  Montel Williams MS medication is $1,500 a month. How much did it cost in 1960?  Well, there was no medication.  SO - from “0” to $1,500 a month is what kind of increase?

    2.  The cost of health insurance is going up double digit annually. The cost of RX is a huge driver in this inflation. Many insurance companies today cover RX this way:  $10 Co-Pay for Generic drugs and $25 Co-Pay PLUS 50% Co-Insurance for Brand name RX.  SO - Montel’s MS drug is brand name SO - $25 + $750 a month = $775/month for 1 prescription with insurance. Now in 1960 if insurance covered RX it was just added into all other “Covered Charges” exactly like the HSA today.

    Point of #2 - You better have RX coverage if your daughter get’s cancer because the cost of RX alone will knock your socks off.

    The better way to discuss Canadian (Fur Trappers) health care is to look at this Point Of View (POV).  The Canadians have huge problems in their Socialized Health Insurance Program called MEDICARE. Not only have they cut their Doctors down to the small number of being rediculous but they have done the same with nursesAND I MIGHT ADD - they have cut out waiste like janitors out of their hospitals. Patient’s family members clean the rooms. And don’t bother calling for a nurse in the middle of the night because NOBODY is HOME.

    Canadians (Fur Trappers) with money come across the border into Detroit for open heart surgery because in Canada they would have to wait until they are dead. The ultimate form of rationing.  Who would do spinal surgery in Canada?  Sure go ahead and wait and finally get into a none clean surgical setting and get infections and let your spinal fluid drain out of your wife’s back all night long because no one will come when she pushes that DAMN BUTTON.

    These costs in America will continue to go up because we are going to have incredible health care in the near future.  Soon doctors will inject nano-subs into our veins piloted by computer geeks sitting in Iowa City shooting tiny lazer beams into individual cancer cellsShoot they don’t even do that on Star Trek.  But always remember “Bones” was a simple “country doctor” because he kept saying that.

    We need citizens globally saving like beavers in their Tax Free HSAs SO American medical personel can fleese them for every dime they have without ever leaving their Iowa City or Colorado Springs Hospitals.

    That’s my vision of the future anyway.  America is and will be the medical leaders of the planet much like our military.

    President Bush said, “Become EMPOWERED with a Tax-Free Health Savings Account (HSA).”

    Governor Jeb Bush said, “Floridians will be WISE with their HSA balances.”

    Senator (X) Phil Gramm (R-TX) said, [/b]"Liberals shy away from the HSA like V-A-M-P-I-R-E-S to the Cross.”

    What did Walter E. Williams say about Republican health care reform, “NOTHIN’” cool cheese

    Posted by Z Woof    United States   01/13/2005  at  08:48 AM  

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