Posted by Drew458    United Kingdom   on 04/30/2008 at 03:37 PM   
  1. Growing corn for ethanol is one of the stupidist things ever. And the Turd World is already rioting over the price increases it has caused. This year the US is importing wheat for the first time ever. But any acreage loses due to ethanol would be in the last 3-4 years. You can feed a person for a year with the amount of wheat or rice it takes to make enough ethanol to fill up the SUV tank once. Once!

    Diesel fuel is way over $4.25 per gallon (and that’s the tiny US gallon, not the generous Imperial gallon). We truck everything everywhere, because we are spread out everywhere and you can only have so many train tracks.

    The skyrocketing cost of oil is behind most of this. Gasoline prices have doubled since 2004, and they were up a full third then compared to 2001 when W took office. So yeah, Blame Bush ... because in the post-Clinton illegally hyped stock market bubble collapse and the Sorbane-Oxley clean up effort that came out of it, oil was not taken off the commodities market. Fully half the price increase in oil since then has been based on speculation.

    Damnation, oil should be fixed price, just like gold used to be. No, that isn’t free market, but the world is going to spin itself into bankruptcy and the arabs will wind up with all the money. WRONG. Offer them $12/barrel and a promise to not get nuked. Today.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   04/30/2008  at  04:57 PM  

  2. Go get em Drew, I want my money back too from the screwin they’ve been givin us for the last few years....Sons of a camal piss MF’ers.

    Posted by lateforwork2    United States   04/30/2008  at  07:59 PM  

  3. Authorize drilling in ANWAR and off the US coast, and watch the price drop.

    Posted by GrumpyOldFart    United States   05/02/2008  at  06:20 AM  

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